
The Omniverse Adventure

This is a major wish fullfilment story with a OP MC and some cringe so if its not your thing pls dont read! What happens when a extreamly unlucky person gets killed in the funniest way possible and gets to transmigrate as a OP MC! Lets find Out!!! (REWORK)

P0R0tastic · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 13: Small Council of Idiots

AN: comments on description about characters are in the pov of the MC)


. "You really want to die don't you? trying to have the sigil of my house killed in front of me? Just try, it will be the last words you will ever utter, you worm! Robert control your wife, she steps out of line again and won't hold myself back again!" He understood i was serious and confined Cersei as wel to the whealhouse for the rest of the trip. After this whole exausting day everyone went back to their camps while i remained fishing hoping to relax. The next day we were on the road again to kingslanding.

As we arrived upon kingslanding i could feel the emotions of the city and couldn't help but frown; greed, lust, hostility, jelousy, rage, dispair, hunger and surprisingly hope from some despite this darkness infested cesspoel. Robert had took off to gods know where and as we were crossing the gate's of the red keep, Ned and Me were approached by a steward of the small council, who has a arrogant and complacent look about him despite facing the hand of the king and said "Welcome lord Stark, maester Pycel has called a meeting of the small council and your presence has been requested." Ned turned to the septa and said "Get the girls settled in, i will be back for supper." She noded and i said "Leona, Fiora, Go with them, my orders still stand, kill anyone trying anything against them, Zhuge buy the three largest estates next to the hands estate and get it up and running as our embassies as Robert agreed, Guan Yu, Gimli, legolas, you guys come with me, and You!" I said pointing to the septa. "Besides getting my nieces settled you are to do nothing else, lessons and training will be provided by Leona and Fiora, UNDERSTOOD!" I said sternly and she noded scared. Ned gave the Septa a nod to follow my orders and turned to the man with a look that said lead the way, while i stood next to him, this ant had the nerve to say another stupid sentance "Perhaps you would like to change into something more apropriate?" I just raised my brow while Ned looked at him with the trademark serious Ned look that was still waiting for a patent by the way haha and the man quickly changed his tune and lead the way.

As we made our way across the red keep while having light conversation about his live and my backstory we had arrived at the throne room where we came across the one and only biggest simp in the seven kingdoms the kingslayer Jaime Lannister who was seated on the steps of the iron throne and he looked surprised i was there but ignored me at first and proceded to have his dick mesuring contest with Ned and i have to say seeing it live is better than on tv but i grew tired of wasting time and said with a grin."Right, so are you both done mesuring who has the biggest dick or do i have to pull out mine cause i asure you mine is bigger than yours." At this Gimli and legolas burst out laughing. Jaime actualy laughed as wel and said "Another time perhaps, lord hand, king Jarvan." he left soon after that.

Seeing Jaime make a quick retreat out of the throne room, I clasped Ned's shoulder and pointed my head as to say lets go and he gave a quick nod and we proceded to enter the small coucils chamber were we found several of its members, namely Renly Baratheon, Maester Pycelle, Petyr Baelish and lord Varys, the only one's missing were Robert, Stannis and Ser Barristan who was guarding Robert as he was probably hunting or whoring around kingslanding. Lord Varys was the first to approach us and spoke with his qiet and broken voice that you would only find in a cockless eunuch. "Lord Stark, We were sorry to hear about the troubles on the road to the capitol, we are all praying for prince Joffrey's speedy recovery." His statemen actually caused Ned's right eye to start twiching in anger as he remembered the little honorless shit of a prince attacked his daughter and even lied about it when he lost and was caught red handed. But he choose to bite down what he wished to respond about what he reallt thought about Joffrey and just noded and proceded on to his chair where the rest fo the intoductions proceded to happen like the TV show, a arrogant maester that pretends to be stupid reminicing about old times and handing Ned the broach that was the simbol of the hand of the king, to a friendly greeting with Renly a childhood friend to a clear insult involving his wife from the maester of coin, that Ned actually took in strydes as he thought the same so Petry Baelish wasn't wrong. I on the other hand totally disagree, despite catelynn's beauty i think the woman is one vile bitch.

Ned tried to introduce me "Lords allow me to intro.." but i cut him off "No need for introductions Ned its quite clear that they are already aware who i am and i am not one for formalities when not needed." unsurprising Petyr Baelish smirked and asked "How do you figure that?" I gave him a cold side glance that removed his smirk as from my look he could tell i knew how he got his information. "Actually it is quite easy to figue out how most noblemen in westetos spy on people, infact its quite predictable, YOU for exmaple lord Baelish use two things to get your information, the women in your brothels and the city watch you bribe; And you." little finger was shocked at my statement but grew even more shocked at my following one as i pointed to grand maester Pycelle and continued. "Your order may act like maesters that serve the lords and ladies of the castles of several houses of westeros and you do to some extent but your order spies and collects information to share amongst eachother and the citadel to see where you all can get advantages and quit acting like a stuttering fool in front of me, you may have others fooled with your acting of a stuttering wise man but i am not one of them as you would have never become a grand maester otherwise." Pycelle started to temble in fear at my statement that i knew how the citadel worked while the others in the room grew doubtful of my claims except Ned, understandable as they grew up being taken care of by maesters and i am a unknown person to them, but planting doubts is better than leaving them ignorant. I then looked at Varys who despite the feeling of him being nervous that i could feel kept himself from showing any such traits and said "You on the otherhand Varys have the single most effective spy network outside of my own, you use children who in effect could get anywhere without anyone batting an eye to get information, i mean who would suspect a child, but your network goes much farther than that as children grow up you use them as merchants, traders, bards and so on to spread you network even further its quite impressive but still primitive." This time Varys couldn't help but raise his eyebrows or lack there off in surprise at my statement. "So i know for a fact you all know who i am and where i am from so let's forget the formalities shall we?" They noded in responce and we proceded with the meeting. 

