
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

Devil Hunter X

My right knee is busted and my mobility is severely hampered. The only saving grace that I have is that my grip on my weapon remains strong. I don't know why Jonghak is doing something like that.

"What is this, oh noble lord?" I ask him, while sarcasm bleeds through my teeth.

Noble? Lord? Jonghak is a despot! And his growth to become a better person is something that will happen in the far future, and not now. I cannot reason with him. I can only desperately cling to my every smallest chance for survival.

Thus, I chose to let go of my daggers. "You will not strike an unarmed opponent, aren't you?"  I feel bitter at the fact that I stubbornly refuse to let them go only to drop them now.

But considering Jonghak's character, he shall not attack me. In fact, I have confidence that it is not his intention to murder me. That will be too much even for Jonghak.

"Pick up your weapon, because I might really kill you… Djinn…"

I frown at his way of address to me. It seems he is so convinced that I am a Djinn. Jonghak leaps off from where he stands, coming at me with momentum. He thrusts his spears with anger, aiming for my skull.

'Fuck, he really wants to kill me…'

I duck while activating and deactivating [Always Here] to mess with his aim. Thanks to that, the following kick on my shin does not connect as I successfully evade his assault by rolling on the narrow slope while grabbing my dual daggers.

Thankfully, I do not throw them so far away that I cannot reach them.

I am misjudging Jonghak's intentions. He wants to force out the answer from me. I understand he wants something judging by how he is cornering me like this, but I don't know. It is hard to narrow down the possibilities while under the pressure of his spear. What exactly does he want from me!?

"Don't look down on Desolate Moon Guild. I also have my connections, and not just Yeonha…" He proudly utters while making a wide swing of his spear at me. I cannot parry that.

I grit my teeth as I activate and deactivate [Always Here] once more. If only my teammates kindly come to my rescue, fuck, I will settle with the dumb archer Su Yung-il, but I can only think for the worst.

Jonghak's grip on the team is strong, and it is highly likely that he instructs them to proceed with the dungeon by themselves. They really cannot say no to Jonghak lest they earn his ire. "HE~EELP!! There is a murderous psycho here!" I shout, but I know it is futile.

"There is no use! Futile!" More blurs of his spear come crashing at me, as I do my hardest to evade them/

"Hey, why don't you calm down?" I stall for time while I assess my situation.

Jonghak's ambush cost me my right knee and several bruises on my body. I can feel my left shoulder to be dislocated, and my right hand's pinky finger is bending the wrong way. There also seem to be fractures in some parts of my body.

I already know that I am frail in retrospect of my stats, but to think I am this frail. I have become arrogant with my dodging abilities.

"Calm down? Me? I am always calm…" Jonghak boasts while he brandishes his training spear at me.

I similarly raise my weapons, the dual training daggers that Cube gives to its cadets are quite sturdy, but not enough to give the cadets a major power boost. "I am not a Djinn! If you want a guarantor or something, then I believe Nayun can tell you that with confidence!"

"Don't put her name in your mouth…" He lunges at me furiously with speed a notch faster than Suho.

I turn invisible through the effects of [Not Here] and decide to run for it. I strain my limbs as I explosively use my daggers as a climbing tool. I return to the top where the pathways are…

I feel sick. There is something gravely wrong that is going on. The insides of the Mock Dungeon have monitoring devices that will allow the instructors and the faculty to oversee the combat training, as such, something as drastic as Jonghak attacking me cannot happen unless Jonghak doesn't care about being a Cube Cadet anymore.

Does Jonghak have any fear?

Blood drenches my right leg while I limp forward. I am able to escape Jonghak, but he will be able to catch up with me fast. My hurting right leg is not helping at all.

I see a Salamander barring my way. Cadets like us will not have trouble confronting easy prey to hunt. Of course, I purposefully only make an effort equivalent to my rank when fighting it, but now, I don't have that reservation.

I stand up to the Salamander. When it notices my presence, it suddenly rushes to me with fanfare, its giant maw dangerously opening and closing as if to gnaw at me.

When it enters the range of my Gift. I activate and deactivate [Always Here] on one of its limbs. The effect of [Always Here] is to make its target blend with the surroundings. My other application of this effect of my Gift is to directly mess with the senses of my foe.

