
The nurse's missing wife

Crystal_Robinson_8752 · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

chapter 9 - The Baby

It had been nine long months since Faith was taken, and the dark room that once held nothing but her fear and despair was now filled with everything she needed to survive. She had managed to acquire a stove and other essentials, and had even prepared for the arrival of a baby. She wasn't sure of the gender, but she had everything she needed to take care of it.

As she sat down to eat the food she had just prepared, she felt a sudden pain in her belly. It was so bad that she doubled over in agony. Panic set in as she realized that the baby was coming. She had never gone through childbirth before and was terrified of doing it alone.

Faith tried her best to compose herself, but the pain was too much to bear. Tears streamed down her face as she cried out for help. She knew she didn't trust the person who brought her here, but she needed someone, anyone, to be there with her.

As she lay on her bed, waiting for him to arrive, her mind raced with questions. Was she strong enough to do this on her own? How would she raise the baby? And how would he react to the new addition?

When he finally arrived , Faith could barely speak through the pain. He quickly realized what was happening and tried to calm her down.

Faith gritted her teeth and pushed through the pain. It was the hardest thing she had ever done, but she managed to give birth to a healthy baby girl. She held the baby close to her chest, tears of joy and fear streaming down her face. She had done it. She had brought new life into the world,

But the joy was short-lived. As the hours passed, Faith's condition worsened. She became feverish and weak, unable to care for the baby. He did what He could to help, but he, too, were at a loss. He has never took care of a child before.

Faith's mind raced with fear and uncertainty. Would she survive this? Would her baby be okay? She had no answers, only the pain of her body and the weight of her tears.

She was so afraid and helpless as she gave her little bundle of joy to him. She wondered if she could trust him to take good care of her baby and keep her safe. Despite her fears, she was too weak to do anything but close her eyes and pray that her baby would be fine and that she herself would recover.