As we sat down we started discussing several key point in the trade alliance i made with Robert wich was essentially the same i made with the old lion of the rock. 

1st. Sparta and Kingslanding would trade several commodities, ranging from food both fresh and preserved to alcohol and medicine, but no weapons would be traded.

2de. Again because our ships were faster and larger and could carry more, traders connected to the crown buit not house Lannister and they have a seperate trade alliance with Sparta would be allowed to participate and use our Naval Trade Carravans especially those to other parts of the world namely Essos, Yi Ti, the Summer isles, shadow lands, Sothoryos, Ulthos, Ibben, Skaggos and the Thousand Islands, in return 45 percent of all sales of their merchants would be paid to sparta as tax for the use of our Naval Trade Carravan and protection of our soldiers.

3de. No spies from both parties are allowed to be send to sparta and or Kingslanding, caught in doing so will result in fines to either party and loss of rights to trade. 

I forgot to ad a clause in here that would also include the spies i had that were already all over westeros in this rule, or did i, wink wink. but they didn't need to know that.

4th. Both parties are not allowed to cause interferance in events and interests involving the other party unless said event involves a member of the family of both parties.

5th. All three embassies and its staff of 1 ambassetor each with 20 house servants and 500 guards established in kingslanding from Sparta, the dwarvan Kingdoms and the Elven lands are to be cossidered forein land and not subjected to the laws of Westeros. Concurrent with this agreement no person, king, noble lord, soldiers or guards from westeros are allowed to enter these embassies unless permitted by the ambassator's and guards from these embassies are not allowed to attack anyone unless under self defence when outside of said embassies or in defence of the embassy and the ambassator. 

6th. Any unprovoked attack from both parties will be considered an act of war.

Finishing up the final details on this trade alliance that Ned proceded to stamp with the royal seal representing the crown we proceded to discuss the final event of this meeting.

presented by Renly with a scroll that Ned proceded to read. "My brother instructs us to stage a tournament in honor of the alliance with Sparta and the appointment of Lord Stark as hand of the king." Stated Renly with Baelish proceding to ask "How much?" "50000 gold dragons to the champion, 25000 to the runner up, 20000 to the winning archer." Stated Ned To with followed that famous scene of the small council duscissing how the crown was 6 million in debt to Ned growing frustrated at the situation. Gimli proving every bit thye dwarven trademaster and craftsmen quickly did the math with the population of westeros being over 40 million even after the war while taking into account with a third being children, he quickly asked. "Strange, what is the tax rate and when do you collected tax?"

Lord Baelish answered "tax is that each common family pays 1 stags for every adult in the family and 5 coppers for each child every month and noble families pay 5 times that and along with each trader and merchant pay 20% of their monthly income from their businesses as tax to the crown." It took less than a minute for Gimli to do the math and give Baelish a questionable look, so he started to explain "Strange, from my calculations from just the famillial tax of families it's impossible for the crown to be in debt." "What do you mean?" Asked Ned "Wel after the war the population of the seven kingdoms is arround 40 million people, calculating that with the tax on a family noble or commoner alike that consists of 2 adults and 2 children give or take a few more, it would be 3 silver it would be around a little over million gold dragons every month, and thats not taking into account if the family was a noble family or not and that is not including the tax from businesses, so how exacly the crown is 6 million gold dragons in debt is beyond me." At his explenation they all knew something did not add up, but Ned broke the silence and said "I will talk to Robert, now about the tournement, its an extravegance we can'..." But i patted his shoulder and said "Don't worry about that Ned, i will pay for this tournament." "Are you sure?" He asked. "Please, the amount is of little consequence to me now let's go see how my nieces are doing." Soon after we had arranged everything for the tournement and disbanded the small council with Ned and i leaving first but i told Ned to leave first as i wanted to speak with the lords for a moment he noded and left, while i closed the door and left a single statement empowered with half a percent of my haki and killing intent before leaving.

"Let me give you all a piece of advice, Lie, cheat, scheme, betray and kill anyone you like but keep my family and its allies out of them, should any harm or accident befall any of them then i am going to be forced to blame some of the people in this room, and death will be the least of your worries for the a far worse fates than death, understood!" I stated as the shook on their knees from the pressure and i left after with Gimli and Legolas back to the tower of the hand.

To be continued