
The Omniverse Adventure

This is a major wish fullfilment story with a OP MC and some cringe so if its not your thing pls dont read! What happens when a extreamly unlucky person gets killed in the funniest way possible and gets to transmigrate as a OP MC! Lets find Out!!! (REWORK)

P0R0tastic · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Changing Fates part 2

AN: comments on description about characters are in the pov of the MC)

Next day in the early morning Brandon Stark was once again climning the walls and towers of winterfell and again he was really skilled at it and as he got to the top just like in the books and tv show both Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister were fornication like two hogs truly a disgusting sight and soon after they caught Brandon and the events proceded like the cannon where Brandon Slammed into the ground.

Meanwhile in Essos at the wedding of of Khall Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen one could see dothraki have what could be considered wild customs as among the Dothraki, weddings occur beneath the open sky. The ceremony might last the entire day, during which the guest's feast, drink, dance, and fight. The Dothraki mate like the animals in their heat. There is no privacy in the khalasar. During the wedding feast, women dance to drums, while warriors may take them before the watching khalasar freely. If two men take the same woman, they may fight to the death over her and as khall Drogo was a grand Khall you could see this happed several times now much to Daenerys shock and Viserys amuzement.

During the feast, each dish is offered first to the newlywed pair; all food they refuse is offered to the rest of the participants at the wedding feast. Towards the end of the ceremony, the bride is presented with her bride gifts. As is tradition, a khaleesi is presented with an arakh, a bow, and a whip from her husband's bloodriders, although she is to decline the gifts and give them to her husband instead. I had prepared a couple of gifts for them that i had send in advanced with a summoned two one of a kind warrior generals with a mission to protect the young couple and beat the ever living shit out of a mad lizard should he get out of line.

As the gifts were being presented they could see two large imposing men, both in a orietal armor one with a large deadly looking halbert and another with a just as deadly longspear approaching them on two fire red warhorses pulling another impressive a black stalling unlike any of the dothraki had ever seen as greed filled their eyes for the stallions but even the dothraki respect strength and these men screamed strength and death, they could sence it. As the men came to a halt infront of the main wedding feast, the powerfull looking men decended from their horses with a powerful steps and approached Khall Drogo and his new khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen with a two items and the smaller of the two stabbed his longspear in the ground and approached the khall without fear as his bloodriders were ready to jump in and tear the unknown man to pieces, but the man did not attack and simply leaned in and wispered a couple of phrases in Drogo's ears, the man grew a bit surprised but seeing no hostility in the man's eyes he understood what the man said was the truth and as such he laughed out loud and nodded, the man backed away and this time he presented aloud the Black Stallion to khall Drogo in dothraki "Khall Drogo, a gift from the king of sparta, a decendant of the mearas, a lord amongst horses, named Firefoot. May it serve you well, Khall Drogo." Drogo smiled with glee and actually spoke surprising even his blood riders "ahahah, excelent! my brother is truly generous to a fault ever sinds he had saved me as children many years ago he always looked out for me." He said walking up to Firefoot who was a bit standoffish to Drogo's approach surprising him. He turned to the unknown men with a questioning gaze, the smaller man simply said that his lord said he told him to tell him "To ride the king of all horses, you needed to prove your worth little brother, are you up for the challenge?" Drogo smirked and pointed to Firefoot shouting "I accept you challenge!" to that Firefoot just snorted.

The unknown taller man smirked at Firefoot and Drogo's standoff while the smaller man walked up Daenerys Targaryen, the new khaleesi and bowed his head lightly and spoke in the common tongue. "Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen, I am Zhao Yun and this large man is Lu Bu, we are generals serving under the sworn elder brother of khall Drogo, we have been ordered by him to guard you and his brother from any enemies who would harm his brother, you or any of your future children, be they your enemies from westeros or essos. As a con gratulation of you coming into the family my lord has precented you with two gifts." Lu Bu walked up to Zhao Yun and he opened the first box. In it was a beautiful armor set, Zhao Yun explained "The Dragon riders armor, indestrutible and engraved with three runes, a featherweight rune so you don't feel the weight, a enviourment rune and a resize rune so you can wear it in confort." And Daenerys couldn't help but admire the beauty of it. and Zhao Yun presented the second gift by opening the box and in it were ten beautifull christal vials of phoenix tears. "Tears of the phoenix, from a land even farther than Yi Ti, capable of curing anything, should anything ever happen that we are unable to stop, you can use it to heal yourself, your husband or child." And everyone who spoke the common tongue was shocked even Drogo because he knew about them from when i used them on him during my backstory travels.

