
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

The Sacrifice VII

"You have become the Devil's Seed's host." To these words, Yeonha nods in response. "Yes, I have heard."

The voice behind the glass pane is silent for a moment deliberating his own response. Yeonha patiently waits for the voice behind it to weigh his thoughts perhaps comparing the costs and benefits in order to decide the best course of action from here.

The "Devil's Seed's host," she doesn't understand at all what that means, or the weight it carries. But judging from the intensity of the conversation between Nayun, Suho, and Hajin, it must be a great deal.

The voice behind to glass continues somberly. "Are you a Catholic, Yoo Yeonha? Say, do you believe in God? Or maybe Devils for example?"

There should be a reason why he is asking this. Yeonha thinks long and hard of an answer that hopefully will steer her toward a more positive outcome. It would be defeatism to completely give up her chance of living if there is a way.

Despite moments ago being prepared to die if she really has become a Djinn, Yeonha still wants to live as it is only natural for a creature of flesh and blood to desire survival.

"I am an Atheist. I don't believe in any particular religion, but…" Yeonha bites her nails not really sure how to put it into words. "I believe in karma. I believe that you have to repay goodwill with kindness, and repay evil with retribution."

"I see…" The voice murmurs from behind the glass. "That is your principle, huh? Well, you will be helpless on this one as you cannot really exact retribution to a Devil as they are virtually immortal. I will explain it in a way that any modern 21st-century kid will comprehend."

~Ahem! ~Ahem!

After clearing his throat for some time, the voice behind the mirror then proceeds with his explanation.

"Understand that the Devil's Seed in your body is an alien parasite. It will take over your body, your mind, your free will, and everything you possess. It will assume your identity in this world as Yoo Yeonha. By that time, you cease to become the Yeonha you know. This new Yeonha will not stop taking from you, as she too will then start to take from others, from other people, and everyone. This is just so that it can fulfill its own obsessions. And in time, the Devil's Seed will grow into power until it is ready to reveal its own identity to the world."

Yeonha resists believing the tall tale, but she can only believe them now. It is like a horror story right out of a children's fairy tale book. The voice continues solemnly.

"The identity of the Devil's Seed incubating inside you is the Devil of Lust, Lilith! Just think of these Devils as an alien race that survives by feeding on their obsessions. Conquering planets are just a few of the entertainment they get. We, my organization, plan on stopping this alien invasion to some extent… We are a loose bunch, and we really ain't anything great… yet…" The voice comes to a short still, to arrange his thoughts to express his words more eloquently.

"The thing here is that we are in a ­split decision on how to deal with you. Half of us wants to eliminate you, and the other half wants to find another way to kill the Devil's Seed inside you."

Yeonha recalls the furious argument. She understands that it is quite an exchange of words, but doesn't exactly remember what are the words being said. To think that they are actually deciding her life and death.

"You see, the Devil's Seed is unremovable, and worse, it is unkillable." The voice adds. "However, we have a method to kill it. However, as I said, there is no amount of technology that can extract the Devil's Seed from you. Surgery. Magic. There is none. We can only kill you with it."

This sobers Yeonha greatly. It is crystal clear that the best decision is for her to die now.

"What do we, planet Earth, get if I die now?" She asks, already giving up on her fate at this point after learning the truth about the Devil's Seed.

"We get to buy more time to halt the Devils' advance. Their invasion will come at a future time, but that is at least a couple of years from now. But if a Devil does manage to get inside Earth now, then we will be fucked. The corruption, erm… think of it as Global Warming or the pollution but so much worse, yes, the corruption or the Devil Transformation realm will then occur so much earlier if we let the Devil's Seed inside you finish its incubation."

Yeonha quiets down as she finally understands the meaning and weight of having a Devil's Seed in her. Even if she desperately wants to live now, she cannot find it in herself to do so as that will be dooming the world instead.

With little hope, she asks another question.

"What do we, planet Earth, get if I live now?" It is a stupid question, and she knows it too as the answer is already there. She must die for the sake of the few. "Even if there is really another way, the risk is too much…"

She waits for the voice behind the glass that is struck in silence.

"I am willing to make the sacrifice." She declares to the voice, her eyes resolute with the will to face death. "However, I have a few conditions," Yeonha adds, already preparing her mind for a round of negotiation.

Yoo Yeonha will get the amount her death is worth. She doesn't show it much, but she loves her parents. There is her dad who is such a fool for his daughter, and then her mom who is so strict with her. No. She likes her mom lesser than her dad. That aside, she has people she wants to protect too.

This organization. This Devil Hunter's Club, as she hears from Rachel, is strong, so they must be able to fulfill her demands. Hyon Hyung… Only now does she realize who might be the voice behind the glass.

Hyon Hyung is a member of the club after all, and it seems, he really has a forgettable trait on him.

"Hyon Hyung," Before Yeonha can express her Will upon her death, Hyon Hyung suddenly goes ballistic.


It has that annoying jeering tone to it making Yeonha's veins pop from her forehead. Just by the sound of the voice speaking, it is unmistakably Hyon Hyung. Only that guy has that annoying tic in his voice.

Strangely, Hyon Hyung's tone this time has that British accent. In fact, he is actually speaking half Korean and half English, but that doesn't stop Yeonha from understanding his words.

"What did I do wrong?" Yoenha inwardly complains. "I am just being sincere!" She shouts to Hyon Hyung who must be flipping from the glass mirror's other side.

"You are asking what we will get if we choose to spare you over killing you, is that right?"


Yeonha is confused by how assertive Hyon Hyung is.

"You are basically asking what your worth is. So, full disclosure, you are worth a lot! Yoo Yeonha. You will become the future Queen of Seoul holding sway around the world. A fucking rich mogul who raises the Essence of the Strait Guild as No. 1. You are the best ally we can ask for. I know it really doesn't mean anything in the face of the end of the world, but I suspect the Devils are not the last we will be fighting. For the fight to come, I want you to join us!"

That's why it has even come at a split decision just like how Hyon Hyung claims. If it is so worth it to kill her now, why a split decision then? Yeonha's mind whirs into thinking. At first, she suspects that the reason it has come to a split decision is because Kim Suho and Chae Nayun have become emotionally driven.

The way Yeonha knows them, it feels just like them if that is the case. But apparently, the decision of wanting her to live is not out of emotional reasons, but hard cold logic.

"There is… merit in letting me live?"

"Yes, and if it will calm you down, then I am going to tell you this— I am a clairvoyant and I know some parts of the future. So, please calm your horses down. Moreover, you don't get a decision!"


I barely manage to find a breakthrough, but I don't like it. If I let Yeonha vote to decide her fate, then it is a breakthrough too. But. I don't like it. In fact, I hate it.

I am biased for making it this way, but there should be other ways for us to resolve this.

For example… Kill Lilith directly in the Transcendent Plane.

"Big words for a small man," I scold myself, but who knows? I might as well sell the idea... I begin tapping on my smartwatch to check on my teammates via the CCTVs. "Damn, it seems the Hero Association is here already..."