
The Odyssey of the Forsaken

"The Odyssey of the Forsaken" is not just a story; it's a raw, pulsating journey of a man wrestling with a fate that seems penned by the gods in their most capricious moods. Imagine living where every step forward feels like an uphill battle against an unseen, omnipotent force. Once battered by life's relentless storms, our protagonist has somehow etched out an existence that whispers of normalcy and peace. But tranquility is a fragile thing. His world teeters on the brink of unimaginable upheaval as he stumbles upon a discovery that promises to rewrite the annals of human history. This isn't just any revelation; it's the kind of earth-shattering secret that comes once in a millennium. Just as he's poised to unveil truths buried since time immemorial, he finds himself trapped between the conflicts of the old gods, who willingly bend their will to shatter his spirit. As they rip everything from him, he starts anew in a world where he is brought the power to fight back.

IriaeCreed · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Hidden Civilization

Steve found himself on a raised platform overlooking a vast city built underground. Below him, a thriving civilization bustled, easily housing thousands of people.

They had entered a civilization unknown to the world above, and from all he knew, all cities discovered in the past were found in ruins.

He was in awe of what lay before him;

The streets were lined with detailed stone buildings, many decorated with colorful paintings and carvings. Plants and greenery draped from balconies and rooftops, beautifully merging the natural world with the buildings' design.

The city unfolded across at least 12 towering levels, each so tall that the figures moving below appeared as tiny as ants.

The air buzzed with the sounds of a bustling population and the distant harmonies of a thriving, hidden civilization. It was like stepping into another realm, an ancient and unfamiliar world thriving in secrecy.

As the rest of the team emerged from the tunnel, they, too, were struck by awe. The sight of this concealed city surpassed any of their wildest imaginations.

Following the second soldier out, the woman and the male warrior exited last.

Steve caught a fleeting, gentle smile on the woman's face as she stepped out of the tunnel and knelt momentarily before the towering figure before them.

The one who had come to greet them held a high-status position, distinguished by a higher-quality pelt draped around his waist. He was notably free of the body and face markings that adorned the others, setting him apart as someone of significant importance.

Observing more closely, Steve noted that the man standing before them was considerably taller, likely over two meters, and much older than the warriors who had preceded him. His large, round belly was a sign of a good life.

His presence was commanding, almost regal, radiating wisdom and authority. With his imposing stature and dignified bearing, this man seemed to embody the very spirit of kingly leadership.

He looked at Steve with his sapphire eyes and spoke unfamiliar words. 

The older lady started exchanging words with the man before them.

Steve could see how intimidated she was by this new precence, as she spoke in a high voice and only at half her usual speed, picking the right words. 

After what felt like a lengthy exchange, Kasongo turned to Steve. "All I could catch is that this man is of high stature, something like the chief around here," he relayed, "…and he welcomed us with open arms."

The words resonated with a profound significance, hinting that this hidden civilization's deep cultural and spiritual roots were open for them to research and discover. 

Steve stood there, absorbing the reality, and measured the next steps.

It was hard to comprehend that they had uncovered a world completely detached from the modern world, a society that had developed in isolation, preserving its unique way of life.

The opportunity to learn from and interact with this civilization was immense, as were the responsibilities and ethical considerations. As he gazed upon the bustling underground city, Steve realized that this experience would forever challenge what he knew.

But another thought crossed his mind: if this were to be revealed to the world, it would mean the end of how these people would live their lives. It would be flooded with scientists, researchers, politicians, and others. And one thing was for sure: if there were values to be found here, it would attract the wrong type of people as well. 

He couldn't understand why the governmental party of Congo had permitted them to explore this newly found tribe. Was it just because they thought it was just a new inland pirate tribe that would mean the deaths of hundreds and even thousands? 

No matter how things would turn out, he knew he needed to hide this from the modern world until they could finish researching this civilization. 

Absorbed in his thoughts, Steve was oblivious to his surroundings until the woman approached him, seemingly attuned to his concerns.

Her presence abruptly brought him back to reality. 

Something about her – her gaze, her demeanor – profoundly affected Steve. Perhaps it was a sense of kinship he felt with her, an understanding that she was more than a warrior; maybe she was a discoverer, just like Steve, ready to embrace the unknown.

She spoke to him in her language, her voice gentle and soothing. While he couldn't comprehend her words, her gestures suggested an invitation.

Was she offering to show him around?

Steve glanced at Kasango and the rest of the team for any clue.

Kasango shrugged, indicating his uncertainty, but the older lady nodded, confirming Steve's guess: the woman invited him to explore her home and her people.

Taking a step forward, Steve signaled his readiness to follow her. She led the way, turning towards a grand staircase that descended from their elevated position, flanked by statues of mystical creatures and punctuated by openings in the earth.

As Steve followed her, leaving his team behind, the only sound he heard was a comment from the towering man:

"Kweya Sana Lwezi."