Viserys was growing jealous of everything his sister got and got up almost yelling. "I am Viserys Targaryen, your rightful king, how dare you not bow in respect and you should swear your fielty and present those gifts to me not my sister." Lu Bu gave Viserys a disdainfull look and said sternly scaring Viserys and surprising even the loud Dothraki."Our King? You? Get your head out of your ass, you weak maggot!" Zhao Yun raized his hand stopping Lu Bu from taking further action."Viserys Targaryen you are wrong on several points, first we are not from the seven kingdoms of Westeros, so you have no claim to be our king, two we respect warriors and strength, that you are not and three these gifts are for the bride of my kings sworn brother also know as the bride, so not you so please do not embarrasse yourself. NOW SIT DOWN!!!" He said seriously. Scarring the hell out of Viserys who quickly sat back down. Zhao Yun turned to Daenerys and said "Khaleesi please enjoy your gifts, we shall start our duties to guard, guide and train you in anything you ask, if you would have us ofcourse." Daenerys was surprised at his statement and was excited to learn from them especialy about their kingdom and their king her new brother-in-law so she said "Ofcourse Lord Zhao Yun, i would love to have you both by my side." Zhao Yun noded but not Lu Bu he walked up to her who was suddenly scared as Lu Bu looked at her sternly and said "Daenerys Targaryen, my king may have ordered me to protect you and your family and i wil do as he comands but if you want me to train you, then you wil have to prove to me that you have a spine, can you do it?" Daenerys was scared but answered "Y...Yes." Lu Bu wasn't convinced and said sternly "Louder!" "Yes!!!!" Daenerys practically yelled causing even Drogo to smile impressed at his new wife's conviction. Lu Bu was satisfied for now and said "Good! we will start in a week." and so the wedding proceded the same way as the tv show with the exception being Drogo was kind and gentle with Daenerys like the books instead of the brutality done by the Drogo in the tv show.

Back in Winterfel, the few hours after his fall there was both panick and worry from the Stark family as a few guards went looking for Brandon Stark as he did not show up to break his fast witheveryone and found him unconsious on the ground with both his legs and back shattered. The panic in bothe Catelyn and Eddard's faces was obvious as they grew with worry ande were utterly devestated to learn that Brandon would recover but be a criple for the rest of his life. The rest of the events proceded like normal, Tyrion slapped the ever living shite out of Joffrey for his disrespectul attitude and lack of decorum to Jaime and Cersei scheming when they learned from their brother that Brandon would most likely survive to the several parties each getting ready to depart for kings landing. But ofcourse there were some things i changed, let me tell you i immidiately set out to change them.

As i knew this would happen, there was no way i would let fate rob Brandon of his skills so as soon as one of my men reported this i acted the part. As the boy was being looked after by maester Luwin while his parents watched after receiving the terrible news of Brandons fate, I summoned a vial of phoenix tears and set off for the lord's chambers with Fiora in tow as my escort and openned the door surprising them, Eddard looked at me in surprise but Catelyn was so worried she didn't even pay attention to me. "Cousin what are you doing here?" asked Eddard blocking me from entering. I walked up to him and smacked him on the head like uncle from jakie chan's adventures causing hyim to grab his head in pain and gaining the attention of the rest. "You idiot! why did you not have a guard inform me directly at once Ned, did you really think that as a member of my family even if we are estranged, that i would allow fate to rob him of his legs, not a chance! Now move!" I said in a serious tone and walked up to Brandon and maester Luwin who stood between me and teh boy and looked at me wondering what i would do, but even if maester Luwin was a good maester i did not care and grabbed him by the collar and picked him up and set him to the side like he was air, shocking him and said "Fiora, hand it over!" and she handed me the Vial i summoned and i dumped the contents gently down Brandons throat forcing him to drink it, and soon enough his body started to glow, healing in the process at a visible rate and also mind started to heal unfortunately his memory loss could not be fixed as even somethings couldn't be fixed. Catelyn snapped out of her stupper and started yelling at me and was about to call the guards but was cut off when Brandon wore up and sat up as if nothing happened. "What was that? what did you do to him? Guar....Br...Brandon!!!" And quickly threw herself at her son and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug while crying. Eddard and maester Luwin were shocked and Eddard thanked me profusely."Thank you Jarvan, thank you." But i smcked his forehead again saying "Idiot, there is no need for thanks amongst family, not when it comes to this, so stop that." Maester Luwin was examening Brandon while the poor boy was confused at what was happening, he thought he was just waking up as normal as he had no memories of what happened. Soon enough his xamenation was complete and the maester couldn't hel but yell out in amazement gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "Amazing! Truly Wonderous!! What was in tha vial? Not only did It complete heal the young lord of his current injuries, but also old ones. Only the young lords memories of what happened havent returned." al of them looked and me and i explained. "Tha was a vial of phoenix tears, phoenixes are immortal magical creatures whose tears have the ability to cure any physical injuries. Unfortunately it cannot heal the mind as it is not a physical injury but a mental one, so finding out what happened wil be dificult." Both parents and maester Luwin were once again shocked, let alone the amazing veritaserum but now some concoction that can practically bring people back from deaths door? Just how many wonders does Sparta have they wondered.

