
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

Weight of Responsibility I

It is a tedious and long battle, but finally, Suho has managed to catch up to her.

"Any last words?"

"None, my bad, it really is too much, huh? At least I have completed one of my major objectives. I should be happy enough to accomplish a few of my minor objectives too…" Kum Seungyeon frivolously replies as she lies her body on the cold concrete wall, her black blood smearing over it. "Yeonha should be satisfied with one-third… he he heh… In time, it will also grow enough for the Devil Lilith to descend…"

Suho shrugs off her boasting and simply raises his sword.

"A pity… The Devil's Seed has become too weakened from Suho's attacks, so I can no longer split a part of it just like Yun Hyuk did…" The bright sword of the hero descends on her neck with a clean strike. "I guess this is goodbye," Seungyeon adds as her final farewell. Her head rolls on the ground until it stops before Kim Suho's feet.

Suho warily watches the dead body waiting for one final stand from the Devil's Seed. Its vitality is truly frightening that no amount of fatal wound can kill it with its host. Cutting a concept takes too much out of Suho.

"It is finally dead… That's scary…"

Suho turns around to the voice, his nerves at an all-time high. His eyes land on a familiar figure. It is Yoo Sihyuk, the master rank hero, the Wolf of Valhalla, and a genuine sword master. "Hello there, little hero…"

"Have you been watching all this time?" Suho tilts his sword to the side, with a guarded, and almost ferocious gaze.

"You don't look so kind anymore…" Yoo Sihyuk smirks at the thought of Suho finally learning how to show his own fangs. "No, I just arrived. The Hero Association is almost here. That lass, Yun Seung-Ah should be bringing other high-rank heroes from other guilds. Shin Jonghak manages to send an SOS amidst all the confusion… I must say, you did all of this? It is impressive…"

Looking around them, Suho finally realizes the damage their fight has caused. Excluding Suho, the others have also left immense havoc around them.

"Suho, is that Yoo Sihyuk!? Fuck, I need you to get Seungyeon's body out of there! We don't know what the Association will do if they learn about the existence of the Devil's Seed!"

Suho hears Hyon Hyung's voice from his earpiece. He glances around and sees a flying drone from where he assumes Hyon must be observing him.

"Hmmm… Now, that's suspicious…" Yoo Sihyuk mutters as he points out the little earpiece tucking in Suho's ear. "For tactical gear, it is awkward that you have that on you considering Cube is being attacked so suddenly… It seems you are prepared, and you are not alone... Bah~ I don't really care..."

Yoo Sihyuk points to the dead Seungyeon with contempt. "Moreover, she's weird. She looks like a Djinn, but she is not turning to ash and the aura she is exuding… It makes me want to kill it again, despite being dead already…"

Suho is able to catch Sihyuk's movement, but he cannot react on time as he is too exhausted, and not to mention, Sihyuk far outclasses him in terms of stat attributes. Yoo Sihyuk stands beside the dead Kum Seungyeon.

"Hmmm… Should I bring this with me?" Yoo Sihyuk rhetorically asks himself. He glances at Suho who seems to be ready to duke it out already.

"Can the Hero Association be trusted?" Suho frankly asks.

"Oh, them? Nah, that's impossible…" Yoo Sihyuk crosses his arms and observes the dead Seungyeon a little longer. "You know what? How about you owe me this one? I will turn a blind eye, and you can do as you like with her. Burn her, bury her, whatever…"

Kim Suho doesn't know what Yoo Sihyuk's intentions are, but he can only agree with him. "Thank you…" He carries the now-dead Seungyeon and moves on. Suho checks up on his smartwatch to see the location Hyon Hyung sent. He looks around to see if he is being followed.


Yoo Sihyuk doesn't know what is happening, and he doesn't give a rat's ass about it. He is only fulfilling the end of his deal with that annoying clairvoyant. To be fair, he kind of likes the reaction of the Association's Suits when he voluntarily places himself on the response team.

"I have already checked on that area, please go there…" He kindly tells the high-rank heroes who recently arrived. The high-rank heroes seem surprised by his kind attitude which is too uncharacteristic of him.

As he is walking around, he sees other familiar faces. His student has no clothes in her except the black coat barely covering her. Chae Nayun is giving the gunner, Kim Hajinn he recalls, a princess carry.

"That's a nasty wound." Yoo Sihyuk comments, and criticizes the slapdash bandage on Hajin's missing right arm. "My dear student, you suck at first aid. And what's with the risque getup? Roleplay? Flasher?"

"Teacher?" Nayun reacts to the unexpected encounter. "What are you doing here?"

"Errands." He shortly replies.

Kim Hajin is in a lot worse shape than Suho. The nasty missing arm makes even Yoo Sihyuk grimace. It seems that Hajin has blacked out from mental and physical fatigue. It is good though that he is still alive. "Here, this is an Ambrosia. This will help him heal quickly. I will leave it to you, disciple."


