
The Number Project

Four years after the events of '246', Rick and friends are working together to try and put an end to Experiment Labs once and for all.

JD246 · Realistic
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18 Chs


"Looks like it's my turn." Rick turned around, met by Abbey.

"Unlike everyone else so far, I guess you decided to cut your hair." Rick chuckled.

Abbey laughed. "How are ya, Summers?" She smiled.

"A bit tired from the plane ride, but otherwise hangin' in." Rick said.

"Rick," Abbey began. "There's something I need...your help with." She quickly looked at the floor, blushing.

Rick chuckled nervously. "Seems like all of you do."

"Well!" Abbey cried, picking her head up. "A-are ya gonna listen or not...?" She mumbled.

"I'm all ears, Abegale." Rick smirked.

Abbey shot him a dirty look, and sighed. "What would you get for your partner if you were getting engaged...?"

Rick, who just took a sip of juice quickly spat it out. "YOU'RE ENGAGED!?" He cried.

"SUMMERS!" Abbey cried, smacking him on the head.

"Ow!" He cried, rubbing his head.

"I-I'M NOT!" She blushed even deeper than before. "A-at least not yet..." She mumbled.

"Who are you dating?" Rick asked. "Are you smackin' them around too, ya jerk!?" He puffed his cheeks.

"No of course not!" She growled. "She's not an imbecile, unlike you!" She hissed.

"Do you want my help or not,"

"YES!" Abbey cried. "Ok, ok, look, I'm sorry..." She said.

"Beg," Rick looked at Abbey, and quickly paused himself.

Abbey gritted her teeth. "Summers," she gave an annoyed smile. "While I did in a weird way miss you and your obnoxious jokes, you're the only one I can really rely on for this..." She whispered.

"And Sena?" Rick asked.

Abbey gave him a look. "Dude," she began.

"Am I missing someth-"

Abbey bit her lip as she placed her hands on her hips.

Rick's eyes suddenly went wide. "OH MY GOD." He spun his head around, to look at Sena, who was busy in conversation.

"DON'T CATCH HER ATTENTION YOU FOOL!" Abbey cried, impatiently tapping him.

Rick turned around, with a smirk.

"What the hell are you smirking for?" Abbey smiled, gritting her teeth.

"It's about time-"

Abbey quickly smacked him on the shoulder. "Listen!" she cried.

"Listening." He grinned.

"I've always had a crush on her, y'know..." Abbey blushed.

"Really?" Rick asked, sarcastically.

Abbey glared.

"Kidding, kidding!" He laughed. "But for real," he smiled. "All I can say is it's about time."

Abbey looked down, blushing.

"So you need help poppin' the question?" He asked.

"W-well," Abbey turned around to look at Sena. She then turned back, closing her eyes smiling. "The perfect girl deserves the perfect gift..."

"So...you popped the question already?" He asked, leaning on the counter.

"N-not exactly..." Abbey looked down. "Like I said, I need a gift idea."

"...A ring?" Rick asked.

"Gee!" Abbey laughed sarcastically. "What the hell, why didn't my broke ass think'a that?" She looked at Rick, then sighed. "Until I can afford the best ring possible, I need something to improvise..." She whispered.

Rick nodded. "How about..." He paused. "I mean, she's pretty easy to please, Abbey." He said.

"I know but..."

"If you just got a bunch'a flowers spelling out 'will you marry me?' I'm sure as hell she'd say yes in like...five seconds tops." He laughed.

Abbey's eyes widened. "Summers, you're a genius!" She cried.

"You're complimenting me?" He laughed, as she hugged him.

"Despite what I may say," she began. "I really missed you, Rick..." She whispered into him.

"I missed you too, Abbey." He closed his eyes, smiling.

"Anyways," She cleared her throat. "I'm gonna go mingle around," she began. "Your brother looks like he's dying to catch up." She smiled, waving at Norio.

"E-eh?" He quickly looked down.

As Abbey walked back to the party, she nudged Norio, who hesitantly began making his way over towards the kitchen.

Rick turned around and smiled. "What's up baby bro?" He grinned.