

On a vast place of calm water flowing from an unknown source. Huge pile of clouds covered it as whole as pillar of light shone brightly from where the sun peeks, creating a soothing atmosphere.

"Cling!.... Clang!... Cling!"

"Swoog!.... Swoog!..... Swoog!"

The sound of wind that shattered the wind barrier.

An occurrence suddenly erupted the beautiful scenery as vibrations enveloped, and continuously made tremors.

Together with a flash of light sparkling through mid-air, ear piercing sounds spread as if two metals are clashing causing ear piercing sound that even that sound it self turned deaf....

Two God' clashing intensely as they starts to overcome each others shear strength.

Two silhouettes the other one is holding a rod with engravings of unfamiliar sign and writings and twice as his size and the other one with a gigantic body with intimidating calm complexion...

"Let me pass the heaven's second gate!"

A man with a face of primate that can speak mans language demanded into a massive creature... he starts to move on a ridiculous way as he utter these words.

"I once destroyed and crumpled this place.......I claim myself as strongest warrior that ever existed for I am MONKEY KING!!!"

The man finally name himself as Monkey King...to enraged and provoke the humongous creature with all of his effort to he start reach the peak of its temple. ( it is located in your head)

Its size were immeasurable, even his head could compare nothing because of unfathomable length and wide... neither he himself is unaware. .

"Shameful god, you are so enormous, yet so can't even restrain me!"

Provoking it further... the huge creatures starts to utter his name...


"..I am Buddha..."

The moment he starts to open his immeasurable mouth caused a lot pf distortion in space and time causing it to bend momentarily..

Monkey King stood up from the top of Buddha's head and he took a step back and swung his heavenly rod with all of his might continuously on Buddha's upper forehead that caused Buddha to feel the irritation and retaliate using his overwhelming knowledge.

His head starts to shine making Monkey King rendered confused.

".....KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..!" Monkey King shouts to ease the pain making him more persistent...

Monkey King rolled back and his rod transformed into a giant rod enough to cover Buddha's head.

"Ugh!" Buddha winced as Monkey King's swing hit its mark.

After the rod hits Buddha. The rod turned back into its original size.

"..Little Monkey, I am chasing you for forty days and forth nights, when are you going to be finally unruffled?.."

"If you finally let me out of this place, and let me return into the lower realm AGAIN, I will stop making mess here in heaven." Monkey King demanded.

"No." Buddha answered quickly.

"It is a Divine rule to us gods, to not set foot on human realm unless it was crucial and necessary I can no longer make same mistake like what I did before"

"..I've been telling you this since your first attempt. "

"...Like I give a damn about a stupid Divine rule...." Monkey king jumped off from the head of Buddha and tumble on his cloud In front of Buddha's face.

Buddha swayed his hand towards monkey king in short motion with his hand swaying down to drive away Monkey King like a fly.


Monkey King grins and making a little smirk... and smiling for additional provocation at Buddha, while using his heavenly rod to repel Buddha's golden hand.

"Enough of this little monkey, we can even do this for eternity but I can't let you go, I have an obligation to keep an eye for mortals down realm." Buddha continues to sway Monkey king.

"..Then let me pass the heaven gates to return to the lower realm!" Monkey King Demand.

"Damned---Swoog.....CLNG!!!, Sly----Swoog....CLING!----gods----Swoog....CLNG!"

("Swoog" is the sound effect of the sound of the air like it was getting sliced by a sharp knife.)

Every time when Monkey King utter those words each word was equal of the way he swung his rod unto Buddha making Buddha lose his posture.

"Damned sly Gods," He repeats.

"Trying to fool me for your own good, did you think I will not notice!?" Monkey King shouted.

Buddha was shocked, those words left him in a midst of confusion when he suddenly heard those words that Monkey King uttered.

"Little Monkey, Enough with your baseless accusations..." Buddha replied.

Monkey King curved his eyebrows and lose his patience.

