
The Hajin Page II

After finishing the hunting trip, and returning to my dorm, I immediately throw myself to work. Editing is a difficult job, but thankfully I have my know-how all thanks to my past life. Let's just say I am a guy with a lot of hobbies.

"Let's do this." I cheer myself up for this.

I am not so tired I will not be able to do some editing. As Hajin's manager, my job is mostly doing errands for him like carrying the dead carcasses of the monsters he hunted. In total, he has three Iron Hogs and one Black Pelican.

By the quantity alone, the amount of Iron Hogs he has hunted is enough to last him for several years. But it is the Black Pelican that is worth much more.

To me though, what concerns me is the value of the video clips I manage to catch. My camerawork is certainly amateurish, but as I am saying, I am getting there. For instance, if not for my adroitness, I may not have been able to catch the moment Hajin fires his gun and hits the Black Pelican which is so unimaginably far.

There should be a way for me to express Hajin's ability to see from a thousand miles away.

"Let's work my magic!" With a genuine emotion of joy, I throw myself to work.

I just love this kind of grunt work that intimately identifies with art. In fact, I have a strong inclination to write novels lately. That is a good excuse as to why I am taking up the Reading Club. At least it is not as boring as reasoning that they are joining the club, because they like reading.

My thoughts start straying from my work.

I immediately correct my mindset and spur myself.

This time and age are really amazing. It is the year 2025, and a lot of advanced stuff is easily downloadable from the internet. I test myself on a few video editor programs until I find the one I am comfortable with. I use PowerPoint to create some interesting font styles and animations to layer over the video.

I must say, PowerPoint is really invincible. I save the animations and various texts and joined shapes either as png or mp4. "I definitely know what I am doing," I affirm to myself, boosting my self-confidence. It will be a shame if my editing abilities fall too short of the current trend, so I also do some light research on how others do the Video Featurette.

In a way, I am trying to make a cinematic that will catch the interest of the viewers. What I lack in camerawork, I can compensate with my editing. There don't need to be any fancy tricks. I only need to attach the video clips with the right timing, sound effects, and background music.

Also, I must not forget the monologue. While editing the various clips of our adventure to Gangwondo Wonju, I also plan on making recordings of my monologue.

I dial Hosup as I am about to finish the Video Featurette. "Yo~ how is my request doing?"

"I have prepared it all. The layout of the website is finished. The cost of maintaining the domain though might be more than other websites. I have a personal touch to it so that we will not be hacked easily. Also, [Essential Armory] has agreed on promoting us, and a consignment agreement that we can sell their guns on their behalf. How did you do that?"

"Nah," I awkwardly reply, thinking of what Yeonha's reaction might be if she learns I just sold half of my share she gave me at a discount to an insider enemy investor of Essence of the Strait in exchange for this favor. It is only a 2% share but comparing it to the whole 100%, that is still a lot. "It is better that you do not know," I tell Hosup.

There is a reason why I am doing this. Yeonha's business insight is quite frightening. I can imagine her seeing through Hajin's potential as the best poster boy for firearms. As she has integrity, there will not really be a loss for Hajin. But I believe differently.

If Hajin has a Weapons Dealer Company to his own name with a brand, and deals on specialized weaponry designs, he will be rich! As a remora (me) to a shark (Hajin), there will be no way for me to starve! I know the future. Hajin's production ability is his most Overpowered aspect.

"Hosup, I will send the polished Featurette to you later. Does the website have a name already?" I casually ask.

Hosup thinks for a moment and gives an answer. "I think 'Gunner' will suffice."

I grin at the thought of that. If they go on with that website title, in the future, Hajin will inevitably become synonymous with guns. And when people think of guns, they will think of Hajin.

"I like it. I will finish the Video Featurette ASAP." I bid a short farewell to Hosup.

An hour, then the next hour, and finally, comes the dawn. Pulling an all-nighter like that, there is no way my efforts will betray me. It is sad and disappointing though that I only have one camera to work on the video. The limited angles are kind of annoying. But at least... I am able to see through that so I can make sure to shoot the video from different angles, applying various kinds of shots the next time we make a Video Featurette.

Finishing the work makes me feel true bliss. I will be happier if this receives a good response. After sending the rendered video file to Hosup, I immediately began my preparations for school.

Today is Friday, and I am sleep-deprived. I hope nothing bad happens.


Kim Hosup receives an email from Hyon Hyung— it is the Video Featurette.

While walking on his way to his class, he integrates with his smartwatch through his Gift and safely watches the video while walking. It is a very impressive video considering that it is an amateur who directed, produced, recorded, and edited it. "Hyon Hyung is actually this talented?"

To be more specific, Hyon Hyung is very gifted in plot design… as if he is writing a fleshed-out story from the smallest ingredients available to him. How can such a barely 10-minute Video Featurette contain so much story?

Hosup's opinion of the matter is that it is… awesome…

Now, it is Hosup's turn to contribute. As the guy behind the chair, he is someone who expertly deals with information. This involves spreading information. Using his smartwatch linked with his Gift, he starts frantically multi-tasking and sharing the Featurette with various media outlets. He is even going as far as to send it to News Broadcast Stations.


Meanwhile, the professor of Phenomenon Realm Analysis enters the classroom with nary an emotion on his face like an unreadable piece of a pebble.

"Sit down," He tells the class to behave, and with just his words alone, the remaining students who are standing around, talking, and strolling off to different desks return to their original seats.

I slump on my desk, feeling dizzy from the lack of sleep. Any second now, I will fall asleep, and I am going to embrace it. The theory class can go to shit. I need my sleep.

But then.

"There is a written exam today as I mentioned last time." He announces a test out of the blue. The cadets all groan at this surprise exam.

Ah~ what the fuck? I am the same, I silently groan at this misfortune.

The professor cruelly wakes me up with this announcement out of the blue. The cadets groan at this surprise exam with no rhyme or reason. This class cannot go to shit. I take it back. I desperately need to stay with the main cast. Ugh… Why now? Why do we need this? Am I going to use this subject when I become a hero? Can I kick Djinn's asses with this?

I feel terrible. I know that I am the kind of guy who tends to whine and not stop, but others must agree… I have the right to whine. I mean, I am self-entitled to it.

"Give it up," I start imagining a good angel whispering to my ear. "Be honest," It says to me.

"No, you cannot," On the other ear whispers my imaginary devil. "Go cheat, you can do it, surpass your limitations, and go invisible. Look, Rachel, the smarty lass is just two seats away. There is also Hajin who is sitting just right in front of you."

The imaginary devil just sounds too reasonable.

In front of me is the test paper that has inadvertently arrived by my hands.

Problem 1. Describe the monster, pygmalion. 

Problem 2. Describe the Nine Evils (djinns). 

Problem 3. State the attributes that humans can manifest in the phenomenon realm. 

Problem 4….

Yeah, I am screwed both sideways, front and back.

I cannot even remember who the freaking F are the Nine Evils!

What do I do?

The professor eyes everyone like a hawk. He seems to be very eager to catch a cheater within his class. I don't want to be that cheating guy, but... Well, hopefully, he doesn't catch me… I toss a small piece of chalk while mixing my Gift [Not Here] into it and throw it to the Professor in a sneaky manner from a curved angle.

When he is looking away, I immediately take a quick peek at Hajin's exam paper.

Next chapter