
The Odyssey of the Dormant Scholar

In the realm of Vyx'ktharu where magic is not wielded through flashy spells or enchanted weapons, but rather through the deep understanding and manipulation of ancient knowledge, Zyaz'kyrnadelithyra Emberlight also known as Zya, lives a lackluster existence as a scholar, her potential were hampered by monotony and disinterest. But her mundane life takes a dramatic turn when she becomes possessed by the spirit of Zaynaida, an avid reader from Earth who passed away with one unfulfilled wish: to complete her beloved fantasy-adventure series set in Vyx'ktharu.

ashurichan · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Just A Scholarly Debate

Arkantha Sovereignty, DC

The Grand Library of Vyx'kthara

Athenaeum, Central Chamber

A vibrant energy enveloped me as I entered the rotunda, the central chamber of the Grand Library. Above me, a domed ceiling soared high, adorned with a meticulously crafted map where guides to different sections of Athenaeum.

Scholars from across continents who are residing here were gathered, only talking about one topic — the debate between Junior Scholar Aeliana, Master Therion's daughter, a prodigy whose intellect shone brighter than her years, and Senior Scholar Calidus, a behemoth in the realm of history, that will be held later at the amphitheater.

'Tss, another staged show made by that attention-seeker woman.'

I changed course, opting instead not to attend the anticipating event when I overheard the hushed conversation between two Junior Scholars just behind me.

"I heard what the topic this time."

"Really? What could it be, tell me."

I secretly closed the distance between us and silently listen while concealing my true intent for eavesdropping.

"If the prophecy could be known and understood, could one steer the course of destiny, or was it an unalterable road?"

I sighed.

"What's that kind of debate that announced the topic beforehand?"

I really don't get it, yes it's possible, but would it be more fun and challenging if it's impromptu?

They only give the scholars a time to prepare.

'I thought they're genius.'

The two scholars swiftly redirected their attention towards me, only to realize that I vocalized thoughts that is supposed to be kept to myself. They looked at me with disbelief and leaves while exchanging whispered comments.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop.', I ended up keeping that to myself instead.

Driven with the curiosity of what could the result be even though it might be staged by Aeliana, I changed my mind and head to the amphitheater.

As I arrived, the anticipation hung thick in the air. A grand space with architectural splendor, a tiered seating cascading downwards towards the central stage bathed in soft light, filled with countless scholars buzzed with excitement and murmurs.

I sat, an observer adrift in a sea of eager anticipation.

Master Therion, the esteemed High Librarian, stood in front of the podium like a colossus among the throng, his presence commanding a reverent silence to herald the commencement of the day's debate.

The event started. Aeliana's words, clear and resonant, echoed off the marble walls, heavy with determination, "Prophecy, in its essence, bestows upon us the boon of choice. To surrender to fate is to abandon our pursuit of knowledge."

Well, that was a strong introduction on her side.

The essence of prophecies is to gives us the opportunity to make choices.

By acknowledging these prophecies, it gives us informed knowledge about future outcomes that allows us to make decisions based on these knowledge.

Blindly accepting the fate without resistance even though you have the knowledge what the future will be is akin to giving up on the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and that is...

A taboo in our field of work.

I sighed, 'Aeliana sure picks the affirmative side.'

Senior Scholar Calidus, countered her boldness with the steadfastness of age-old customs. "The prophecies are the bequest of our forebears. To doubt their infallibility is to fray the very fabric that holds our civilization together."

On his side, he emphasizes the importance of respecting and upholding tradition regarding the belief to the prophetic messages.

Questioning the reliability or accuracy of prophecies undermines the stability and cohesion of civilization, in simple form, prophecies plays a crucial role in maintaining order and unity, and doubting their infallibility could lead to chaos or disarray.

'He's a good one. I didn't noticed him around this Athenaeum, maybe he's always residing on Academia teaching those scholars on training.'

The debate unfolded as if it were a grand melee.

Each argument a thrust. Each rebuttal a parry.

Aeliana, armed with unconventional insights, parried each thrust with the poise of a master fencer.

Every scholars inside hung onto her every word, captivated as she painted a vision of a future forged by resolve rather than resigned to the dictates of fate.

Master Therion, his eyes never straying from the spectacle, he was torn between pride and concern.

Aeliana's audacity was not just a challenge to Calidus; it was a rallying call to the guardians of knowledge. She might be staged this show but to consider that her opponent would be a Senior Scholar is a big feat.

As the debate reached its crescendo, Aeliana's delivered her final salvo, "To deem the prophecies as unchangeable is to forsake the core of our existence a proud scholar."

Silence enveloped the hall, her proclamation hanging in the air like a spell.

Master Therion stood, his applaud resounded that makes the scholars snapped back to applaud also the contenders.

"Let this day be remembered, for a Junior Scholar has reminded us the true purpose of our pursuit — knowledge not as a chain but a catalyst that frees the limitless potential of our world.", Master Therion exclaimed and darted his gaze into the crowd, no, his gaze darted into me as if he's skinning me alive.

How did he find me in this crowd???

I shrugged.

In contrast to his daughter, Aeliana, who holds the same title as me — a Junior Scholar — I am simply a lackadaisical scholar who consistently neglecting my assigned duties and ditch lectures.

With no drive or inclination to act, and nowhere else to go, I found myself trapped within the confines of the Athenaeum with the smell of books and inks indefinitely.

'Help, I want to go adventure!'

After some announcement, the crowd was dismissed. 

Now I regretted going, as my dorm was far away.

With no other option, I got up lazily and headed there. I still had a punishment task from Master Therion for skipping our research yesterday. I wanted to finish it and sleep or else, I'll be given more task!

The Grand Library of Vyx'kthara

Athenaeum, Right Wing

Girls Dormitories

When I got to my dorm, I looked for the parchment I was reading yesterday. It was an ancient tome about our realm, Vyx'kthara, and how goddess Aetheria created it.

Master Therion wants me to translate it into common tongue of Absulingua, while the task itself wasn't hard for someone accustomed to such punishments, but doing so much of it was torture!

"What will Master do with these many?" I wondered.

As I was about to finish, a bright light suddenly came from the original copy of the book.

"Does this book normally shine like that?"

I reach the book to check it out and was startled when I felt like I bumped into something and the light disappeared.

"What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed.

I felt like the light had merged with me, so I checked my chest, but everything seemed normal aside my shivering spine.


I went back to work, still wondering what had happened, when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my head.

My pen slipped from my hand, and I lost my balance, causing ink to splash onto the books as I tried to hold onto something.


Special thanks to my friend @squideli who brought me here and introduced me to this new headache stimulus I'll be dealing for months.

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