
The Oldman

Me? I am just an oldman you know? © Hololive is owned by Cover corp © The character that used to create this story is owned by their respective liver

Maera_Fos01 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Oldman and Gentle Sky

After some months of fateful meeting with best girl, Taniago Motoaki. Following day seem normal. Cover cafe seem comeback to peaceful as usual. Not many new people come to stop by, the new customer were just to eat and go or just regular who come to have a chat with the workers and owner. But today seem little special then the rest day by far.


"Welcome back, Sora-chan. I presume the usual?" The owner greet the young customer

"Yes, please!" cheerful and inoncent almost childlish tone reply the gentle and warm voice

A brown long hair end at the back beautifully, an inoncent and cute face, light brown orb who seem very enthusiastic about some thing. Her attire more casual than usually the young lady wear when she come to this cafe.

The girl who frequently drop by to finish her home work today didn't bring any her book with her now. Her school like fashion became casual thick clothes to warm herself in cold breeze of afternoon wind in Autum.

"You seem very happy today, mind sharing with this oldman?" the owner ask after he put the young lady order

The order is just simple omurice and a glass of warm milk. Just perfect match with the cold season they go through.

"I graduated college week ago!" she said beaming to the Oldman

The Oldman and Four other workers seem surprise to the reveal! The oldman just smile with the expression that proud grand parent when their grand children make achievement, and the couple worker-who maried one year ago-seem happy for who they treat as their own daughter, the male worker who slightly older than Sora just smile at the though his student did well-just because he help Sora with her home work he think himself a teacher-and female worker around her age seems very emotical with her 'sister' achievement, as she jump to tackle Sora to bear hug. Even some regular congrulate her.

"Party?" the male worker ask as he prepare some meat and vegetable at the kitchen

"Well isn't it oblivious? We celebrate Sora-chan college graduation! Ken! Go grab our best sake at storage! Rei! You handle cake! Yui! Help Sakamoto cook the foods!" The owner order his staff around

"Osu!" they answer with vigor

"Rejoice! My customers! You all are invited to graduation party of Tokino Sora! You can eat all you can stuff to your stomach for free until the party finish!" The owner announcement greeted with cheers of hungry customer. Who say no to free food? After all free food is the best kind of food.

Sora who center of all this event really embarased with exagration motion they show toward her. And just eat her order silently event if she can't denied warm feeling in her chest. Some time she feel this cafe is her second home and the owner and the worker is her second family. Heck! Even other customer feel like family here.

(Isn't it always her second home all along?)

(She feel bit stupid to realise it now)

While she eat her meal, she couldn't help to see how the oldman bounce to one table after another with a steel cointainer that she assume has an alcohol in it. While the owner age never considered young he sure now how to strike conversation with people a couple decade under of his age.

The meal for the party come one after another with Yui delivered the meal at one table after another. Ken who come with four barrel of sake on cart became the main atraction of many men above twenty. Their eyes seems says they won't come back to home soon.

Rei come from the kitchen with whopping seven layered cake for all female customer gawk at how cute the cake seem and how delicious the cake taste. And the cake became object for photography to post on their media social.

Sakamoto come out from the kitchen with train of cart full of foods, and Yui have a cart full of one of their top recomendation beverage.

Even the Oldman bring the cafe's karaoke equipment to make the celebration more merry. And Sora who just finish her meal get dragged by Yui to sing.

The celebration hold on hours and doesn't show ending with how Sakoto, Yui, Rei, and Ken who keep their supply up. The Oldman is one who laugh the hardest at the drink contest.

Sora laugh along with other at how silly the Oldman face right now. He is blushing mess, clearly drunk but that not stop him to laugh and shout the loudest from all people in cafe.

This cafe might be small, but people in here is much warmer and kind than in a fancy restaurant at central district of Tokyo.

Sora feel warm for nomerous time, this cafe is her second home and workers is her family. Especially the owner who she know nothing about even his name she doesn't even know. But is that really important? In Cover cafe he is the Oldman for whoever come to seek advice of life.

(After all he is has centuries experience to guide the lost person in the absurd path of life)

(Well it's not like there many people who know anyway)