
The Odyssey of Zagreus

Follow Zagreus, a headstrong and talented Youth on the path to Divinity. This is a harem novel, so before anyone complains, I'll publish it. The harem is not that big and it is slow. (At least 2chaps per week.) I love you guys. I don't own any stories I'm going to write, just my OC. The first few chapters aren't that long but I'll improve throughout the book, the Tags are kind of illogical but here are some Tags: #KungfuPanda, #Multivers, #PercyJackson, #HowtoTrainYourDragon, #DisneyMovies.

AbelWizard · Movies
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48 Chs

Chapter 04- Master and Disciple

Break Line

20 hours ago

In Chor Gom Prison, tailor-made to contain just one prisoner, the adopted son of Shifu, a destroyer who abused his power as he saw fit, ranging from robbing to rap**g some of the citizens of the other Valleys and Villages.

Tai Lung, a large, pale man with snow leopard ears and tail, found himself totally immobilized by the armor that the more he moved, the more he tightened.

Due to shifu's order, Zeng was sent to prison to make sure Tai Lung wouldn't escape, but it was due to Zeng being in prison that Tai Lung just got an idea with the messenger's feather in front of him.

He carefully drags the quill with the tail and places it in the lock on his back, placing the simple sequence using the tail, Tai Lung is finally free. (Very good battle, Tai Lung in my stories will be stronger and more evil as well as the other villains to come, I don't want to write this fight scene because for me it's just badass and I wouldn't be able to pass it on to you guys.)

Break Line

After a big explosion at the Chor Gom prison gate, Tai Lung comes out and sees the Jade Palace messenger, grabs him by the neck, looks into his eyes and exhales the hot air in that icy climate and says.

" Glad Shifu sent him, I thought they had forgotten me, go back there and say, the real Dragon Warrior is coming back"

Tai Lung says in a command voice as he releases the messenger.

He would return to the Valley of Peace when he was at his best, as he wouldn't want to risk losing to this chosen Dragon Warrior.

Break Line

10 hours after Zeng's constant flight, he manages to reach the Jade Palace.

While Zagreu slept after an intense training and the messenger had just arrived, Shifu meditated in the Jade Palace.

Shifu: "Inner peace, Inner peace, Inner peace."

Shifu repeated it like a mantra, but you could hear the fluttering of wings in the background getting closer and closer.

Shifu-" Can you stop this flapping? I'm meditating!"


Shifu-" But what... ohh Zeng, perfect, what good news do you bring?"

Says Shifu in a voice full of hope for good news after such a mentally tiring day.

Zeng the messenger doesn't even know where to start and stands there with his mouth open and frozen, but in the end he manages to tell him everything that happened in the prison and what Tai Lung told him.

After hearing the story of what happened in the Prison by Zeng, Shifu runs towards Pessegeeira where he knows he has found his Master.

"Master, Master, I... I bring bad news."

Says Shifu discouraged.

" Ah ha, Shifu, there is only  news, neither good nor bad."

Affirm Oogway with the serenity of always.

" Master, your vision was right, Tai Lung, he escaped from prison,  he's coming back."

Says Shifu sadly and in a hurry.

Oogway just looks at Shifu as his expression changes several times until it returns to normal calm.

"This is bad news."

Says the Master with a turtle shell on his back.

"But only if you don't believe the Dragon Warrior can stop you."

" That boy?! Master no matter what talent he has, it's impossible for him to become strong enough to defeat Tai Lung in such a short time."

Shifu says as he recalls the matches involving his disciples and the Zagreu.

" oho Shifu, I see you've come to believe that he is the Dragon Warrior after all." Affirms Oogway with glee.

The Master looks at Shifu with a smile as he says.

"Look at this shifu tree, I can't make it bloom when it suits me or make it bear fruit before its time."

Says Oogway as he bends down and plants a peach seed.

"It doesn't matter what you do, this seed will become a peach tree, it may wish for an apple or an orange, but it will have a peach."

Shifu-" But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung."

