
The Odin System

Odin is the man who tried his best to escape Fate. A man who tried everything he could but in the end fell. Yet his will remained as the only way for him to live on, unwilling to give up his will bounded with a human for a second chance...

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Odin Force

"... Dad, I want a baby brother." On the ride back home, James sat in the back of the car while Elizabeth sat in the passenger car while his wife Emma was driving the car. James... well, now calling himself Odin sat in the back of the car, writing runes on some papers.

"Thats sounds perfect dear, what do you think?" Emma asked as if she was stunned by Elizabeth's question.

"I just awakened Mana, I don't want to have a child right now. maybe we can try in a few months." I said trying my best to remain calm, my words caused the two to go quiet as they didn't know what to say now...

They quickly arrived home, and as they did Odin headed to go to sleep. Emma went up after him after a few seconds, she wanted to have some fun but seeing Odin asleep, she was disappointed but left him alone.

Odin was asleep for a good few hours, he woke up in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep. He got up and went to take a shower, before putting on a new pair of clothing and headed to the guild. he had come in his wife's car, leaving his car at the guild, so he planned to just walk there, using this chance to look at [Space Jump].

I of course used Mana to use this technique. this wasn't a spell as no magic circles were needed to cast. there was a difference between techniques and spells. Spells are cast through magic circles, they are normally more powerful than techniques but take longer to cast.

techniques have a shorter cast time, and no circles are needed. this makes it harder for people to see or know if one is using a technique. 

this world wasn't like those worlds where scrolls from dungeons were one-time-use items used to learn something. instead, scrolls show one how to train to learn spells or techniques, as for if one could bring out the full potential of said technique and magic, it is up to their physique and talents.

[Space Jump] was a technique that allowed one to jump space, they could appear anywhere within their field of sight. Odin tried [Space Jump], knowing the energy cost and how little energy he had, Odin tried his best to limit the energy cost of his [Space Jump].

Techniques and spells needed Mana to be used, of course, the higher the rank, the greater the energy cost. This was something Odin came to remember after trying to use this technique, unless he was going to use the Odin Force, it was foolish of him to try and use this.

Instead, he looked towards [Holy Light Magic]. [Holy Light Magic] came with many spells, [holy wings] which allowed one to create angel-like wings for flight and fast movement. there was [Holy Ray], which allowed one to create a ray of light that brought all types of benefits, and many more spells... but should I use this, over what I was calling [Odin magic]

[Odin Magic] was pretty much what the system gave me, it held rune magic and ways to train to gain many Odin divinities. I already had the divinity of wisdom, which is why I grew stronger the more knowledge I gained. 

But Odin was the God Of War, Death, Runes, Healing, Ravens, and so on. It was my job to understand each of these divinities if I wished to be as powerful as the Odin of the past...

'Before I pick which magic... system, how big is the verse I'm in?' I asked while walking towards the guild. but at my word, the system was confused, not understanding what the verse meant.

'Verse is pretty much different realities. like the Dragon Ball verse, Naruto verse, and so on. Odin is from my verse right?' I asked, 

{oh... yes, Indeed, Odin is from this verse. As for the strength of this verse. it's not that big compared to other verses. Odin had tried to escape this verse's fate reach, but he failed in the end. this verse is just one endless universe split into 9 realms all the same size.} the system said while I nodded slightly,

'Then, do you know the reason behind the dungeons?' I asked calmly,

{knowledge is currently unknown to the system, it's up to the host to find out.} the system said to which I just shrugged slightly. I thought for some time before picking Odin magic, although this would cause a lot of problems as people would question what I'm using, I will try and go at this solo to avoid trouble. 

'When can I next get something from you?' I asked calmly, there were many things within the system that Odin had left for me. I wanted to get my hands on them all,

{the host can get something new once he reaches B rank in strength... note that the Odin force will not be counted in the system measurement of your strength.} The system said to which I nodded slightly before going through everything in Odin's magic and picking the thing that would use the least amount of energy.

Raven magic, although I liked Crow over Ravens, I wasn't judging. Raven magic had many forms and shapes, from summoning Ravens to creating them, this magic allowed one to do it all. The first thing I tried to do was summon a raven. this was easy as... well, I was stronger than a raven. the energy although high for me right now, would not be like that forever after some training.

A dark purple magic circle appeared before me, and after a moment a magic circle appeared on the ground, and from there, a raven was summoned. I looked at the raven, feeling a bond with it. the raven also looked at me, feeling a unique bond between me and it.

"Come," I said calmly, The Raven struggled slightly, but as my summon and it being far weaker than me, it had no choice but to do as I wished. It flew over to my finger which was held out. The raven was scared, something which I could sense.

"You need not fear me... I haven't eaten. how about we go get something to eat." I said to which the Raven uneasily nodded. this was of course odd that a Raven could understand human speech, but through the bond we had, it understood what I was trying to say.

