
The Omniverse Conquerer

First time writing a novel so please be easy on me. I know my English is not good but bare with me as i will improve. I may not update regularly due to my lazy nature and school affecting my imagination. So enjoy the limited updates i give. Synopsis: A man travels around the Omniverse trying to find entertainment and enjoyment. But not before getting strong enough to achieve that. Starting from the "Bottom" to the top. To Conquer the Omniverse and live a life free of struggle. Worlds: 1st World: Highschool DXD | Current World 2nd World: To Be Decided Additional Info: Wish Fulfilment Type The MC is neither good nor evil, he is both. He has limits and toleration. If some people go beyond the limits he set, he will not tolerate it. If you find the MC not tolerable then go on with your life.

LunisVonArchean · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Grayfia and Serafall

{Last Chapter Recap}

{After seeing the huge amount of "Experience Points" Lucien didn't waste anytime and started a massacre. Using every magic he had while changing weapons once in awhile. Due to his killings, he was starting to get noticed by the two women.}


While Lucien was still at it, bashing devils left and right, he noticed that the fight in the sky stopped.

'What happened?' Lucien thought while unconsciously still killing devils.

At that exact moment in time, He felt two presences suddenly appearing behind him.

Turning around, Lucien saw two women wearing maid outfits, one had black hair with a small hat and one had white/silver hair.

Before Lucien could begin speaking, he was interrupted by one of the women.

"Who are you?" Grayfia asked with a look of suspicion.

Hearing the question, Lucien didn't know what to say, he didn't prepare his introduction yet...

"My name is Lucien... Lucien Morningstar" Lucien said while smirking.

'I mean it's fitting... I'm a Nephalem so it's perfectly allowed for me to use the Morningstar name' Lucien thought while giving a thumbs up to his brain.

{Updating Status Screen...}

{Name: Lucien Morningstar}

{Attribute Tier: Lower High-Class Devil}

{Age: 18}

{Level: 30}

{Race: Nephalem 100%, Celestial Human 100%}

{HP: 2,400,000/2,400,000}

{MP: 4,356,789/4,400,000}

{Strength: 240,000}

{Constitution: 240,000}

{Agility: 240,000}

{Intelligence: 440,000}

{SP: 1,234,567 {I will now be adding SP (Shop Points) to the Status Screen}

{Note: How to gain SP:

Low-Class: 1,000-9,999

Mid-Class: 10,00-99,999

High-Class: 100,000-999,999

Ultimate-Class: 1,000,000-9,999,999

Pinnacle-Class: 10,000,000-99,999,999

God: 100,000,000+}

{Note: After realizing how expensive the items in the shop are, i am adjusting them. Please read Chapter 3 (Getting Stronger... Already (P.1)}

{Skills: Nephalem Transformation (Max), Observation (Max), Light Magic Affinity (Max), Dark Magic Affinity (Max), Elemental Magic Affinity (Max), Magic Weapon Creation (Max), Weapon Mastery (Max)}

While Lucien was looking at his [Status Screen], he was interrupted by Grayfia.

"Lucien... Morningstar?" Grayfia asked.

'There is no record of a devil named Lucien in the whole Underworld... at least among the 72 Pillars... plus morningstar... their isn't a morningstar family name in the entire history of the Underworld' Grayfia thought while frowning.

Since Grayfia was part of the Lucifage household, she has access to the birth records of every devil in the Underworld... at least from the 72 Pillars.

So it was unusual how that there was another family name that suddenly popped up.

"From what i know, their isn't a Morningstar family in the Underworld" Serafall said with a confused and questioning look.

Right now, Both of them are madly confused.

But what Lucien said afterwards caused the two of them to lose their bearings...

"I just created it" Lucien said while smirking.

"What!?" Both of them were startled from what they heard.

Generally, creating a new House was pretty easy since you could just... create it?, but it was pretty unusual for the Underworld since for almost all of the History of the Devils, their were only 72 Pillars/Houses.

It was not weird for a random devil to create a new house, but first, he needed to have enough strength, members, influence, and recognition from other Devil Houses.

It would make sense if Lucien was from an Extinct House of Devils but instead he was from a new house... he just created.

"Is it not allowed?" Lucien asked while tilting his head with of course, a smirk.