"Maybe he can, if you're willing to train him, willing to guide him and continue to believe in him."

Answers Oogway to a nervous Shifu.

"But how? How? I need your help, Master."

Shifu again asks his Master for advice.

"No, you don't have to, you just have to believe." Oogway repeats what he had already told Shifu.

"Promise, promise Shifu that you will continue to believe." Oogway asks Shifu.

"I will try, Master."

"Great, my time has come, you must continue your journey without me." Oogway says calmly and patiently.

"Master, Master, you cannot leave me." Shifu cries out with sadness evident in his voice.

"You just need to believe."

Oogway repeats as peach blossoms light up and cover Oogway's body, which disappears in the wind along with the leaves.

Shifu just stands there, holding Oogway's old staff, not believing that his Master and friend has just left him.

(I admit I cried while writing this scene and remembered the song, this movie is amazing man.)

Break Line

On top of the highest mountain in the Valley of Peace, in the so-called Jade Palace.

The bell just rang and instantly five young people came out of their rooms and greeted their Master who was already waiting for them.

"Good morning Master." Shout the Furious Five.

Shifu notices that only the Five are there and then says. "Zagreu, Zagreu..." Shouts Shifu, afraid that he had been driven away, but hoping that the perseverance he had seen in the young man was enough not to let him give up.

"Here, Master" Says Zagreu entering the dormitory, with a towel on his shoulder.

"Where were you Zagreu?" Question Shifu to Young Dragon.

Zagreus-" Well, after Viper showed me the Jade Palace, I found out where I could take a shower, so that's what I did now."

Zagreu's dark hair was slightly damp, his skin pale as if he had never had contact with the sun, along with his heterochromatic eyes shining made him look more than above average, a 10/10 dignified.

He wore a black Kung-Fu outfit with gold embroidery. Shifu then calls the 6 of his disciples to the training area with various training devices.

[ Ding!! ]

[Training Area]

[All workouts performed here have a 25% bonus on results gain.]


'Wow, but does this apply to techniques beyond Martial Arts?' Zagreus asks the System in his mind.

[ Non-user, NO technique trained here will have the bonus, only your physical gains like Dexterity, Strength, Speed ​​will be increased. ]

'Ahhhhh, got it, thanks System.'

[Here for this.]

While Zagreus talked to his System, Shifu looked at him and said.

"Do you want to learn Kung-Fu?" Shifu asks him.

Zagreus smiles at this question and responds without much delay. "With all my certainty!"

"Then I will be your Master." Shifu says with resolve shortly after.

"Yes Master." Zagreus says while thinking.

'So Tai Lung must have already escaped from prison, but why didn't he tell? I think he wants to train me first, he must be afraid that I'll get scared when I hear this news, well, anyone in my call would freak out, as was the case with Po.'

'But it seems that here in this world he thought about this possibility.' The Furious Five, seeing their Master's change, got scared, especially the tigress, who knew Shifu best.

' Why did Master Shifu accept he as a disciple? Master Shifu must have noticed something in him for this change of decision, maybe he's worthy of me, well he's strong, handsome and I've been attracted to him since I saw him, but I'll never give in so easily, especially for a weaker than me, hunf, but I wouldn't mind if he defeats me.'

While tigress gets lost with her thoughts Shifu begins to instruct each one's training.

Break Line

(Author's Note)

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, about the short part of the tigress, it was the only way I thought for her to be won over so that's it, unless someone gives me a better idea.

I ask my dear readers to have patience with me as I am completely new to writing, and if you can comment or review the book, it encourages me to continue writing.

Oh, and Tai Lung will take about 2 weeks to get to the Valley of Peace. So I have time to develop my protagonist.

And this morning someone commented on how far I'm going to write about Kung-Fu Panda, well I'm going to finish film 3, and about a Multiverse, well there are some scattered clues that I'm giving away and the ones that are already there on the page from STATUS and in Zagreu's speeches with himself, tell us what you think there in the comments. Love you. Your future favorite author.

- AbelWizard.

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