
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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141 Chs

the Number Five volume twenty three

She came closer to me holding me into her arms her actions spoke paragraphs to me, my heartbeat slowed down enough to calm me down. I started to wonder why Steve didn't come to my Aid over even his mother, then it clicked that they were both are afraid of me now due to the events that unfolded last night. She backed up to her seat, she looked at the clock on the wall behind me. " Aw shoot!' Marcus were going to be late for school", she knocked over her chair grabbing my arm tugging me to the front of the apartment. As we are walking are way to the school I asked Elizabeth " where is Steve?', without looking back at me she replied. " He had some soccer practice to do in the early morning so it's just us right now", we appeared at the school a bell went off signifying that it had just started. I rushed to my class where students were just walking into, it slowly got filled up. The teacher started his lesson hours went by, I just wrote down what was on the board hoping that was the right thing to do. After he finished his lesson he told the class " take a break, we'll pick up where we left after the break',Elizabeth poked her head around the door. She slowly walked in to the classroom holding a container, she stood on the side of me averting eye contact with me. " M-Marcus do you want to eat with me?", I took a glance at the huge container of food she had. Told her " sure I don't see a problem with it", she took a chair from a desk that was to the left of me sliding it directly in front of me. Placed herself inside the chair, she grabbed a fork from her side of the container stabbing piece of ham. The fork with the Ham, the ham was coming closer to me. I looked pass the food staring straight at Elizabeth, her face went away as the Auos appeared in place of her. I felt to cold and damp floor on my toes, my gaze was met with the Doc of my past." Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you Number Five. You may be asking what is on the agenda for today?, but first who is all ready for todays showcase?!". As the crowd of people up roared, the Doc started walking into the direction of a bag laying beneath the crowd so they couldn't see what was next. She pulled out something long and black her walk and smile matched the atmosphere, smiling from check to check. The black item began to get closer to me she pointed the item at me, the item was placed between my checks on the tip of my nose. Her left index finger pushed down a button on the item, the item began to hiss. Blue currents started to flow out of the Item,the blue current came closer as it connected to my nose. My whole body began to tense out of control, my voice was vibrating " p-p-please h-h-help me!, P-please n-no more!'. The flesh that was holding my nose flopped on the floor beneath me, a small voice from the darkness was calling for me." Marcus!,Marcus, come back it's not real", Elizabeth's voice and scent brought me back to the world I'm at now.I looked down at my soaked paints, the rooms laughter made me embarrassed. Me and Elizabeth eyes met her body was trembling for my sake, I quickly dashed out of there. As I'm sprinting down the hall the halls started to change to the same ones of the past, the smell of mold filled my lungs causing me to cough incontrollable. All the rooms were spitting images of the past ones as well, my legs went numb my body collapse against the wall roaches well crawling all over me picking at me skin. Two figures were making their way towards me, their faces were replaced with the Auos. When the light hit their face that's when I realized that is was Steve and Elizabeth both coming to my aid. Their presence made the situation ease up, Steve's touch was as fresh as a daisy blooming. The way that both of them came to my aid was something that made my skin crawl, this was an experience that I was still getting accustomed to. The look they gave was so sincere " Marcus!, you okay do you need to go back home?', Darkouls entered the conversation." Please kid!, go back to Steve's house your emotions are to high", I pulled both of them closer to me hoping the warmth of their bodies would stop the dark memories of my past. My head was between both of their shoulders, I started to receive pats on the back. Was this something they called comforting ,they were they embraced me was the same way a mother embraces their child right before they go to college. My mind was at awe of what was happening , I wanted to cry for a simple reason. I no longer wanted to cry for pain but for happiness, as they helped me back to my feet, it was a copy and paste of the end of the experiments. The way Steve, Elizabeth was caring me up it was a different way like they were trying not to break me. The item they were trying not to break was already broken and lost it's value, the crowd around us got bigger. We made through the crowd and the voices that was plucking at my appearance, the doors at the front of school that was the point where I got feelings in my legs. The breeze of the air made me feel like nothing could stop us, Steve slipped past us. "Sorry I got a huge test in trigonometry", I felt real uneasy without Steve there, Elizabeth tugged my arm into a direction leading us to a place called "Fun day". Elizabeth looked back at me explaining what this place is," this is an arcade, a place where you can play games and win prizes",. The energy in her voice meant that there was excitement in building, the doors slide open as we entered the building the building was filled with laughter and Joy. All the laughter in the air made all the sorrow in my mind go away,Elizabeth went to a weird box machine that had I guess toys In it. I followed her trying to match her expression, she reached inside her pocket the sound of loose change. A quarter appeared between her index finger and her thumb, with quick haste she slide the coin inside the machine. Their were weird things inside in the machine,the first try the item slipped away. The next few attempts were worse than the first. Elizabeth put another coin inside suggesting that should give it a try, the sound of machine scared me.