
The Novel's Irregular

When a tragic accident ends her life, a young girl finds herself waking up in the body of Shin Seo-yeon, a background character in "The Novel's Extra." Now in a world where Heroes, Devils, Djinns, and Monsters exist, how will a ordinary girl survive?

Tsukuyoii · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs



Sunlight filtered through unfamiliar curtains as she opened her eyes. The room was strange – not the one she remembered falling asleep in. She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and looked around. Everything was different: the color of the walls, the pictures hanging on them, even the smell – it was all new.

Confused, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Her feet touched a cold, hard floor, sending a shiver up her spine. Slowly, she walked towards the mirror across the room. The reflection that greeted her made her stop in her tracks.

A girl with black hair and eyes like a polished amber looked back at her. But it wasn't her hair, not her eyes. She leaned closer, studying the face in the mirror.

"Who is this?" she asked out loud. The girl in the mirror moved her lips in sync, but no answer came.

She tried to remember – how did she get here? But her mind was as blank as the walls of this room. Then, without warning, a sudden wave of memories engulfed her. She remembered walking home, the familiar streets lit by the soft glow of streetlights. She was about to cross the road when a truck came out of nowhere, its headlights blinding, its horn a distant echo.

The impact never came. Instead, there was a sensation of floating, of being pulled away from her body. And then, she was here, in this room, in this mirror, looking at a face that wasn't hers.

"I remember now," she said, her voice shaking. "I was walking home, and then... that truck."

The realization hit her like a thunderbolt. She wasn't in her own body, she was in someone else's. How it happened, she didn't know, but the memories were clear.

(??? P.O.V)

"So what now?" I said to myself, looking at the girl in the mirror. Maybe I've been reborn. But if that's true, shouldn't I have known all along? Why am I just getting my memories now?

Hold on. If this is really reincarnation, I should know who this girl is. But I don't.


That has to be it. My soul must have moved to a new body, not starting over, but stepping into someone else's life. That explains the floating sensation I felt instead of the impact of the truck. But the question is, who's the one responsible for transferring my soul? A ROB? Nope, this is automatically excluded. A ROB usually takes one's soul into a place like void and then blabber about his boredom and saying the mc is yada yada.




Yeah, fuck it. I shook my head, trying to clear it of all the wild guesses about how I ended up here. It wasn't getting me anywhere. What I need to do is figure out who this girl is – the girl in the mirror, the girl whose life I am now living.

Back in the bedroom, I started to dig around. I opened drawers and looked through books and papers, anything that could tell me more about her. I found a school ID, some letters, and a notebook. Bingo, would you look at that. Picking up the ID from the drawer, I immediately scanned it with my eyes. Out of all the things written there, two terms engraved themselves into my mind. Shin Seo-yeon (신서연) and Hero Military Academy.

Hero Military Academy, where did I read it from again? I racked my brain, trying to remember where I had heard of Hero Military Academy. Then, it clicked. It was the school from "The Novel's Extra," a manhwa I had just read before I died.

Sitting at the edge of the bed with Shin Seo-yeon's ID in my hand, I realized I am not just in another body; I am in a whole other world – the world of the manhwa. It is a lot to take in as this is definitely out of my expectations. I thought that this kind of situations happen only in fictions, but still...

"I'm in trouble, huh?" I said to myself. If I'm not strong, I might not make it here. There's a lot of threats here that could instantly end my life if I am not careful enough. Djinns, Devils, Monsters, and "snakes." Now that I think about it, who is "Shin Seo-yeon" in the novel? I don't remember her name from the story. Is she just a random background character that didn't even make it to Cube? Just as I was thinking about this, my phone started ringing.

The ringtone snapped me back to reality. I grabbed the phone, its screen lighting up with an unknown number. "Hello?" I answered cautiously.

"Seo-yeon! Where are you? The class is about to start!" The voice on the other end was stern and impatient.

Class? Right, the academy. I had to keep up appearances. "I'm on my way," I lied, buying some time.

"You better be. And remember, today's the combat assessment. Don't mess it up," the voice warned before hanging up.

Combat assessment? I gulped. Can this girl, Seo-yeon, even fight? I need to prepare, but first, I have to figure out where everything is in this place. Surveying the entire room, I looked for the closet and, "Found it," I headed over to it and opened the giant closet.

I quickly dressed in the uniform I found in the closet and headed out, my mind racing with strategies. If I want to survive in this world, I need to be smart and adapt fast.

"The problem is, will I make it in time?" I looked at my phone and the time was 7:10, I hope there won't be punishments...

[Prologue - End]


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