
The Oldman

Me? I am just an oldman you know? © Hololive is owned by Cover corp © The character that used to create this story is owned by their respective liver

Maera_Fos01 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Toward The Timeless Sky, Would You Want Shake The World With Us?

Sora never would imagine she would get praise and cheer give by other than her close friend or family. Yet here she is, get applause and cheer at center of little cafe she consider her second home.

When she look around her, warm feeling began to sprout inside her being. The smile and joy she could bring throught her song made her feel very happy.

There she spot her very first friend and someone she consider one of most important person in her life.

"Thank you for your attentions!" Sora exclaim while bowing to all audiens

Her heart were still bearing like crazy for all her excitement to sing a song in front of many people. She still can't wrap her mind at the though she performing her song at present of audiens not just her and her one friend to listen it.

(It too good to be true)

"That was really good song and beautiful voice Sora-chan" a hand patted her shoulder accompanied by warm mixed proud voice made her come back from her euporia state like mind

When Sora stand again she beaming a smile toward the person infront of her and with no word exchange she hug the person.

"Jii-san! You listen it?! I though you were away to take care some business because I don't see you earlier!" Sora exclaimed to the oldman who just return the hug back

"Of course I hear it! Who not be attracted if your voice like goddess? And here I thought you won't sing a single song to this poor oldman" the owner said with laugh heartly as if he get a great present

Sora face is instanly red as ripe tomatoes facing such high praise from one of people she adore so much.

"Uhum... Right, let introduce you to my best friend!" Sora said with fake cough to calm down her nerves as she put the guitar down at the beside chair she used

"Sakamoto-san! I leave the rest to you!! Thank you!" Sora half yelled to her study mentor who give her thumb up for reply

And without further word Sora drag the oldman hand toward her best friend and their boss table's. While the oldman just chuckles toward Sora's antics, as it rare to see the gentle sky that he sees as grand daughter to be this excited. One could compare her antic right now to an excited pup.

While they continue the journey toward Sora's friend table's people the atmosphere around cafe turn back normal with the still lasting impact of Sora perfomance. People were more calm and loving each other slighty more than before.

"A-chan! I have someone to introduce you!, Here is the Owner of this cafe! And Jii-san this Yuujin Amaki, my bestest friend and childhood friend of mine" Sora said when they were just some feet away to Yuujin's table

"Then, I too have someone to introduce you too Sora-chan, please meet my CEO and boss where I work, Motoaki Taniago-san" Yuujin said with tiny smile when she see how bright Sora face right now.

Sora notice the middle age man that dress like businessman beside her friend. Giving a slight bow toward the men as curtsy. Before take the initiative to talk with him.

"Thank you for take caring my friend sir! She not cause any trouble when she working with you isn't it? A-chan you don't cause trouble for this gentelman right?" A rapid fire of question were first Sora do

Motoaki just smile at the question the young woman before him. The oldman were amused with how this table were set up. Two old timer were accompanied by two equally beautiful girl.

"No, she not troubling at all Tokino-san. In fact Yuujin her is a great help for the company" Taniago stand up and offer a hand shake toward Sora who of course return the gesture

"That a relief, Taniago-san. You know A-chan here is lazy bum who barely get job down when in home. So I afraid if she became bur-"

"Oi! Don't turn a fact like that you little imp! You are the one became a lazy bum when we got home" Yuujin cut Sora for further turning a fact to what actually happen

To that statement Sora just let her tounge out toward Yuujin and that earned a tick mack Yuujin forehead. Two muffles chuckles can be heard from the two older men that feel like a father to respective young woman.

"Motoaki, look at how your daughter slander my cute and inoncence daugther" The oldman said tease the two young woman

"Oldman, who daughter slander who daughter in this case, huh?" And Motoaki playing along with the owner to embarass two young adult

Sora and Yuujin have healthy red hue on their cheeks due emberassed by the two old guy beside their respective side statement.


The two let out a cute yell toward their 'parent' and the 'parent' just laugh it off when they see a pout, slight pout to Yuujin case, and angry flare that come out little cuter than average angry flare.

"Okay~ okay~ we would not do it again, right Motoaki?" The oldman said with hands up in the air as mock surender and Motoaki copy the gesture as they give reasure smile

"So, what the business you guys have if you don't mind this oldman to stay" The oldman ask while he pull chair to Sora sit before he sit on the remaining chair

"No, not all oldman. I just come here to meet this wonderful young lady you see. Yuujin said she found a perfect candidte to my little project that I held back some time now" Motoaki explained with smile while his eye lay on Sora for a while

"I was little sceptical you know when Yuujin said that this young lady is her bestfriend to carry out my little project."

The sentence is true that he feel little sceptical to Sora's ability to be an Idol. But oh boy how wrong it turn out with god like voice and full of emotion way of singing.

Sora nervous, one could relate if they on her position. For her ability analyzed and doubted by a scout talent that turn out a boss the company she potentially work for.

"Then please let me be straight forward with my intention. Tokino Sora-san, Would you like shake the world with us?"

When the sentence entered Sora's ears she feel surprised. She thought the CEO infront of her would ask what she could bring for the company or the general interview for jobs application.

Not this direct and openly express their interest at recruiting her to their rank. So her brain get so confused and the sound that come out her mouth is just confused 'eh?'

Seeing Sora's reaction Motoaki couldn't help let out chuchkle before he relaxing his posture as if recollect his mind at one of his most treasured memory.

"You see Tokino-san, when I was young I have dream to create and manage an idol group myself. Alas that dream has to left forgotten when I focused in making live for myself and for my family.

Yet, I find that dream making spark once again when I come to this cafe. The small spark now became little fire on candle when I build my own company"

Motoaki was still remember how he get introduce by his friend to such wonderful and vibrant world. He too dream to lead such group with his own hands.

"That smal fire now is getting bigger when I heard your voice when you sing. So I would ask again, Tokino Sora-san would you want shake the wordl with us?" Motoaki confidently said it as he stare deadlock on Sora's eyes

Sora who listen his story for how he want to realize his dream to build an idol group is moved. And Sora really admire that the man infront of her chase after his dream event if he not in young age category.

"Taniago-san, Let shake the world together!" Sora answered with same confident as Motoaki

The oldman and Yuujin were smiling at Sora's exclaimation. Yuujin were happy that her friend would achieve her dream and would no more clinging on hollow dream like before.

"Moment like these are worth celebration, am I right?" The oldman said while slowly stand up from his sit and took a deep breath

"Sakamoto! Rin! Ken! Yui! Prepare the kitchen and the drink! We will held a party for Sora-chan succes to get job!" The oldman shout were welcomed by cheers throught all corner of cafe. Because in this cafe party mean free food

"That too exagerated Jii-san!!! You have held a party for my graduation back then! A-chan, help me to stop this foolish oldman!"

Yuujin that see this all unforld in front of her couldn't help but to get swept by room and found herself laughing at how desperate Sora to stop the oldman and the staff prepare the party for her.

The shout of angry sky were no match with how boisterious the owner laugh were and how much sound clashing around inside the cafe.

(After all, they know that nothing can't change the mind of old owner when it related to party)

(And now Yuujin know how her friend never gloomy too long. Because here happines was abbudant)

Next would either be stream chapter for Sora's debut or something like chapter 7&8. After that we will start with Roboco's arc to realize her goal then we might be go towaed introduction arc of our psychopatic comet and mischevious diva.

See you on a month or two time frame

Maera_Fos01creators' thoughts