
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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Devil Hunter I

Piles of books sit atop my desk. The Reading Club's activities revolve around mostly reading, and I love it. The Cube AI's recommended books to me are changing my perspective on many things. I feel like I am becoming more of a part of this world.

As the Reading Club gives its readers freedom on how to use their time in the library, I can read whatever topic I fancy. While at it, I am also reading various Martial Arts theories that are popular back in Outcall.

Among my reading repertoire, I also read topics regarding the Devils appearing in this world. There are many instances and examples in history before the Outcall. Especially in the Middle Ages when proselytizing existed. It makes me wonder... Why does the mention of Devils become lesser after Outcall?

Even religious texts nowadays are becoming less and less popular to the point of believing God is more of a superstition nowadays, instead of an ideal.

I see Rachel casually reading a book. I reckon she must be studying, she is that kind of girl after all. I guess, I should go for it as I really have nothing to lose. I leave my desk with a couple of piles of books and silently sit beside her. I glance at the book she is reading with a stupendously long title.

"Ahem~" I fakely cough to get her attention when my eyes land on a romance novel hiding on her pile. I know that novel as I am reading a copy of it from my smartwatch. "Nice taste..."

"Eh?" She softly utters a sound of surprise. "T-that's not mine..." She weakly defends herself.

Rachel is a very knowledgeable heroine in the novel. Most readers forget this as she in comparison with other heroines has the least appearance. I feel bad about admitting that as I am a big Rachel fan. Come to think of it, she doesn't have any hobbies that The Novel's Extra talks about, right? That is sad. Yeonha at least has her junk food.

I should remember Rachel likes romance novels, huh?

In my Heroine index, Rachel is at the top following Yoo Yeonha and then tying Yi Byul and Chae Nayun at last. I have no particular reason, just that Rachel is my ideal girl. With full smiles, I greet her amicably.

"Hello~ Rachel-ssi!" I wave my hand like an eager fan. "You don't mind me asking some things, don't you?" I offer my hand to her,  asking for a handshake.

"Uhh…" Rachel reciprocates my handshake finding surprise at my bubbly personality. "Yes, what is it?"

I shake her hands, and I imagine myself blushing. Oh my… I might not clean this hand fooor a long time. I am not usually this bubbly, but I cannot help but feel happy. Rachel leans back at my rather unsightly behavior. I am sorry, but I am definitely not a pervert.

"Ahem~!" I fake a cough for myself, dispelling the awkward atmosphere I am causing. "Do you believe in Devils? I mean… What do you know of God?"

England from what I know back in my past life is that it also shares a lot of religious roots with Catholicism. This world is in strong parallel with my past world, so it is not wrong for me to assume this— "Does the Catholic Church know of Devils too?"

Wait. Does this world even have churches?

"Excuse me?" Rachel tilts her head in confusion.

I am about to expound on my question when suddenly, someone pulls me from my seat. "I am sorry, Rachel-ssi… This bastard is asking weird questions…" Kim Hajin smiles at Rachel, and when he turns his head at me, he shows me a grimace.

Oh fuck… 

I am not even able to grab the books I wish to borrow as Hajin drags me outside the library.

"What is that for?" I ask him.

The last time Hajin is with me, he promises me his cooperation, and in the meanwhile, he decides to move on his own to research the Devil's Seed. It has only been a day, yet he is already here. Is he done already?

"Did you find the Devil already?" I ask him with a whisper.

"No," He succinctly replies. "If it really is a Devil as you say, then there is no use in involving Rachel in this." He adds. I simply nod to this.

Rachel as she is now will only be a burden. Though I will not even win a fight against her, I don't think Rachel will be of any use in confronting this threat. I can at least manage to save myself with my escaping abilities. Nayun's and Suho's involving themselves are self-explanatory. Hajin is as good as those cheating bastards as he has so many cheats to compensate for what he lacks in talent.

We walk side by side until we reach the rooftop. It is afternoon and the sun is about to set. The sky has a hint of scarlet orange as if the sun is bleeding. The two of us sit on a bench in silence. I am happy that we now have Hajin's cooperation, but I prefer him to be more involved with us— Kim Suho, Chae Nayun, and me— as a group.

"Hey," I call to him, thinking about how I should phrase it. "Nayun is thinking of establishing a club. As rank 2, and Suho as Rank 1, they should have enough clout for the faculty to give them a green light…"

I tell Hajin. In comparison to the Kim Hajin from the novel I know, the Hajin besides me is calmer and more mature. The way he is not showing his desperation to return home is a plus sign from my books.

With him as an ally, I don't fear anything anymore. He is the protagonist for god's sake, no pun intended. "We are thinking of calling it the Devil Hunter Club. On the surface, it is a club that researches Djinns, but essentially, it is a club for hunting Devils. The resources Cube allocates on clubs should be able to help us in some way…"

"Tell me what you know of Devils?" Hajin asks.

I don't know why he is asking me something where he should know the answer already. I answer nonetheless aware that he may be testing my knowledge about the future, or whether my claims are really true. "Devils are destroyers of worlds. They are like aliens that invade planets by descending through a denizen of that world. They possess dangerous obsessions which they feed upon to grow as an existence. In the future, Baal will descend to this world… We need to prepare for that…"

"And you are going with the story that you are a clairvoyant to everyone?"


A short silence ensues between us. I have my conjectures of who the Devil might be or might become. If this world is really a novel based on the original The Novel's Extra. It is only natural by going on the chronological flow of events that Yoo Yeonha will be heavily involved in the second incident that will serve as the second conflict of the story.