After a couple of hours taking time for themselves with their son we soon found ourselves departing as i was accompanying them south to visit Kingslanding and the tarveling went smoothly for the most part with the exception of Robert always wanting to stop for a while to either Hunt, practice with his new warhammer or fuck any tavern wench or woman he could find. Especially when we came upon the Ruby fort and its town, named Darry. It was here that several events happened in the main story that i refuce to let come to the same conclussion. So as the royal carravan and Stark carravan were setting but camp at an embarassingly slow pace i might add, I had ordered all two thousand of my men to start their daily training and chores after they had set up our camp. That they did as they finnished setting up in a quarter of an hour and as they finished, they started their training and tasks such as food preperation and patrols i turned to Zhuge and asked him to take command while i went to Eddard with Fiora and Leona in toe, After finding him supervising his men as they set up camp, i asked him for a minute of his time. "Ned do you have a moment?" He noded and asked me what i needed. "What is it cousin? " I looked at him in a serious way and said "I have a bad feeling about this place, and as you know we Starks dont do well in the south, so if you don't mind i want Fiora and Leona to watch over my nieces." Fiora and Leona grew surprised at my statement but did not complain seeying my serious expresion and neither did Eddard as he understood and agreed. "I understand what you mean cousin but aren't they your bodyguards?" He asked. I looked at him with a stupified look even Fiora and Leona did as i was stronger than both of them combined a thousand times over so i just said. "I can take care of myself wel enough Ned, But the Girls are just children." And i turned to them and ordered "Fiora i want you to look after Arya, you can train her if you like, right Ned?" Ned was surprised but noded, Fiora wanted to protest but i cut her off smirking and causing a big old tsundere like her to blush at my statement. "B..But!" "What? you think i didn't know that you see Arya like your younger self? Just teach her everything you want." And then i turned to Leona who was laughing at Fiora's reaction and said "Leona i want you to stay and protect Sansa and show her that women are more than just babymaking machine's, teach her to think for herself and how to defend herself, she is from the north so she should know how." She kneeled and noded saying "Yes my lord." I turned to Eddard and he nodded and asked for one of his me to bring his daughters and informed them, Sansa acted like normal and accepted the service from Leona but Arya was over the moon getting Fiora as a guard and teacher and immidiately wanted to take her around town and introduce her to her new friend Mycah the royal butchers son who she had met during the travels.

"Are you sure aboy this cousin?" asked Eddard. "Yes Ned, just because Robert is king and the Lannisters are married to him, you cant asume they wouldn't plot against you. I learned that the hard way Ned." I said and he looked at me surprised. "What?" "Asumptions are the mother of all fuckups. At least now they are a bit more protected as no one in the Lannister forces can compete with them not even Gregor Clegain." "Are they that skilled" asked Eddard surprised. "Let's put it this way Ned, Barristan Selmy would be beaten by Fiora the same way a grown man can beat a shild if he tried tried to fight her" "Surely your jesting cousin, right?" Eddard asked me shocked and i just gave him a confirming smirk.