The Salamander gets confused as it makes a wrong step forward, giving more weight to its front right leg causing it to stumble and roll headfirst, crashing into various stalagmites on its way.

I approach the Salamander and stick my dagger to its eye quite deep to give it the killing blow.

I check up on my smartwatch to see if Yeonha is doing okay. It seems that she is doing quite well. I then press on my earpiece and call Hajin.

"Hello? Hajin, I have a report to make…"

However, there is only dead air in my communication channel with Hajin. The earpiece is a method of communication for us so that we can covertly converse, and it is convenient too not to boot. There is no need for any covertness now, so I contact him through my smartwatch.

Riiing. Triing. Ringing…

I have nothing.

"Hah~" All but death flags await me. "Shibali…"

There is something I can do. Regardless, the only thing I can do in my current situation... I proceed onwards hoping to finish the Dungeon fast, and so that I may learn immediately what is going on. Whatever is happening…? It is bad.

I limp forward with little strength in my legs.


Yun Hyuk hums softly in a joyous tone as he sits by the center seat of the Monitoring Chamber where they can watch the cadets participating in the Mock Dungeon Trial.

Several instructors of medium and intermediate ranks are asleep and in a state of unconsciousness. Strangely, all of them have blushing cheeks and haggard breaths.

Lust Dream.

It is one of Yun Hyuk's upgraded Djinn abilities on top of his original ability of bewitchment. It is a powerful ability that even intermediate ranks can hardly defend especially if it comes as a surprise attack. As an ambush tactic, this ability is quite effective.

"Hmmm…" Yun Hyuk shows a look of concern as he doesn't see Kim Suho and Chae Nayun in particular. "Where are those two kids? I am hoping to get rid of the genius Rank 1 and Rank 2 freshman, but they are not here."

"Apologies, Lord…" A woman who belongs to Yun Hyuk's class bows deferentially to him. "It looks like we have been misled. It seems that there is really a student who is going against us as we initially suspected… I have already sent personnel to deal with the variable…"

"It is fine… We will proceed as planned… We will take the girls we will be needing as sacrifices… Those who try to impede our way, kill them…" Yun Hyuk chillingly smiles. "Oh, leave our dear instructors to their sleep. Don't kill them. They will be valuable hostages."

"Yes, My Lord!" Echoes the woman.

"Oh~ the Devil Lilith of Lust shall descend to this world! I pray that she blesses us with her love on the day of her coming…" In Yun Hyuk's soliloquy, the shadows around him churn and give their praises in unison.

"Grace Lilith."


Kim Hajin is a meticulous man, and he is not one to lose in a battle of information especially with his [Observation and Reading] Gift. His confidence is not unfounded.

Despite that, he is still found out.

He is able to make a single prototype that will be able to detect Djinns. It costs a lot of SP, but it is worth it. In fact, it has already shown its worth after he wears it. He is inside the Devil Hunter's clubroom at that time when they come knocking.

After wearing the Djinn Detection Goggles, he immediately detects a dozen Djinns from behind the clubroom's door. Hajin immediately makes apt countermeasures in preparation for the Djinns behind the door who are obviously hostile.

Most likely, Hajin has already been found out. After all, Hajin cannot contact the others anymore. There seems to be a jammer within the clubroom's proximity. He cannot contact Hyon Hyung, Chae Nayun, and Kim Suho through his smartwatch. This can only mean that he is being targeted.

~Bzzzt… ~Bzzzt…

The electronic buzzing continues for some time to kindly inform that Hajin has visitors. They, the Djinns, continue to press the buzzer until the Djinns behind the door finally decide on a more straightforward approach. They attack the door in a frenzy until they are able to let themselves in. However, Kim Hajin is no longer inside.


The sun is at its peak, and the hustle and bustle of the city is quite loud.

Kim Suho and Chae Nayun stand side by side on top of another building. From below them is the Djinn's base which the Djinns from Cube must be using as a storage facility.

"Suho, I cannot contact Hajin…" Nayun intones.

Suho draws a sword that Nayun loans to him, and with severity in his voice, he declares. "Then, we end up things here fast…"

"I cannot agree more…"

Their silhouette from the rooftop vanishes within a blink of an eye.