
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Volume Ninety Nine

As the days go by, my hope for the lives that I haven't saved. That hope has long gone went by. I would love for those to be in heaven with God, those I have saved most of them haven't accepted Jesus Christ. I know once we get to the path exiting Daragain they will realize that this world does exist. That path is were their sanity will be tested the least though. The most will be obviously us traveling through Daragain, once they see the bodies of children being hanged. I know that it will test their sanity cause in the beginning it tested mine. I just hope that their are some children still left alive, it's been maybe a year since I've seen a child in Daragain. I yelled out " Stop the carriage!". The carriage immediately stopped after hearing my voice echoed. I leaped out of the back of the carriage, joining the merchant that agreed to take us their. I took the seat right next to him. Made a gesture to continue the journey, the carriage began to move again. I asked the merchant a question, " do you know about Daragain?!, well at least our you up to date on its status.". The sounds of rocks being crushed didn't drawn my attention, the merchant took a deep breath. His cheering voice changed after my question. " Yeah!. I know about the truth of Daragain, that's why I haven't told them about it. No matter how much you tell them it won't help them at all, you know that more than I do. How many people you've saved from their death?!. How many you saved and taught them about Jesus Christ?!, it must have hurt you more than ever seeing ones that you genuinely love. Die before accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord!. I might not believe in God like you, but I not that it hurts your heart. It must have token a toll on you, I mean you must have buried over thousands of children. How do you keep yourself calm after doing that for years?!. Can you tell me one thing Jim?. Tell me the truth behind Adamsin!". He has every right to no the truth behind Adamsin, the problem with the truth is that. Nobody wants to hear the truth behind I. No matter how I word it, it doesn't change what he had done to the world. I will tell the truth behind Adamsin. " Sir, I'm very grateful for my life. And all it's challenges that God has granted me with, these challenges have made me a better man. Sure I wish I could have done more. I would love for this world to be wiped of all sin, and yes I'm very tired of putting children into the grave. most of the children I have made graves for, they went sent to an Early grave cause of their parents actions. I prayed every day that this world could be changed for it's current state, but that would be going against his will. He gave us free will. Honestly sometimes I wished he hadn't done that, he also gave someone like me a chance to showcase his love for these people. Yes you are right that all of those people I had buried did not accept Jesus Christ, it doesn't mean that what I've done was worthless. I didn't do it cause I wanted to show my love for them, I just couldn't stand the idea of someone not having a grave. Someone staying with them on their last days on this earth. For me that's a scary thought. I had spent a total of maybe ten minutes with those who were experiencing their last moments. While they were experiencing that I was with them loving them, and praying for them. I had that type of burden over me for a long time. For the truth of Adamsin I know very little of the truth, I want to tell them all about Adamsin. The problem with the truth is that what he had down to this world will never change his image on it. This merchant wants to know the truth behind Adamsin I have no reason not to tell him, " I met Adamsin shortly after my people were killed. I was probably around the ages of six to eight, I was still very young. He took me in raised me as one of is. He taught me how to fight, how to survive on my own. Then one day he left me for the love of his life, of course I didn't get mad at him. I wasn't his own blood. So after he left I lived on my own for a long while, the one day I saw his party member being skinned alive. In front of a corner of hundred people. I tried running over to help the poor soul. Then another member of his pulled me away from the crowd, she took me to his home. Which at the time I didn't know he had a home, broke the news to me that the man who had saved me. Raised me had been killed. I was heart broken. Then I learned later on the reasoning for his death, which I couldn't believe that he could do such a thing.". I had to stop myself, Everytime I tell the story of Adamsin I get very upset with myself. Knowing that I could has comfort him during his time of grievance, even though I was still just a mere child. Maybe just maybe my smile could have healed his heart. I heard tears coming from within the carriage, I can tell that they come from a different world than ours. They cry when they hear about someone dieing, people like me its just another day. The path started to smooth out. The way this path feels I know that we are close to Daragain, that's when I saw the unsettling site of." Welcome to Daragain".