
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantasy
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62 Chs

[Elixir of Growth] (1)

After packing everything up and hugging my mom and sister for almost 5 minutes I was finally released from their embrace and headed out to finally get some items that would help me in my life inside of this noble.

"Bye, mom! I will come back in 6 days!", I screamed as I walked away.

I was currently using a GPS to track a store called [Alchemist John´s Store]in search for the [Elixir of Growth], which was actually located in the third district, the building was remodeled after the store closed down when the previous owner had died.

But there is actually a hole near there that is hidden by many weeds that would lead to a dungeon where undead such as zombies or mutated humans would be the mobs that I would have to defeat to obtain the elixir.

My journey was quite straightforward, I just followed the GPS marker to reach the location, I did see some gangs, homeless people, and more, but none seem to mess with me as I had the body of a child.

On my journey I suddenly questioned how I got into this noble, I remember that I had a heart attack but it would seem I was too excited to finally escape the depressing harsh life that I didn't even bother questioning this sudden change.

I might be in a coma or I might have reincarnated after I died but I didn't really care, as in my previous life, I was in shambles after having to move from country to country, and being an outsider in both, this would cause me to get bullied or more, and finally escaping such reality gave me a sense of hope.

I had a connection with my parents, but it wasn't anything crazy, the only meaningful thing they did for me raised me, which is a lot but in my life, however, I never had emotional support and in this life, with a caring mother that is upright, caring and does her best for me, it makes me feel warm. She hugs me a lot, worries about me, and when I'm hurt she always does her best to take care of me.

My little sister is also great emotional support for me, as she is cute with her black hair, brown eyes, and chubby cheeks. My mother is also quite beautiful having black hair and red eyes, and a slender body. From my memories it would seem that my father had white hair and brown eyes, meaning I take after my mother in my eyes and my father with my hair while my sister, Emma, takes after my father in terms of the color of her eyes and similar hair color as my mother.

My mom has been raising me and my sister, alone, as it has been 3 years since my father passed away, it must be quite hard for her as well, so I should grow into someone that can make her happy in the near future.

After 3 hours I finally reached the store, normally it would take 1 hour according to the GPS, but for me, having the lowest physical stats possible as well as carrying a huge bag filled with food from my mom, I had to take many breaks to finally reach this place.

After saving the money that my mom gave me for the past 21 days, I had a small sum of money. Taking out my phone to check the amount I was perplexed.

[Balance: 700 RP]

It barely amounted to anything but it should be enough for me to rent a cheap inn and leave my stuff inside so I can head into the dungeon.

After searching around I found an inn named, [Pig´s Rest], a unique name but in the end, it was good enough. When the cashier saw me he questioned why a child had come to this place but without any fear, I walked right in front of him.

"Room for 1, no need for meals or any service", I said to the man.

Then like an experienced cashier he didn't question anything and said, "100 RP, per night", and without hesitation, I transfer the money and took the key to my room, and headed there.

After reaching my room, I opened the door to see a small room no bigger than 3 meters wide, and a small bed with nothing else, I left my bag and decided to head out.

returning in front of the alchemist shop once again, I went on to search for a small tree that had broken down near the store and with a lot of weeds alongside it, but I couldn't find such a tree, knowing it was not that far from the store, it shouldn't be that hard to spot but even so, there were no broken trees anywhere near the store.

After looking around I found a tree with many weebs and vines alongside it, but the tree was still standing tall, I can only guess that the tree had fallen down before the start of the second year, but it was standing right now because such an event hasn't happened yet.

With that in mind, I decided to head into the dungeon, I was gonna burn the weeds and plants covering the entrance but went against it as it may cause a fire. Instead, I used my hands which didn't actually achieve anything. I was really considering just burning it down, but I decided to just go borrow a knife from the inn.

After returning to the inn, I asked for a knife and the cashier told me he will sell it for 200 RP, with no choice I just brought it and headed back to the entrance.

Using the knife I started to cut the weeds, there were some people looking at me thinking I'm crazy but they just let it pass, thinking that it was something a child was doing just to pass time.

After almost an hour of cutting plants I was finally able to open up the entrance, I was able to see a ladder heading down, but before going in, I looked around to see if anyone was around, after seeing that no one could see me I decided to head in but before going down I covered the entrance with the weeds I had just cut.

The way down wasn't actually that deep it took me just 20 seconds to reach the bottom soon I saw a bright light illuminating the room, it came from a portal that would lead to the dungeon, without a second thought I headed inside.

The place was way too dark for me to see anything so I decided to light a fireball, my magic was F rank which is enough for me to have this fireball lighten up for 2 hours, or be able to launch almost 50 fireballs and the numbers just increase exponentially as your rank increases.

Thanks to the light the fireball emitted I was able to see a long tunnel that had vines and weeds all over the walls, I decided to advance forward but was ready to fire my spells against any enemy.

Using [Truth Eyes], I was trying to look for anything that could harm me, while also looking for herbs to take and sell, but I couldn't find anything and most of the time it was just things like, [Weeds], [Vines], [Rock], so there was nothing useful along the way.

After some walking, something popped up in front of me that caught me by surprise.


[Overall Rank: G]

While I couldn't see it, I could tell that the monster was in the dark tunnel in front of me, so without thinking twice, I decided to launch fireballs in that direction.

After summoning 3 fireballs I sent them all in the direction of the Zombie after snapping the fingers with my right hand, thanks to the light they emitted I could see that they had hit the monster, but I could also see that apart from the initial zombie, there were actually 10 more hidden behind him.

Since this was the first-ever fight I had and against zombies no less, I got scared and immediately sent a barrage of fireballs against all the zombies, 30 or more fireballs flew in that direction, completely annihilating the group of zombies but also draining quite a bit of mana from my body.

After checking their corpses to find any mana crystals, unfortunately, I couldn't find a single one. Mana crystals, which are crystals of mana formed on monsters and can sell for quite the prize depending on the grade as they are a form of energy are a great way to make money as a hero. Not only that but it seems like most of the monsters were burnt to death so I couldn't collect any materials, not that the zombies had any in the first place though.

After resting for a bit, I decided to head deeper into the dungeon to hurry up and leave so I can finally rest on my bed at the inn.