"So won't you let me out of here....I don't want to do anything to heaven again like what I did... back then.... because now it is all against my way of doing things which are mischief s but now it is for the sake of....."



Monkey King was interrupted by someone's presence and Buddha's all mighty push...


points his finger with full of pity...

"We were once a friend and brother but I can no longer tolerate this treacherous act...." Buddha added...

Monkey King didn't answer and remained still.

"Feigning ignorance will get you nowhere..." mutter to himself

Sitting on his mighty clouds as if his letting his guard down. He is provoking Buddha and glared using his fiery eye full of blood lust at Buddha, as if he is waiting for a chance.

Buddha sighed.

"I have no knowledge of what you've gained or have seen..." He closed his eyes and nod.

"But if you have intention to tell me.......Then I won't force you to." Buddha added.

Buddha speaks seems slow but loud, because of his massive figure.

Because of this, Monkey King lose his patience.

His face starts to show a sign of irritation and losing temper.

"So you really won't let me out of here...?" Monkey King full of intimidation shouted that it rungs the ear of Buddha.

"I don't want to do anything to heaven that is against my will!" Monkey King said forcing his self to smile to hide his irritation.

"...Little Monkey......you lacked resolve and clarity in your objective..."

"And you won't tell me the reason of why are you doing this.."

"You're always doing what you want without considering the outcome and consequences of what you're doing is." Buddha said with a composed voice.

The atmosphere seems lighter this time, because of the clash between the two gods had been ceased.

Buddha sighed and entered a deep thinking..


"(Chance!!)" Monkey King said to himself.


Monkey King swiftly takeoff at a jet black speed...leaving behind dust..

Monkey King is as fast as an air itself.....You can't even see him.

*! *!

Buddha felt it and he quickly opened his eyes and reach the fleeing Monkey King with his hand.

Because Buddha's hand were so big, it is no problem for him to chase Monkey King.


Back into Monkey King....

As he rushed towards ahead, he finally saw a golden gate with a color blue force field like a mirror.

He dashed on it while is being chased by Buddha's hand.

"..YEEEEEEESSSS!..!" Monkey King shouted as he excitedly reached the entrance of the gate.

Strangely Buddha didn't followed him anymore so he entered the gate without a second thought.

Inside was a scenery of a forest with a floating islands. With a sound of a splashing water coming from a waterfall nearby.

Monkey King walks in wonders.

Amazed by the scene, he muttered with amusement.

"This....this will be my new home..."Monkey King said..

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... kukuuuuaahh kukuhhh..." Monkey King laugh hysterically runs around the place.

Observing the place...

Acting full of hostility for the unidentified terrain....

Keeping his eye on his back for Buddha might come and drag him.... back he... but he didn't... now he let his guard down.

He was dazzled and marveled to the fullest extent that he starts to remember something and become reminiscent making, his eyes starts to shed tears with blood on his right eye (symbolizes vengeance and unfathomable anger).

Oddly only his right shed tears...the forest make him at ease..

A few moments he starts to take a little detour and saw this huge tree, it can't be gazed upon for some reason.... for some reason first time on his entire existence of living... he felt such overwhelming aura that he starts to shivers.... he dashed quickly summoning all of his divine armaments to amplify the speed of his flight...

"What the hell is that?"

He keeps to runaway in search of a way down to the lower realm...

Suddenly.... a guy with a huge and bulky muscles wearing a black eye patch on his right eye...that can be seen a far using his fiery eye....

As Monkey King starts to feel this feeling first time on his entire life... he averted his attention to and focus on his flight... desperately running away... his instinct told him that if he didn't runaway... he will Die...

In such short notice that he felt a sudden vibration at air.... the guy wearing eye patch... suddenly appear out of nowhere... In front of him... he crushed himself so hard that the impact caused a little cracked on his almost unbreakable armor... taking advantage of confusion.... the guy eye patch punched Monkey... making him.. unconscious...


loud that the placed starts to tremble....

