
The Novel's Fake Protagonist

[PROJECT ABANDONED] One day Jacob Riser after a convoluted series of events found himself in the world of his Novel. Knowing that the future of this world isn't so bright. Jacob took artistic liberties and quite literally took the place of his incompetent but talented MC Alex Skyward. "I'd probably be a better Main Character anyway" *** Just so there aren't any misunderstandings I want to say a few things, the mc { Jacob } is a very flawed individual so don't expect him to think much before or after killing someone, his morality is shaky and he is a very egotistical person. Don't worry he definitely won't stay like this. please read at least the prologue and the first arc before reviewing, Thank you also the cover isn't mine so if the owner wishes for me to take it down I will do so.

Skddsk · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Who Will Be The Protagonist

I waited and eventually, dawn came, and along with it came Alex.

He brought a bucket with him to get the water from the stream.

Once he arrived at the stream he got down and started collecting water into the bucket.

With his back completely exposed, I charged towards him from Inside the bush with my sword in hand.

Not even looking at me, he stepped away and my strike missed. He was able to do this because his Instinct talent warned him about incoming danger.

When he turned around to fight the person who ambushed him, He could only see a white rabbit.

I was able to do this because I got the hang of transforming, now I can transform in less than a second.

Alex utterly confused at what just happened, could only stare at the white rabbit and think.

'I am certain that someone just tried to attack me, but there is no one here who can attack me and I can't sense the mana a fighter would have around them, plus there is only this cute rabbit here. I must have been hallucinating. Anyway, I want to see if I can pet that rabbit.'

Alex slowly moved towards the still rabbit, he didn't want to scare it by going too close, so he stopped and took out a piece of bread and put it on the ground. He thought that if the rabbit were to come to him it would be scared of him.

the rabbit carefully hopped towards the bread in front of Alex, when it got there it started nibbling at the bread.

"So cute." Alex pets the white rabbit

After he spent some time petting the rabbit he remembered 'I need to bring the water home.'

He turned away from his cute friend and the second he did so he sensed danger.

He tried to run but it was too late, a sword strike hit his leg. The momentum he had gathered came back to bite him as he fell face-first into the ground.

His instincts were screaming at him to survive by any means necessary

He tried to get up on his undamaged leg and face this mysterious foe since he knew he couldn't escape with his damaged leg.

Alex could feel an unexplained power, he quickly stood up on his undamaged leg and turned to face his opponent.

As he did so, he noticed a sword strike coming for his head, with the help from the unexpected power he was able to block the strike with his dominant hand.

Alex thought that his hand would be no longer attached to the rest of his body after that but It was still there, damaged but still there.

'This person sucks at using the sword, and I don't feel any mana from their direction, so they most likely can't use it' Alex concluded.

He expected another sword strike but instead of that, he was kicked in the ribs which caused him to lose balance and once again fall.

This time he fell in a way that he could see the face of his opponent.

Looking up from the ground he saw Jacob Riser holding a sword and going towards him.

Knowing that if he can't run and that he can't block forever, Alex tried talking to Jacob who had a serious expression on his face.

"Jacob stop! Why are you doing this!? What did I do to deserve this!? Please stop, I beg you, I don't want to die!" Many tears could be seen falling from his face to the ground.

"So even my protagonist gets an unexplained power-up when losing a battle, such bullshit..." Jacob muttered.

"I am sorry Alex, I really am... I am about to commit the worst sin, It doesn't matter if I apologize, it mustn't be forgiven, this guilt will follow me for the rest of m-" Alex threw a nearby rock as hard as he could at Jacob's face interrupting him and breaking his nose.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH FUCK, THAT HURT!" Jacob screamed in pain, but compared to the wounds he dealt to Alex a broken nose was nothing.

"I've never heard emptier words in my life, just from your expression I can tell that you don't give a rat's ass about killing me!" Alex shouted but I ignored it.

I gripped my sword even more tightly. I walked up to the crying Alex and pointed my sword at his neck.

"Father, Mother, I'm sorry I couldn't bring water home today." Alex closed his eyes.

I cut Alex's head off as painlessly as I could after I realized how much pain he was in from the wounds I dealt.

[ Master has killed The Prophesied Hero Alex Skyward ]

[ By killing the hero the future of this world has been greatly altered ]

[ Without the hero this world will most likely face doom ]

[ Greatly altering the predetermined future of this world has earned Master 5000 Shop Points ]

[ Master can now Morph into The Prophesied Hero Alex Skyward ]

I morphed into Alex and another message from the System appeared.

[ Title: The Novel's Fake Protagonist has been earned ]

'What even is that title? Don't got time to check, I need to get rid of Alex's body.'

Noticing that I am completely naked now that I'm in the form of Alex, I took off Alex's clothes from his dead body and quickly cleaned the blood on them in the stream.

I also noticed that my nose Isn't broken while I'm in the form of Alex, but when I return to my original form It is. Strange I will have to experiment with this later.

After I was done burying Alex's body in the hole I dug out beforehand, cleaning as much blood as I could, and gathering the water in the bucket Alex brought, I left the forest and went to my new home.