
First Demon Spirit

It was two weeks after I'd been born. Based on what the cultivation manual said, I had reached the third stage of the Qi distillation later, the first layer of cultivation. I was sitting in the room Dave had told me to cultivate in, when he walked in. "You'll need to get a weapon before you can kill any sort of demon beast, so follow me" He ordered. "Coming Dave" I Replied. Goblins, Ogres, and others in the species are informal unless with the king, so I don't need to call him master(Hallelujah). He took me through the cave system the Ogre kingdom was situated in.

After about an hour of traversing the cave system, we arrived at the royal armory. There were many more weapons like axes and hammers than swords, as Ogres and goblins are very barbaric in their fighting.

I needed a weapon type to focus on. I decided against swords, as their range is too short for me. I also decided against hammers, as they're too slow. There were only a few more weapons to choose from. The options were a dagger, a whip, a spear, an axe, or a great sword. I decided against the daggers or whips, as the dagger is too short, and the whip is to… I'll leave it at that. The great sword and axe were too slow, so I chose the spear."Can I get a spear, Dave?" I called out to him. He looked kind of surprised that I'd want a spear, but then he told the shopkeeper to gather all the best spears.

Within minutes, I had about 5 Spears in front of me. Too broad, too thin, too short, too long… Aha! I picked up a steel spear. It was the right length and had a good feel to it. "I want this one" I told Dave. He paid for it and we left the armory, to go to the forest above ground.

It took us two hours, but we made it to the exit of the cave. I don't know how they traverse those caves."What kind of demon spirit do you want for your first one?" Dave asked me"

"Something that can fly, it'll go well with my storm Qi."

"There are three with a suitable size and cultivation that are native to this place, but you'll have to hunt your own, I'll protect you from the shadows."

He sent me into the forest to hunt. I looked for any bird type beasts. There were a few boars and some wolves but no birds. I climbed up a tree to get a better view. The tree was about 230 feet tall and looked like a redwood tree. It was easy to climb with my Qi being able to create footholds. I quickly reached one of the top branches and looked around. Off to my right there was a giant eagle spirit, one of my options, but I wanted the strongest. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a Black Falcon. It was pretty strong, but I believed there was something stronger. I then saw a Jade Feathered Hawk flying about 20 feet above me, and about 50 feet to my right. That was what I was looking for. I readied my spear to throw. I infused it with lighting attributed storm Qi, and held it like I a javelin. I twisted my torso as I threw it, and saw it stroke the right eye of the eagle and pierce the brain. Was my aim that good?

I climbed down the tree and headed to where the demon beast landed. A demon spirit persists for around thirty minutes after death unless collected and contained.

I quickly started absorbing it into one of my soul chambers, and it started trying to escape but my Wi held it down, and the black and white swords pressured it into submission.

After Absorption, I followed the manual and fused with the demon beast. My form instantly grew to 2 meters tall, and I gained sharp green weathers around my body, and wings sprouted from my back. My mouth and nose fused into a beak, and my eyes sharpened.

I jumped up and flapped my wings, relishing the feeling of flight, before Dave called me down and made me transform back. He ordered me to go back home and get sleep, as I've been cultivating without sleeping for a week, and I obeyed.