The next day I was fishing at the river where it was all going down, i was actually having a relaxing time when soon Arya and Mycah made their way to the riverbank and were practicing under mine and Fiora's watchful gaze, Fiora came over to me and greated me. "My Lord!" I noded and asked "So how is she as a student?" Fiora smiled looking at the practice spar between the kids and said "She is hyperactive, stuborn, cocky and arrogant! but she does have amazing potential, and you were right my lord, she does remind me of myself." I smiled at her statement but looked to the right of us and found Sansa and Joffery approaching Aryas and Mycah while Leona came towards me and Fiora but surprisingly, not really as they did not notice us due to a notice me not charm and the events proceded as the tv show, Joffrey being a obnoxious little cunt thinking he looks cool to Arya confronting him where he tried to kill her but she managed to beat the ever living shit out of him and her wolf Nymeria made him shit himself by bitting him and Sansa panicking due to being scared and that was when i stepped in sternly. "ENOUGH!!! STOP THIS FOOLISH BEHAVIOUR AT ONCE!!!" I yelled sternly causing all of them to grow scared even Nymeria. "All six of you get in line here right now!" I was saying sternly but Joffery took off running only for me grab him by the back of the neck and lifting him up. " AND JUST WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!!!" I yelled at him. "UNHAND ME YO..." He flailed in my grasp homping to get free but stoped as soon as he saw the look on my face. I carried him to where Sansa, Arya, Mycah, Lady and Nymeria were and as i placed him down on his knees and said to them all "ON YOUR KNEES? ALL OF YOU, AND YOU WIL STAY THERE TILL YOUR PARENTS ARE ALL PRESENT." "B..But.." Joffrey started to complain but i cut him off "SILENCE!" "Fiora get me their parents at once." She saluted me and left, soon after Eddard, Robert along with their guards and a very scared and enraged Cersei Lannister arrived at the riverbank.

Joffrey saw his parents arriving and tried to take off running to his mother while crying out "Mommy!" but before he could even take five steps in her direction I once again picked his ass up by the neck and said sternly "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING? GET BACK IN LINE!!!" this time and threw him back in the lineup of the kids and he grunted when making contact with the ground, but that resulted in cersei banshee screaming. "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SON! GUARDS!! GUARDS? KILL THIS SAVAGE! NOW!!!" And twelve of the lannister men along with the kingsguard Mandon Moore actually came running at me to kill me before Robert or Eddard could interfere, too bad for her they would all die but not by my hand because as they came Fiora and Leona wanted to defend me but stopped as they felt an overwhelming presence approaching and soon everyone heard a powerful voice that shook the very ground. "Those that attack my lord, DIE!!!" And as the voice fell the man who was closest to me and mid swing to take my head stopped suddenly in the view of everyone present behind me as he was split in two from his brain to his balls faster than anyone could see. After two seconds of everyone wondering why he stoped his remains split each falling in a different direction and Guan Yu was standing where the man fell causing everyone to be shocked but Guan Yu reacted fast and stepped to the closest five men and grabbed the closest who was still in shock by the face crushing his skull as he grabbed on getting a painful but muffled sound of someone choking on his own blood while measuring the distance to the other four and with a single swing of his green dragon and four heads flew to the sky due to the bodies blood pressure. evryone from old to young was shocked at this but Guan Yu did not care and threw the man in his hand at Mandon Moore as he was the first of the remaining men to react and rush at him, the result as the impact happened was him being send flying and as Mandon Moore came to a halt and recovered, regaining his sights of Guan Yu he found that the remaing Lannister men were all split in two from the waist as Guan Yu killed them all with a single horizontal swing that launched a cutting airwave that killed anything it touched. Panic and fear set in his mind and body as he was sure he couldn't beat the man before him, but soon he regained his confidence as Jaime Lannister once called him the most dangerous man in the Kingsgaurds, so he rushed Guan yu and started to attack in a flurry of moves but to Guan Yu he was a toddler trowing a fit as he parried every single one. Meanwhile i grew tired of this so i just said "Guan Yu." and in an instant Mandon Moore was split in four with two fast diagonal swings. After a minute of silent shock the banshee started screaming again "How dare y.." but a shout from Robert stopped her. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH WOMAN! LOOK AT WHAT YOU CAUSES WITH YOUR NONSENCE, NOW BE QUITE!" But she relented the only way Cersei Lannister can with her stubborn personality and yelled back "WHAT I CAUSED, THIS SAVAGE ATTACKED YOUR SON, KILLED YOUR MEN AND EVEN ONE OF YOUR KINGSGUARD AND YOU DO NOTHING?" But I had enough of her nonsence and said loud enough for everyone to hear. "FOOLISH WOMAN! first of all i did not attack your son just prevented him from fleeing and lying about what happened, just as i did with the Stark children and second you are truly stupid if you call us savages, then what are you? after all we have beter knowledge and capabilities than any you can find on this continent. Laughable really how you think you are superiour to everyone else talking down to every person you meet but in reality you sound like a dumbass. Now do us all a favour an be quiet, as i can feel myself becoming stupid just listening to the grabage you spew out of your mouth." She was shocked at what i said to her but when they heard me berate her in such a way most were strugling to contain their laughter even Eddard but Robert did not give a flying fuck and burst out laughing. As they settled down i said "Anyway, as i said i prevented all of them from leaving because what these foolish kids did could have lead you houses to war with one another, thats why i asked Fiora to get you here to prevent them from fabricating lies to cover for eachother, i know what happened sinds i was here the whole time fishing to pass the time and they did not notice me." I said as i pointed to my fishing spot with my tools there. As everyone saw this they understood why i did it. I turned to the kids and said to them in a stern look. " I know everything so you better not lie to your parents or i will feed you a vial of veritaserum if you do, understood!" And they all quickly shook their heads. I turned to Robert and Eddard and said "I leave the questions up to you." They understood and proceded to do so.

