
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

Destiny XVII

Chae Nyaun feels the persistent ache coursing through her battered body. Opposite her, Yoo Jinhyung mirrors the agony, his left leg visibly limping. The streets, once pristine, now bear the visible scars of their prolonged battle, lasting seven days and seven nights—an unusually protracted fight between Master Rank Heroes, showcasing the indomitable tenacity of both combatants.

"Persistent, I'll give you that," Chae Nyaun remarks through gritted teeth.

Yoo Jinhyung, wincing in pain, responds, "Takes one to know one, young miss."

They circle each other, movements sluggish yet determined, as the audience watches in awe. Chae Nyaun smirks amidst the struggle, acknowledging, "You're not half bad, Yoo Jinhyung."

Yoo Jinhyung, smiling through the pain, replies, "Coming from you, that's a compliment. I'll take it."

Suddenly, Yoo Jinhyung's eyes flare with red lightning, and a surge of newfound energy propels him forward. Chae Nayun, caught off guard, barely manages to block his lightning-fast strikes.

"Where did that come from?" she grunts, disoriented.

"Saving the best for last," Yoo Jinhyung grins, outflanking her with a burst of speed. The air stills, witnessing the battle between two tenacious forces to a new level of intensity.

Chae Nayun grimaces as she uses her Balmung to block Yoo Jinhyung's powerful kick. The impact reverberates through the broadsword, sending vibrations up her arms. Gritting her teeth, she manages to hold her ground.

Yoo Jinhyung smirks, his eyes still ablaze with the crimson surge of berserk magic. "Impressive defense, Chae Nayun. But can you handle this?" With newfound speed, he swings his fist in a blinding arc, forcing Chae Nayun to parry desperately.

"I've faced worse than this," she retorts, determination in her eyes. The clash of their weapons echoes through the desolate streets, Yoo Jinhyung's fist and Chae Nayun's sword.

Yoo Jinhyung's berserk magic power surges around him like an ominous aura. "You're not the only one with tricks up your sleeve." He lunges forward, his movements are almost too fast to track, and Chae Nayun struggles to keep up.

As Yoo Jinhyung's enchanted strikes threaten to overwhelm her, Chae Nayun channels her own magic into her Balmung. The blade glows with a vibrant energy, creating a barrier that repels Yoo Jinhyung's onslaught.

"Not bad, but I'm not done yet," Chae Nayun declares, determination flashing in her eyes. She pushes forward, the clash of their weapons intensifying. The destructive force of Yoo Jinhyung's berserk magic leaves traces of disintegrated matter in its wake, creating an otherworldly spectacle.

Yoo Jinhyung grins, reveling in the chaotic power coursing through him. "This is the true nature of my magic power. Gifts are powerful, but it is the attributes of one's magic power in the end that decide an individual's fighting style!" He unleashes a torrent of strikes, each one threatening to breach Chae Nayun's defenses.

She grits her teeth, fueled by the relentless energy within her. "I won't be defeated by this alone, Jinhyung!" With a burst of strength, she counters his assault, pushing him back momentarily by parrying every strike and countering with equal viciousness.

But Yoo Jinhyung is still a notch faster.

Nayun crashes into an abandoned building, rubbles and dust scattering everywhere. 

"This is bad," Nayun comments. She avoids indoors because it restricts too much of her combat style.

Nayun struggles to her feet amidst the wreckage, breathing heavily. Yoo Jinhyung advances, a relentless force of destruction. "You should escape, Chae Nayun. Your tricks won't save you!"

Nayun glares at him, determination burning in her eyes. "I won't let you have your way, Jinhyung." She channels her magic power, this time focusing on reinforcing her defenses. The air shimmers around her as a protective barrier forms and clings to her skin, ready to withstand any impending onslaught.

Undeterred, Yoo Jinhyung charges, his berserk fist tearing through the air. Nayun grits her teeth, holding her ground. The clash is imminent, and as Yoo Jinhyung's fist collides with her magical barrier, a shockwave erupts, shaking the remnants of the building.

"That won't be enough," Yoo Jinhyung sneers, his berserk magic surging. Nayun, however, is not one to back down. She summons a dozen shimmering swords made of pure magic power, launching them at Yoo Jinhyung with precision.

The first sword slashes through the air, but Yoo Jinhyung deftly dodges it. The second sword meets its end with a mere light jab, disintegrating into magical particles. The subsequent onslaught of magical swords is met with a powerful pulse of Yoo Jinhyung's own magic power, obliterating each one in quick succession.