Chae Nayun weighs the ambrosia in her hand. It has a sweet tantalizing smell that makes her sleepy, and even she feels tempted to eat it. Of course, she is not dumb enough to eat it now.

If she remembers things right, then this Ambrosia can heal Hajin in peak shape, and even regenerate his arm. The question is… How will she feed it to Hajin? Does she need to crush it in her mouth, and send the food to Hajin via mouth-to-mouth? It sounds dirty, and a bit kinky… No, it is kind of romantic…

Nayun knows of course that it cannot be it. The mouth is a dirty part of the human body, and she will feel overly guilty about it in time.

How about her fist? Why doesn't she just crush the Ambrosia in her palm, and feed it to Hajin like that? Nayun looks at her bloodied palm from the fighting. Another worry enters her mind. What if she is actually diabetic, or has some disease that can be passed through blood?

Superhumans don't get sick, but Nayun feels dirty about herself with Baal possibly being inside her, and being recently made into a puppet by a Devil's Seed albeit temporarily. The paranoia is annoying, but she cannot stop thinking about the weirdest things, especially that bout of tears she sees from Hajin after she returns to her own body.


In the end, Nayun decides to do something that she will be the least guilty of. She pries the sleeping Hajin's mouth open and tries to fit in the Ambrosia through there. Sadly, it won't fit as the Ambrosia is about a whole apple's size.

"I am sorry Hajin…"

Nayun emotionlessly punches it, and the Ambrosia, in a single motion, forcefully sticks into Hajin's mouthful. The magical fruit that can heal all wounds is put into the unconscious Hajin. The problem is, that Hajin might die first of choking before healing from the consumption of Ambrosia.


Nayun doesn't feel an ounce of guilt, as she uses her magic power to help Hajin digest the entire thing bulging from his cheeks like a cartoon character. Nayun feeds Hajin seriously via this method.

"He will heal… right?" 


Kim Hajin wakes up in fright. He feels like someone is choking him, but that doesn't seem the case as he can now feel his right arm again. "Nayun?" He looks around, curious about the unknown room.

Everywhere is covered by seemingly tough materials. Through his [Observation and Reading], he can roughly detect how tough the walls are. He feels for the soft bed under him, and then realizes he is all but healed up.

"Hajin?" Nayun comes from the door and calls to him.

Hajin looks at Nayun with a pained gaze. "Nayun."

Kim Hajin has many things he wants to ask her. But more than that, there is a lot he wants to tell her that he is sorry, and he wants to atone. He wants to tell these things to her, but he cannot bring himself to tell them to her. "My arm, how did it heal?" He asks, steering the conversation from his own inner turmoil that begs to reveal itself.

"I fed you an Ambrosia." Nayun seems shy about it. "I stumbled to Yoo Sihyuk, and he has me feed it to you…" She adds.

Ambrosia is a very expensive and rare item, and for Yoo Sihyuk to easily give it up is baffling. Nayun gives a short summary of what has happened so far. Apparently, the Hero Association has sent their first responders to the site already. Yoo Sihyuk is one of them.

The mind-controlled Cadets are freed from the Djinn's powers, and plenty of the Cube Cadets are rescued just right on time before the casualties get worse... if there are even any. With the exception of Djinns, not a cadet has died from the attack which paints Shin Jonghak as quite the heroic figure who has gathered the cadets under his banner.

Kim Hajin feels glad, though the 'zero casualties' might be a lie as some part of propaganda by the Hero Association, it at least means that the casualty is low enough that the Association can fake it. Though it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, Hajin sucks it up.

His thoughts return to their confrontation with Yun Hyuk and Kum Seungyeon.

To think that there will be an attack this early in Cube speaks of how dangerous this world has become.

If Hajin is to compare it in his own novel, this world has gone astray far too much that there is no balance anymore. From henceforth, Hajin decides to firmly abandon his perspective that he is inside the novel.

His seeing Nayun's past awakens him to the thought, that this is now his reality. He doesn't know Seungyeon's true goal of making him learn of Nayun's memories. He already knows that Nayun is a regressor, so making him learn of her memories doesn't really have much impact on him.

That aside, just how does Nayun feed the Ambrosia to him? Hajin recalls various tropes of how the hero feeds the heroine with a potion. "Did Nayun do that to me?" Hajin feels awkward inside him, but he resists the temptation to ask as it might do no good to Nayun's mental health considering what she has all gone through from the past timeline.

"Let's go, we are about to have a meeting. We cannot have the president to be absent." Nayun nudges his shoulder, as a result waking him up from his stupor.

"Yes." Hajin stands up, somewhat aware that this place around him has something to do with Hyon Hyung.