Soon they started to question Mycah first as he had no direct connection to both families outside of a small friendship with Arya and they were shocked when they heard his statements. they looked at me for confirmation and i noded causing Robert and Eddard to frown but Cersei was not convinced and said "That's just one perspective, let's hear from the rest" Son they proceded to question Sansa but the naive girl was no help causing then to not really get anything usefull out of her. Next was Arya and oh boy did she have things to say, she was so intence Eddard had to calm her down and again Cersei said a remark that i did not let slide "She is as savage as that beast of her's i want her punished!" I looked at her and said with a tenth of percent of my haki "That's strike two Cersei Lannister, if you open your vile mouth again to spit out another insult, if i was you i would stop and think twice because I don't give a shit about your family or who you are married to, i wil take your head, understand! Besides what she told you was the truth." causing fear in every person that heard me. Cersei damn near crapped herself but surprisingly i felt both fear and lust from her, not that it would matter, i don't stick it in crazy and this bitch brings crazy to a whole nother level. Then they proceded to question the little shitstain Joffrey, and the little bastard was a stuttering mess but still had the balls to try and lie but i shot that down quick, he started to say that he was minding his own business while walking with Sansa but i cut him off sternly. "That's strike one boy, you get three chances to tell the truth, dont waste them." He panicked but changed his tune again and this time said he challenged Mycah to a fair duel but that Arya sneakattacked him but again i cut him off again and summoned a vial of veritaserum and warned him again this time with rage in my voice "Boy did you not listen to what i told you, thats strike two, lie again and i will forcefeed you this entire vial!" Robert grew red with rage at his son's behaviour of skirting around the truth and yelled at the shitstain "DAMMIT BOY, TELL ME WHAT REALLY HAPPENED OR BY THE SEVEN I WILL TAN YOUR HIDE FOR A WEEK!!!" Cersei grew mad at her husband for yelling at her perfect lion and yelled at Robert "DON'T YELL AT HIM!" But that further enraged Robert and he called her out and asked his son again "SHUT IT YOU, ALWAYS CODDLING HIM AND HIDING HIM BEHIND YOUR SKIRT, HOW IN THE SEVEN HELLS IS HE SUPPOSED TO LEAD THE SEVEN KINGDOMS IF YOU RAISED HIM TO BE WEAK, i WON'T HAVE IT! NOW ANSWER ME BOY!" Shitstain was actually scared stiff and spilled the beans without lying this time and Robert and Eddard grew mad. Robert was in fact so mad at his behaviour he punched Joffrey in the face and knocked out two teeth. "Guards confine the prince in the royal whealhouse, he is to remain there till we get to kingslanding!" "Robert you cant" Complained Cersie. "Quiet you, he wil stay in confinement till i say otherwise. And when we get back to Kingslanding I wil start teaching him my way, no more of your nonsense" He turned to Eddard and said while sighing in disapointment "Sorry Ned i have failed to properly teach the boy, seven hells what would John say." "It's ok Robert i am just glad Jarvan was here as a witness to all this, just imagine the consequences otherwise." Said Eddard and Robert noded in confirmation. Cersei was extremely unhappy with the results and was about to complain about Nymeria and that she should be put down but i cut her off with a warning. "What about the beast that mauled your son? And your men who were killed?" She asked "Those were not my men! they did not follow my orders so why should i bother with them. And as for the wolf leave it as the boy got what he deserved, she was just defending her master." Cersei was unhappy and wanted to retort but i cut her off now trully pissed off. "You really want to die don't you? trying to have the sigil of my house killed in front of me? Just try, it will be the last words you will ever utter, you worm! Robert control your wife, she steps out of line again and won't hold myself back again!" He understood i was serious and confined Cersei as wel to the whealhouse for the rest of the trip. After this whole exausting day everyone went back to their camps while i remained fishing hoping to relax. The next day we were on the road again to kingslanding.

To be continued.