"Do you still think the Academic Club's president, Yun Hyuk is the Devil? I am telling you, he is not. He might be a Djinn, but from my investigations, he clearly is not." Hajin rubs his chin in contemplation as he reveals to me the fruit of his investigation.

"… How about Yeonha? Did you check her already? What do you think are the chances that the Devil's Seed does not have a host yet?" I might be overthinking but if the 'story' is going to screw us over, then the worst it can do is turn Yeonha into the Devil's Seed's host.

Hajin softly replies. "I checked Yeonha already, she is clean… The chances that the Devil's Seed doesn't have a host yet are slim. As you are aware… The incubation time for a Devil's Seed is quite lengthy… If it is going to spout any time soon, it must have been germinating on its seedbed for a long time already."

So… Our Devil remains a ghost, huh? This is bad. If we have the power to distribute more workforce on finding the Devil, then we will have better chances. Sadly, Kim Hajin is the only one who has the means to search for them through his 'Book of Truth' function of his [Observation and Reading] Gift.

"Is there a way for you to create items that can see through a Devil's disguise through your authority?" I ask for an alternative.

"I cannot…"

Another silence ensues between the two of us.

"So," For the final time. "What do you say about joining our club?" I ask him.

"I am in." Hajin gives me quickly an answer.

"Wait…" Do you mean it? The way he answers flabbergasts me. Well, it is good news that he will be joining us, but I hope he can be more honest. At first... I think that he will still have suspicions about me. It is only natural to doubt me. I cannot believe how easygoing he has become.

"Are you… sure?" I frown at how easily accepting he is. I imagine I will have to wait for a couple of days before I hear the answer I want from him.

Hajin shows a look of concern at my reaction. I am aware of Hajin's character. He is not the gullible type, but the cautious type. He is one who believes in information he sees firsthand. He is someone who rarely misunderstands things.

From the novel, I see him as the guy who tends to become the target of misunderstandings, especially with Yeonha's overly active imagination. Hopefully, all three of us, Suho, Nayun, Hajin, and I are all in the same brain wavelengths.

I ask him, just to make sure. "You… are not misunderstanding things, right?"

Hajin again shows a sign of concern as he worriedly looks at me. "There is no misunderstanding, no?"

I see. So, there is something...

"I should be going now. The library should still be open. I need to pick up some books…"


Kim Hajin watches the self-proclaimed clairvoyant go away.

He is wary, and yes, that is only natural to him as he is not even a denizen of this world. He is still inclined to return home, however, he cannot do that anymore with the circumstances that he is in.

[Kim Hajin— has become a character.]

As a character of this world, he has become bound to this world too. He is able to learn of it all thanks to the resources he wields. For now, he must find a way to untangle his fate. Destiny is at work, and there must be a greater power at play. Without the Co-Author, he is as good as trapped in this world. When his mind goes back to Nayun's confession, he cannot help but feel a sense of loss.

Hajin touches his necklace in aimless ponder. How can he reach the epilogue now?

If this world is just another novel, then what is its title now? 'The Returnee Hero' he knows? 'The Novel's Extra' as Hyon Hyung claims? Or something else entirely? Like say… The Returnee Regressor?

If this world has a core, then it can only be Chae Nayun. If she is the protagonist now, and her perceived happy ending is being with Hajin, then how can the current Hajin go home?

The requirement for Hajin to go home is for him to reach the epilogue, and as the Co-Author is now dead, he is left with grasping straws. Somehow, he has to reach the epilogue.

Kim Hajin understands that Nayun must have a romantic relationship with Kim Hajin of the past timeline. For some reason, that romance fails. Hajin believes that it might be because of his wanting to go home.

Perhaps, he and everyone are on the loop that Nayun herself doesn't know. Every time Hajin and Nayun get together, they only end up with a bad ending as Hajin in the end wants to go home to his past world where his parents and friends exist.

Kim Hajin decides to stay for now— it is a complete lie he needs Hyon Hyung to hear.

Kim Hajin still wants to go home. According to Hyon Hyung, an apocalyptic disaster where the Devil King descends into this world will happen in the future. He cannot escape that, thus he must become stronger.

But more than that, have Nayun fall in love with someone else so that a truly happy ending can be achieved. Initially... When he is writing 'The Returnee Hero', he plans to write Nayun as Suho's heroine, but that cannot work now considering that it didn't even work in the past timeline.

Hajin needs a new character, and conveniently, he has one— Hyon Hyung fits the bill perfectly.

Of course, he remains suspicious of Hyon as the guy is the very epitome of suspiciousness. His crazy antics alone are enough for just anyone to get suspicious of him. That is what makes him a valuable character.

In writing terms, Hyon Hyung's potential is just endless. He can be a villain at one moment, a hero at another, and just anything!

The reason Hajin decides to join the club is exactly this— to keep watch of Hyon Hyung and keep the possibility of turning him into a protagonist that can fulfill Nayun's happy ending open.

And if Hajin really reaches the true happy ending that will be able to send him home through this, then all the best.

At the disappearance of the Co-Author, Hajin realizes that for him to reach the epilogue, it is not just his survival that matters, but also the other characters. Novel or not, he still has strong feelings about returning home.

So whatever this Devil hiding in Cube is... He also has to do his fair share of the job, lest the consequences. 

"The Devil Hunter Club... The Devil... Club... The Devil's Club..." He utters playing with the words in his mouth as he stands up from the bench, thinking of the future far ahead.