
The Novel Experience

Just some recommendations of fanfiction I like. Almost all the FanFiction I recommend are Noharem.As a member of the NoharemSect it is my duty to show the world the beauty of noharem. PS:[PRAISE THE GORGEOUS NOHAREMSECT]

Azathoth2 · Anime & Comics
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236 Chs

Original novel°[3]

✓Extra chapter for a wrong fanfiction recommendation

✓Best Non-human Protagonist novel

[Name]:>Tree of Aeons (an Isekai Story)





This is a reincarnation/isekai story, about Matt (later TreeTree), an overpowered tree in a fantasy world that serves as the battlefield for an ongoing conflict between demons and the heroes summoned to oppose them.

At first a bystander, over a long period of time, TreeTree will learn all sorts of skills, gain levels, and in doing so, build up a forest, train young subordinates, protect a village, and more.


Views: 5.49M, Favorites: 92023, Chapters: 230, Chapters/Week: 1, Readers: 8372, Reviews: 72, Words: 755.5k, Updated: Jan 3, 2023,
