
The Number Project

Four years after the events of '246', Rick and friends are working together to try and put an end to Experiment Labs once and for all.

JD246 · Realistic
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18 Chs


As Nox carefully guided the girl inside, he let out a sigh of relief.

"First thing's first, why don't we give you a haircut?" He smiled.

"Mm!" The girl nodded.

"Master!" A voice cried from down the hall.

Nox turned around greeted by Cya.

"Oh!" He exclaimed.

"Cya, perfect timing." He smiled.

"Is this her, master?" Cya asked, cocking her head.

"Yes." Nox nodded.

"Ella, it's so nice to finally meet you!" Cya beamed, taking the girls hands in her own.

"Ella...?" The girl asked.

"Uh, Cya!" Nox clapped his hands together.

"Please give her a haircut while I explain everything." He chuckled nervously.

"Right!" Cya smiled.

"I'll make you even cuter!" She exclaimed.

As they got the girl situated, Cya began snipping at the girl's hair.

"As we had no name on file for you in the labs, I took it upon myself to give you a name." Nox began.

"Ella means light." He smiled.

The girl was silent.

"Master spent a couple of hours researching your new name!" Cya giggled.

"W-well..." Nox blushed.

"Do you like it...?" He asked.

"Y-yea." The girl gave a little nod.

"Done!" Cya cried.

"Is this okay?" She beamed, handing a mirror to the girl.

Her eyes, now visible widened. As she went to open her mouth, she quickly shut it.

"Is it not to your liking?" Cya frowned.

Tears began welling in the girl's eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" Cya covered her mouth.

"Can I go to bed?" The girl whispered.

"It's been a long day, huh?" Nox said, smiling sadly.

The girl nodded her head.

"Understood." He said.

"Cya, please show her to her bedroom."

"Mm!" Cya gave a hard nod.

As the two were walking down the hall, the girl looked around the mansion in complete awe.

"Oh!" Cya suddenly stopped.

"Here we are!" She smiled, opening a door.

As she opened the door, the girl's eyes widened.

The room was nicely decorated, with a sign hanging up reading 'Welcome home Ella!'.

"I-is this really my room?" The girl asked, astonished.

"Mm!" Cya beamed.

"Do you like it?" She giggled.

"W-where's the doctor...?" The girl asked.

"He might be in his study now." Cya said.

"Can I talk to him...?" The girl asked.

"Mm, just one second!"

Cya pressed an intercom on the wall.

"Master?" She called out.

"Cya?" A voice on the other end responded.

"Ella wants to see you." She said.

"Of course, I'll be down there in a minute." Nox replied.

As the door opened, Nox slowly peeked his head in.

"Is she awake?" He whispered.

"Mm!" Cya nodded her head.

Nox then came in, shutting the door behind him.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, leaning against the wall.

"I just wanted to say thank you..." The girl said, looking down steadily.

Nox's eyes widened.

"O-oh, don't be silly!" He laughed.

"You don't have to thank me." He smiled.

The girl quickly looked up.

"A-and I like the name Ella...and my haircut!" She stammered.

"Yay!" Cya cried, clapping her hands together.

"Ella..." Nox whispered.

"Oh gosh, you're so darn cute!" He cried, running over to hug her.

As he wrapped his arms around her, Ella's eyes widened.

Tears began welling in her eyes, trickling down her cheek as she embraced him back.