"Do you have a family or anything? The summon would not last forever so you would soon be sent back. As my first summon, I want to complete the link between you and me. it would be annoying having to bond with every raven I summon." I said with a smile,

"I-I travel alone." the Raven Said, causing me to raise an eyebrow

"thats odd, don't Raven usually live in groups?" I asked, to which the raven lowered its head in shame. but after a moment, it looked at me in shock, shocked by the fact I could understand it. 

"You understand me?" It asked, to which I nodded slightly, before asking it about its story. The Raven sighed softly, before going on to explain its past. It turned out it gave off some aura which made other Raven scared of it, leading to it being all alone. Odin was confused for a second, before realizing this Raven had mana. it seemed like he summoned the strongest raven. 

Animals were capable of awakening mana, but it was far more rare compared to humans. there have only been a few thousand recorded cases. nothing compared to the millions of humans. plus, most animals go on with their life as if nothing happened. This leads to them dying without ever knowing their full potential.

I explained this to the Raven, leaving it stunned for some time. After, I told my side of the story. I of course completely skipped over the system, and just told the Raven about my dying Guild, destroyed marriage, and how I just awakened my Mana.

"So, shall we complete the Bond? the bond will be special, you will pretty much become immortal." I said with a smile, the Raven hesitated for a moment, before nodding slightly. So, I went on to use the Odin force to make this bond.

My hand flashed and my nails easily cut my finger. I had the Raven Drink my blood while a golden magic circle appeared under our feet. 

"As of this moment, you shall be Munin... my memory," I said as the Raven on my finger began to break down, turning into dust. My shirt which I was wearing began to start smoking, and on my back, the left side, a tattoo of a Raven began to form.

My face twisted feeling the pain, but as I was in the middle of the street, I forcefully held back a scream. I didn't want eyes on me... if I knew it would have been painful, I would have gone elsewhere. 

But right now, I could feel the bond between myself and Munin reaching a level where the Raven magic wouldn't have normally allowed. As of this moment, Munin and I had pretty much fused down to the soul. Munin had become my memory, as he grew, so will my memory storage grow.

As of this moment, everything I have ever seen, heard, and learned. it becomes as clear as day, allowing me to perfectly recall it all. My mind had evolved. 

The fusion took some time, but it was just a few seconds. although it felt like years. breathing heavily, Odin removed his shirt which was now destroyed. Throwing them to the side, he summoned Munin.

The tattoo on my back glowed, and from my back, Munin shot out, no longer was he the size of a raven. No, he was now as large as a pickup truck. Munin let out a loud cry, before he disappeared, at blinding speed, he flew into the sky disappearing.

I could feel Munin's thoughts at the moment, he was high on power. the power flowing through him was at the C rank, how could he not want to spread his wings right now and fly?

'Be careful, although if you die you will return to me, you will feel the process of death. So, quickly return before you catch some unwanted attention.' I thought calmly, although monster taming was a thing, many people looked down upon monster tamers. they had yet to accept such a concept, 

Munin sensing my thoughts quickly snapped out of his high state. with a thought, his size shrank and he shot over to my side, landing on my shoulders. Being my memory, he knew everything about me so understood the danger it was in while showing itself around. 

'Are you alright? You used a lot of your Odin force.' Munin asked, I didn't expect so much of the Odin force would be used. so currently, I was at 20%, but it was alright. I will slowly recover.

"yeah, let's go get something to eat," I said while gathering Mana into my feet before we disappeared. we quickly arrived at an open fast food, I went on to order something to eat and share with Munin. although Munin didn't need to eat now, he didn't mind eating as well.

"as of now, we need to do a few things. I will try and summon another raven tomorrow when I'm all recovered. for now, I should go do some training" I said with a yawn, to which the Raven Nodded before we headed off towards the guild...

So, Odin went on to train. By training, Odin didn't do any workouts, instead, he wanted to grow stronger through knowledge and working. so he was learning to master the runes. each rune had its unique effect, knowing the effect of the runes and channeling power into them was the key to bringing out their effect.

There were many types of runes. One runes spells were considered basic and easy to learn, but as one combines more and more runes, the harder the runes are to comprehend. this is why understanding the universe was important because understanding the runes without understanding the workings of the universe was nearly impossible... this means Ling Han had to understand science to some degree.

Because a fire rune needed one to understand how fire works, a lightning rune needed to understand how lightning works, and the list went on. it was possible for one to even control the universe itself, giving one the power to control the very universe. but the understanding to do such a thing was something even Odin couldn't do. if he could do that, then he could have controlled his fate.

{host, try and convert the writing into writing you understand. after all, you would have a far harder time to understand the symbols of hundreds of years ago. the type of symbol doesn't matter, you already have an understanding of fire and how fire burns. So, write something like Fire and see.} The system said, to which I went on to try it out. I held out my palm while picturing the word fire, and how fire works.

my mana gathered, forming the word fire, which formed a magic circle. with a flash, flames shot from the magic circle, stunning me.