When Lucien did that small action, both the women suddenly felt a strange feeling in their body.

'Now that i see him close up... he looks... pretty handsome' Grayfia thought with a slight blush on her face, although not noticable.

On the other hand, Serafall was thinking of something similar.

'No-no he's just a little bit handsome... yes-yes...' Serafall thought but her face betrayed her thoughts.

Serafall face was currently turning into a Red Tomato.

Seeing what was happening to Serafall, Lucien was left confused. He wasn't dense or anything, he was just confused.

"What's happening to you?" Lucien asked with a bit of worry. (Lucien isn't completely unemotional, he only shows emotions when it is not related to killing)

"N-nothing" Serafall said while waving her hands.

'What is happening to you?! I thought you were one of the strongest devils?! How can you be attracted to him?!' Serafall was currently having an existential crisis.

Seeing that Serafall was currently having what seems like an existential crisis, Lucien ignored her for now and turned towards Grayfia.

"I think it's your turn to introduce yourself miss" Lucien said while smiling.

"R-right... Ahem my name is Grayfia Lucifage and this one beside me is Serafall Sitri" Grayfia said while turning back into her professional mode.

She was still a bit distracted when Lucien said that, but she recovered and turned back to her original intention.

"So... why did you ask for my name?" Lucien asked.

"We just wanted to know who you are and what are your intentions" Grayfia said while looking intently at Lucien.

Grayfia then momentarily turned to Serafall who was still in a existential crisis before looking back at Lucien.

"You don't have to worry, I'm not on anyone's side" Lucien said.

Hearing what Lucien said, Grayfia was sceptical.

What Lucien was saying isn't lining up with what he is doing, which was currently killing devils on the Satans Faction only.

"You said you're not on anyone's side... then why are you only targeting devils from our Faction?" Grayfia said while getting ready if Lucien was about to strike.

Seeing this, Lucien was not worried as he still has his trump cards [Nephalem Transformation] and all his magic.

"Well I'm only helping them to fasten the process... plus free exp" Lucien said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Exp? What is that?" Grayfia asked with a confused expression.

"It's nothing, don't worry" Lucien replied.

Hearing what Lucien said, Grayfia was sure that the so called "Exp" was something important.

But seeing that Lucien won't explain anything, Grayfia ignored it for a moment and instead continued the previous topic.

"Fasten the process?" Grayfia asked.

Hearing what Grayfia said, Lucien smirked before saying.

"Yes... the Satan Faction is going to be destroyed anyway, why not fasten it" Lucien said while smirking.

Normally, someone hearing what Lucien said about their Faction they would refute it or even fight.

But Grayfia can't refute it, she already knew that the Satan Faction was bound to lose. As for why she even fought for the Satan Faction, it was one reason only, her family.

As part of the Six Houses of Lucifer, the Lucifage linage was loyal to the House of Lucifer which in turn means that the Lucifage Household are fighting for the Satans.

Speaking of which, the army of the Lucifage was participating in the current battle, which was why Grayfia temporarily stopped her battle with Serafall.

"You can continue... but please avoid killing any members of my family Lucifage" Grayfia said with a threatening gaze.

Grayfia didn't know why she was requesting something like that in the first place when she could just kill Lucien right now.

But her senses was telling her to not attack Lucien or else she would die, and Grayfia trusted her senses more than herself.

"Don't worry... i was already doing that" Lucien said.

Hearing what Lucien said surprised Grayfia, but when she looked at the battlefield, members of the Lucifage linage was not killed by Lucien when they attacked him. Instead, he only pushed them far-away.

'Why did he do that in the first place?' Grayfia asked herself while mildly blushing.

Looking at Grayfia, Lucien was captivated.

'Cute' Lucien thought while smiling.

Suddenly, their thinkings were interrupted by an attack targeting Lucien....


Hi there, Thanks for reading.

Also on Nov 6 we're going back to school so... i maybe cannot upload daily but i wll try.

Special thanks to those who gifted power stones:

Yagwick (2)

reasen (1)

Tony_v2 (3)

Aozu (1)

GGloserzz_69 (Nice) (3)

Keldziko (1)

Appreciate you gifts everyone.

Also leave a review on the story hehe... let's get my novel to the top hehe.

Anyways, Have a nice day everyone.