He tied Monkey king... using his own hair as rope... making Monkey King unable to retaliate....

Monkey King was reduced in the most pathetic way... that guy on black eye patch thrown him back to the door... and as departing message to buddha....


"...TAKE THIS PET OF YOURS." And ended it with piercing gaze...

"Your arrogance knows no bounds...!" Buddha replied...

"Take this use it as a help" he throw something at him...

He woke up and Buddha said this one is no longer a farce....

I will grant you freedom for the second time if you repel me... Monkey King starts to wake up and obey his words without a doubt knowing that he was deceived for the first time...

"This game again?"

"Remove my shackles and tie so I can play your game!..." he added

"I can't do that"

Buddha replied..

"I saw you... first time seeing those frantic expressions" he added

" I will not fight back... HERE AND KNOW... I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE.. TO MYSELF... AS A GREAT WARRIOR... I WILL BE BACK AND TAKE MY REVENGE!!!....." he shouts so loud that the whole universe trembles...

Monkey King lies on the middle palm of when golden light charge on Buddha's forehead emits and shine radiantly and after ten seconds a clatter of gong sound emits and the light discharge on Monkey King.

Excessive wave of golden light hits on Monkey King and Pressurize Him like a suddenly change of gravity pressuring him down into his bones.

"WAAAAHHHHH..!! What is this?!..." Monkey King shouts painfully.

"..This again, Giant Buddha...?"

"You have an immeasurable strength that are equal to heaven itself, you have an uncontrollable nature Little Monkey, you are a threat to us, and so I have decided to seal you AGAIN Little Monkey." Buddha said with an intimidating voice.

"I accept it for I can no longer be detained forever...!" Monkey King said with an vengeful voice.

Grinding his sharp fangs, a black and red light started to gather around Monkey King, his eyes started to form a frightening glare full of killing intent.

Buddha noticed this and his eyes blinked into five different colors. Red, Green, white, Blue and Yellow.

As Buddha's eyes changes colors randomly, the golden light on his five fingers also began to change into five colors.

Red symbolize Fire, green symbolize Nature, white symbolize air, blue symbolize water and yellow symbolize earth.

"..WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!..." Monkey kings continues to shout. His voice echoes through the enormous place walled with clouds.


Monkey Kings tries to escape by overwhelming Buddha's power but failed at process because Buddha already enchanted the Heaven's Five Elemental Seal.

So Monkey King releases the preserve dark power obtained by his excessive anger. Creating a sudden release of reddish black smoke and forge five Monkey King clone.

The five Monkey King Clone simultaneously jump extremely high that it cannot be seen and fall at a high speed producing a blazing fire around them like a meteor shower.





Falling at such a high speed. The impact on the ground trembles the Whole universe. Simultaneously shaken it five times..

Leaving five holes on the surface of the heaven. The water on the heavens surface flows into the crater reducing the water in heaven and pouring continuously into the lower realm. .

"Little Monkey, although at such madness do you think you are doing? Destroying the heaven and leaving a crack on the surface.

After releasing such great power, Monkey King loses consciousness.

Finally, the heavenly five element seal were completely done. Monkey King were in the middle of Buddha's palm downcast quietly on the heart of the five fingers.

"Little Monkey, I cannot seal you here in heaven because cause you will only cause harm and ill. To those that surrounds you because of that evil aura that you emitting. You will surely corrupt those who surrounds you." Buddha said.

"You can finally go into the lower realm but not into your home but it instead you will be locked forever inside my palm." Buddha added.

Part 2

In the lower realm, the clouds in the sky started to move in circle and the hole in the sky appeared. Followed by a pillar of golden light descend with an enormous golden fist.

It was the hand of Buddha restrained Monkey King on its palm.

Because of this phenomenon, the four season occurred randomly and simultaneously, disrupting the natural order.