{it's best you convert the writing back into runes to bring out the full power of the rune magic. this is because the runes symbols are the writing of the universe.} the system said, to which I nodded slightly. I went on to go Online and went on to search stuff on things that I didn't fully understand, and even went on to see some theories on time and so on...

Odin spent hours learning about all types of things, things which he better understood compared to when he was learning these stuff in school. but he also understood today's technology wasn't capable of truly explaining the universe, so it was best not to think everything he was reading about to be true.

at the same time, I couldn't help but compare this wisdom stuff the the Dao from the cultivation world. after all, in the cultivation world, the more one comprehends the Dao, the greater the capability would be. it's just that I had my overall capability boosted.

I spent 4 hours on this after I went on to go to the other Copper tier dungeon under the guild's name. I went on to clear the dungeon on my own, it was of course easy for me to clear. I simply used this as a chance to test my runes as well as many of my raven Magic.

Walking through the dungeon, wolves jumped at me. I held out my palm, forming the word lightning. with a flash, a magic circle appeared and after a split second, lightning shot from the magic circle, swallowing the wolves rushing at me.

"I grew stronger again... this is C tier," I said with narrowed eyes seeing the power the word Lightning held. this was the power of wisdom, just a few hours of learning stuff led to my strength taking another step. 

I smiled, before going on to test out a few other words I didn't want to try out within the guild. after, I moved to my Raven Magic. Holding out my palm, I summoned countless raven feathers which shot toward the wolves, cutting them all up.

 Odin tried more spells, taking this chance to get the hang of everything. Just understanding his own magic brought him strength. the more he knew, the stronger he shall be...

The dungeon was cleared in no time, and once Odin left, he went on to go buy a few new dungeons using the little money the guild had left. if needed, he would sell a few B-tier above things from the treasury, as of now that wasn't needed. 

After all of this, Odin went on to go train. this time not in the runes, but in the gym. the gym could help one with Mana control along with many other things. Odin planned to push himself, he didn't want to rely purely on Knowledge to grow stronger. this is because Like Odin of the past found out, knowledge wasn't enough to make you the strongest.... well, unless you can get all of the knowledge out there. Thor was the strongest back then.

I wanted to use both physical training and mental training to become as strong as possible, if I purely grew stronger on knowledge alone, wouldn't it be harder for him to find something to work out with later down the line? But if he trained now, and by the time he was powerful and still had a lot to learn, would he be capable of growing far stronger?

So, hours passed with Odin purely pushing his body to a level a normal human could never handle. The amount of Mana used to make the weights as heavy as they were currently wasn't simple, and the fact he had to keep feeding the weights the said amount of mana only made his mana drop faster. with the weights being as heavy as a ton, the energy needed wasn't small.

Odin could only work out for 1 hour before he was low on Mana and was out of breath. he went to go take a shower lost in his own world. 

Since the system had proven that other verses existed, then shouldn't I start working on using the knowledge I knew about each verse?

For example, the chakra system of the Naruto world. although others have tried to see if they could use jutsu, they found themselves not being able to do stuff like walking on walls and the many stuff of the Naruto world... but I was different. for one, the Odin force could do anything I could picture and had a good understanding of.

So, I wanted to try and see if I can use the chakra system of the Naruto world with the Odin force, before replacing the Odin force with Mana. Once I could, I would have so many jutsu from that world that I could try and recreate. 

There were many things to try working with, I had time and I could slowly progress. I was now a C tier, and with that, I should be able to clear even Iron-rank dungeons without the need for the Odin force.

Sighing, I held out my palm and created a magic circle with the word space. I could feel I could have the power to compress and expand space. After getting my hands on [Space Jump], this wasn't all that hard. but I had also done some research on space and gravity.

I heard some people speak about how even space bends around gravity, which would mean that even time bends around gravity. I also heard some say that space is flat, almost like 2D, but as gravity bends it, giving it the other dimensions. I didn't know if this was true or not, and right now I didn't care. I just wanted to see if I could flip the coin around and use time.

Space and Time, were two sides of the same coin. without space, there can't be time and the other way around. if you are about controlling time, you are also controlling space and the other way around. 

I wanted to have a good understanding of controlling time to see if I could use the Odin force to see into the future, what would the next best move be for me right now?

So, slowly the magic circle formed from the word space began to transform as the word time took its place. Odin's heart skipped slightly feeling the hold he held on time right now, but he quickly stopped as his Mana was also sucked dry.

Taking a deep breath, he gathered the Odin force. but before he could do anything with the Odin force, the Odin force went against his wishes and went on to stop time. I froze while seeing this, before looking to the side, where a baby boy stood with one Raven on its shoulder.

"I'm not in the mood to enter a deep sleep because of this... what are you doing?" I asked, in the Marvel Comic, the Odin Force seemed to have a will of its own. it seems like the same was for this newly created one.

"To simply warn you... You're not the reincarnation of Odin."