
The Numen's Legacy

Lionell_Aster · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter II- A Sorrowful Farewell

Azure-blue crystals have surrounded the remains of the house of the Asters. What used to be a beautiful home, now destroyed by tragedy. Everything is in shambles; only debris and waste remain. The home it once was, has now become a wasted battlefield that has left a lot of moonlit crystals around the place. At the center of those scattered crystals, a tall pillar of crystalline and vines can be spotted. And above that pillar, lies the bodies of their parents, sealed in everlasting crystalline stone wrapped in moonlit vines. Oh, such outstanding magic does the Vinicius bloodline wield; to cast such a spell takes a lot of magic.

And at last, help finally came, though it was too late. But at the very least, the little boys are safe from harm. Thanks to the person who saved their lives, their older brother, Lionell Aster. The guards that have arrived are reinforcements from a neighboring village, and they were amazed that a little boy had done something astounding. Left in awe, one guard asked curiously, "Hey boy, how did you defeat a huge number of these puppets? I am very sure no boy your age can do something like this." But little Lionell still felt very miserable and did not reply. The guard asked no more, since he understood that the child was still traumatized by what had happened. Their parents, frozen in eternal crystals—how heartbreaking can you imagine that could be for them?

While evacuating, the boys saw what had remained of the village—nothing but smithereens was left. Only a few survived. The guards rescued the remaining people who had survived. Some of the guards can also be seen on top of the crystalline tower, trying to retrieve at least one of their parents, their dear mother, Chandra Vinicius. A great mage who excels in plant magic and sealing magic, it was a big loss to lose someone like her, especially to her children.

While undergoing evacuation, Raziel Aster, Lionell's younger brother, can be seen standing, frozen in place, and crying. Little Lionell approached and comforted his little brother. What has happened to them is very depressing. Raziel refused to leave and evacuate; he is not at ease, but after a little time pondering with his brother, he tagged along with the evacuation.

Inside the transport, Lance rests in the corner, while Lionell and Raziel are beside each other.

Worried, Lionell comforted his brother, saying, "Everything's going to be just fine. I am here for the two of you. I shall protect you at any cost." But Raziel replied, "That's not it, big brother, it is something else..."

"Then you can tell me what's worrying you, Raziel; we are family." Lionell responded.

"Promise me you will take care of our little brother, Lance. Because after I tell you this, I can never go back..." Raziel said in a low, worried voice.

Worried, Lionell asked Raziel why he was saying such words to him. But he fell silent.

"I don't want to leave yet big brother." he cried.

"You don't have or need to leave, Razzy. Why do you think you have to leave? We're here for you; I'm here for you. Tell me what's wrong?"

While the transport is ongoing, heavy rain starts to fall from the sky. After a little period of sobbing and being distraught, Raziel has finally made up his mind and decided to tell his brother what he has been keeping the whole day.

He opens his hands and shows a small key in his palm. It looks like a very simple key, but it contains a lot of magic. That of a keeper.

Confused and troubled, Lionell asked, "What is that, Razzy? Found a new home for us to stay?" He jokingly said.


Raziel, who has his mind made up, stood up and told his brother, "Lionell Vinicius Aster, I am the Keeper of Secrets; Raziel Vinicius Aster. The holder of the 'key of the bibliotheca', I must abandon this mortal world and remain at the realm of secrets. I am in deep sorrow, for I wish not to leave my remaining family. But it is my obligation, as a keeper, to remain in the plane of the ascended."

Lionell, who has heard all this, felt very crushed. "A-are you joking? Are you going to leave us? Why? Is this a joke? Razzy, tell me this is a joke. Please, please, please don't leave us behind. I only have you and Lance. Don't leave..."

He began to sob, as did Raziel. In the last moments he had, Raziel created a solution.

As a keeper, he can create small laws that cannot affect the law of life and death, the law of order and chaos, the law of Vanta, or the law of what "he" holds.


But he is not that powerful yet, so instead he created a law for just the two of them.


"Lionell Aster, I grant you a coin, which you shall keep. Do not lose this coin, for it shall be the connection between the two of us. Once lost, it cannot be brought back.


This coin, when tossed, shall I come and unlock a door that connects the realm of the keepers and the world of Vanta.


Then I must bring you to the bibliotheca, and shall you stay for just a short period."

Proclaimed the newly deemed keeper. To be able to bend the law at such a young age is truly a wonderful feat for Raziel.


But now, the keeper of secrets cannot last long in the mortal world any longer since he has revealed his identity. He was bound to be one and was fated to reveal his identity at any possibility.

Heavens opened, and light shone down upon the transport, as if it were escorting the newly deemed keeper to his domain. Anything halting the progress of the ascent of a keeper will be stopped to carry on the ascent.

Then so, the guards that were operating the vehicle were halted. While on his ascent, his body passed through the matter of the vehicle.

Worried, Lionell dashed out of the vehicle and used his light powers to fly up and try to grab his brother's hand. His brother reached out to him, and so did Lionell. But at the moment Lionell reached Raziel's hand, his hand passed through.

It is as if he were untouchable—a mere phantom, and nothing else.

As mentioned, the law of keepers will not allow anything to halt the progress of the ascent.


Alas, Lionell fell into despair and pain. He fell above the vehicle, rain dripping down on him. Nothing filled him more than grief at that moment. Not even a tear can he shed anymore. Gloom only what took him over.

After Raziel's ascent to the realm of keepers, the guards that were in charge of the vehicle was finally un-bounded.

The guards checked up on the brothers, only to see one lying frightened, and one above the vehicle, lying under the rain, in despair.


Indeed he lost another of his family. Hopes are nothing but a facade, lies brought upon you.

Lionell_Astercreators' thoughts