The sun blaze the lower realm with so much heat that the animals and mortals around it died within an only an hour, with a raging blizzard that froze its surroundings simultaneous causing the ice to evaporate which cause an extreme fog and mist.

Cloudy it may seems but because of golden light, the hand of Buddha can be see through.

It descend slowly for about as long as seven days.

Thunder starts to rumble in the sky, roaring so angrily and loud noise that pierce your ears. It started to rain so hard that it causes flood.

After seven days of descending, it finally lands on the ground causing trembling earthquake that lands started to spread apart.

A powerful sound of gong rang seven times followed by a strong golden light that surpass the sunlight as the hand of Buddha penetrates the land, as it goes deeper and deeper giant clouds forms and brings thunder and lighting and creates an overwhelming numerous giant tornadoes.

"Such pity on you little monkey, you possessed overwhelming strength that we can use on protecting the mortals from frightening beings from another realm." Buddha said on unconscious Monkey King.

"Instead of being our ally, or you can perhaps be our opponent." Buddha added.

Buddha knows that he cannot let loose his hand on Monkey King for he can escape if he became careless and incautious.

Buddha hand stayed there for another seven days. Seven days.

That long time, the dust from the dreadful land carried by wind slowly stacking up on Buddha's hand causing it to form a mountain.

Finally the abnormal and terrible calamity finally stopped. But the damaged it caused is also great. It almost wiped the early mortals living on lower realm.

"It's been already this long since I put little Monkey into sleep." Buddha said to himself.

"Maybe it's time to let go of my hand." He added.

"I will put equivalent power to my hand as a substitute for the heaven's five elemental seal." Buddha said.

He slowly let go of his hand of the unconscious monkey king and he returned to heaven silently.

Buddha found out that he is unable to find a substitute for his seal unless it was the power of heaven itself, so he carefully placed his five elemental swords.

He returned to the lower realm and peaked at the mountain where the unconscious Monkey King was.

He then placed the giant sword simultaneously and carefully around Monkey King.

Every time he place the sword, the dark clouds that formed around the mountain is gradually fading.

At the last sword that he was about to place, Monkey King woke up.

At his first glance of sight he quickly notice Buddha, Monkey King once again has an appearance of wrath and hatred towards Buddha.


The ground starts to shakes.

"Y....you!.....Yo...u.... w....hat ha...ve you don..e to me?.....This seals are way more powerful than previous!..."

"Indeed little Monkey." Buddha replied.

"A foolish Monkey can also be fooled, if heaven is unable to control you or discipline yourself, then you are a threat to us." Buddha said with an intimidating voice.

"..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!..." Monkey King struggled intensely.

"....Why do I feel so weak?... I can't feel any power!...What have you done to me?!.."

"..It is entirely different..."

Although Buddha suppressed Monkey King's power he can still quake a certain piece of land around him.

"Silence little Monkey!" Buddha said with a loud voice.

After saying that he finally put the fifth heavenly sword resulting into a complete seal of Monkey King's power.

The trembling finally stopped and the struggling of Monkey King ceased.

Part 3

The peaceful and quiet place of the mythical Forest field suddenly with holiness... cause an uproar when five blazing fire of different color bright light descended on land.

A frighten scream of a damsel can be heard near the crash site where the five mysterious things fell.


Its echoes through half of the forest. It disturbs and frightens the animals around it causing them to flee from the place.

Not far away from the area where that frightening cry is.

A dark place yet full of fireflies, dancing around under the dazzling running river, a beautiful scenery of nature.

By seeing it you would actually thought that a fairy is living there, but it's not.

It's the opposite. There,... lives a frightening monster that has an appearance of a human but has a huge red and spiky tail like a dragon and has a scaly silver skin that is like a human armor.

Its eyes are red that if it glares at you, consider yourself dead. And its teeth are sharp as a blade and is enough to tear anything.

Its hands are like of a human but its fingers are fury and its fingers are made up of sharp knife like bones.

