
The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

People flock into the holographic virtual lord game "Lord of Glory", only to find that they couldn't get offline. All players became lords and fought for survival and honor. Ji Chen found himself loaded with a troop talent tree, able to strengthen the skills of the troop types and even upgrade their ranks. Dragon Blood Fishman, Tidal Naga, Death Squid, Pure Blood Sea Elf, Deep Sea Goblin, Cang Dragon Knight, Death Leviathan, Northern Sea Giant Demon, and other powerful troop types arrived one after another. From then on, a lord and the aboriginal fear of the sea lord was born! In the boundless ocean, an ocean island became that bright pearl of the ocean. Players: This ocean lord is a bit unusual!

Chenyu The Herder · Games
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855 Chs

Twelve Shura Skeletons (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The Shura Skeletons emerged, floating on the sea surface amidst the black mist, surrounding Ji Chen in the middle. Once he made any movement, they would launch frenzied attacks.

Ji Chen looked on with indifference, saying, "Relying solely on these rotten skeletons to trap me? Seems you underestimate me too much."

"Hehehe, rest assured, this time I will personally meet you." A column of black mist, thick as smoke, rose into the sky, accompanied by a twisted, abyssal screech. Ordinary beings hearing such a sound would fall into madness, becoming soulless creatures.

Unfazed, Ji Chen watched the undead lord manifest from the black mist, casting a contemptuous gaze.