Its roar scares even a monster ten times of its size, enough to call it the "Ygi".

A total killing machine or should we call it a god killing machine because it is from a heaven, a cursed god that descended to lower realm.

Although it is a god, it is cursed because it broke the absolute rule created by the Great One. It loses its , sanity and its proper way of thinking.

It now moves only according to its instinct not far from an ordinary animal.

While ripping the bloodied fresh flesh of its prey using its mouth, it heard a loud scream of a maiden voice.

It looked at its direction and started to move. Leaving behind the corpse of a huge animal.

When it reaches its destination, it saw a beautiful damsel about an age of twenties, with a curly blond hair and has a nice curved body.

A snow white skin with a young face and red lips and is wearing a thin white dress surrounded by five naked men.

But the appearance of the five men were unusual.

Their body were build bulky and has a ash colored skin.

But its height were thrice as the ordinary height of a normal human.

They were surrounded by glowing light around them similar to the color of the fallen meteors.

"... mortal, you will be submitting yourself to us..." One of the naked men suddenly talks.

Its voice were echoing like the voice incoming from a speaker, loud but clear.

"N-no.... p-plea...se..." The female begged for mercy.

Holding both of her hands begging for mercy while bowing down on her knees quivering in fear.

"..P-please, d-do...n't do t-this..." The girl said over and over.

"Silence mortal, who are you to speak to us?..." The second man said.

The pressure of killing intent rise intensified by their laughter.

The young girl suddenly strucked by fear. The atmosphere around her grows heavy and hot.

The five men approached the young girl and laugh wickedly.


PLEEEEEEAAAAASSSSE!..." The young girl shouts begging for mercy.


The mysterious man starts explore her womanhood... with his manhood... as she struggles for her own-self and her remaining dignity.

The mysterious man struck her with his large thing...making her... experience a severe and sharp pain to her hymen...

"Ahh" ....She moans...





A grieve full of misery. A tears that is carved into her heart and will be remembered and bear it for eternity.

A scream that once rang a god's ear.

She were being violated by five large men simultaneously for ten days without rest.

The beast from the forest watched them from afar as they raped the girl without mercy.

On the eleventh day, the morning starts. The chirp of birds sounds the sky. The light coming from the sun slowly reaching and lightens the dark place.

When the light finally reached the placed. The beast woke up from his sleep and he quickly observe the site and he only sees one body that remains there.

The dreadful look and dead eyes of a poor girl, with a rip clothes and lots of blood stained on her lower body.

The five men mysteriously disappeared without any traced.

The beast walks with two its two feet and slowly approached the poor girl.

"(Little girl, are you ok?)" The beast asked.

Without realizing, it doesn't know that the girl didn't understand him for the reasons of not having any ability to hold verbal exchange with any highly intelligent creature for it is one of its curse... not a single beast will understand or grasp his language...

"GRRR RRR, GRRR," The poor girl only heard the beast.

She looked at the direction of where the snarl is.

Her dreadful eyes grew wide and shocked her when she saw a huge beast looking at her. Its shadows shades her completely.

She backed for like two meters, as she continued to back off the complete opposite direction where the beast is standing, her dress hooked into something which leaves her completely naked. Exposing her perfectly shaped boobs and pink nipples.

The huge beast thing step forwards to her direction.

It savors the naked woman shaking in fear and licked her body with its warm tongue.

It tries to act as gentle as possible... engaging in sexual manner...the beast was drowned by lust... engaging in coital session...

Huh?" The woman confused said as she realized what the beast is doing.

The woman was filled with men juice with a mixture of the beast, her inside and out making.... her hate towards everything starts to caused a miasma and suddenly...



So were finally back on the rhythm, it's actually my first time writing a web novel actually so sorry for bad writhing and wrong grammars.

Disclaimer: This story is originally written by the authors and this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

FlowerandAntcreators' thoughts