Nayun clicks her tongue in frustration, feeling the strain of her overflowing but fragile magic power. "Damn it, this isn't enough." She knows she needs a different approach, a strategy to break through Yoo Jinhyung's relentless assault.

However, the truth of the matter is… this is actually a mismatch.

Yoo Jinhyung's attributes completely counter Chae Nayun's.

As Yoo Jinhyung prepares for another onslaught, Nayun's eyes narrow, her mind racing for a solution. The abandoned building's debris provides her with an idea. With a swift motion, she gathers the scattered rubble, infusing them with her magic power. "Let's see how you handle this, Jinhyung."

The Mountain, Sea, and Sky Swordsmanship—

She hurls the enchanted debris at Yoo Jinhyung, creating a chaotic barrage that forces him to focus on defense. Each debris is a sword of its own. Seizing the opportunity, Nayun charges forward, determination burning brighter than ever.

Yoo Jinhyung's image flickers, the intensity of his murderous intention closing in on Nayun. His eyes burn with a dangerous crimson glow, signaling the depth of his berserk magic. Nayun, undeterred, reacts quickly. She throws her Balmung into the air, a calculated move to test the limits of Yoo Jinhyung's power.

Nayun's fist pulses with magic power as she throws a punch at Yoo Jinhyung. The collision between their two fists sends shockwaves through the ground, forming deep craters beneath them. The abandoned building's walls tremble, threatening to collapse from the sheer force of their clash.

As chaos ensues, the Balmung, thrown into the air earlier, descends like a deadly arrow aimed at Yoo Jinhyung. Nayun, mentally controlling her sword with precision, has transformed it into a lethal projectile.

The weapon hurtles towards Yoo Jinhyung, who is momentarily distracted by the impending threat. But Nayun seizes the opportunity. She grabs Yoo Jinhyung's wrist, preventing their fists from completely separating amidst the chaos.

"You are not going anywhere," Nayun remarks, her voice firm and filled with determination.

Yoo Jinhyung strikes Nayun with his palm, the force behind it intended to push her away and disengage. Nayun, however, endures the palm attack with a sturdy horse stance, determination etched on her face as she withstands the blow.

The impact creates shockwaves, rippling through the air, and it becomes evident that Jinhyung's attack has taken a toll on Nayun. Internal injuries start to manifest, the pain evident in her strained expression, though she fights to maintain her composure.

Amidst the struggle, Balmung crashes at Yoo Jinhyung, the broadsword slamming into him with tremendous force. He's sent flying away, enveloped in a cloud of dust as the collision reverberates through the desolate surroundings.

Nayun, however, pays the price for her counterattack. She falls to a single knee, blood leaking from her mouth, a visible sign of the internal injuries inflicted upon her. Despite the pain, Nayun remains resolute, refusing to yield to the adversary before her. The battlefield is shrouded in tension as the two combatants assess the toll of their fierce exchange.

Yoo Jinhyung emerges from the dissipating cloud of dust, his hands gripping the pointed edge of Balmung with almost casual ease. He takes a deep breath, a moment of respite amidst the chaos, before swiftly kicking the sword upwards towards the ceiling.

The sword crashes into the ceiling, its pointed edge vanishing from sight, possibly ascending a few floors above. Nayun, though physically separated from Balmung, can still feel the lingering connection with her trusted weapon.

With quick, determined steps, Nayun suppresses the pain from her injuries, the adrenaline fueling her resolve. The battlefield is tense, and the absence of Balmung in her hands doesn't deter Nayun. Instead, it fuels her determination to press on, adapting to the ever-shifting dynamics of the fight against Yoo Jinhyung.

Nayun rises from her kneeling position, fatigue evident in her eyes. The relentless battles have taken a toll on her, and a growing realization dawns upon her. This is no ordinary battlefield; they are trapped within a pocket dimension.

"What is this place?" Nayun mumbles to herself, glancing around at the distorted landscape.

Just a few feet away, Yoo Jinhyung is in the midst of channeling an immense surge of magical power. His eyes blaze with an otherworldly intensity as the magic around him takes on an erratic, berserk quality.

"Jinhyung," Nayun calls out, her voice strained but determined. "What's happening? What are you planning with the Seer?"

Yoo Jinhyung remains silent, his focus entirely on the growing storm of magic swirling around him. Nayun's frustration grows, desperation creeping into her tone.

"Jinhyung, we can't keep going like this. What are you planning? What are you hiding?"

His response is still silence, but the magical aura around him intensifies, crackling with energy that seems almost too volatile to contain. Nayun clenches her fists, a mix of fear and frustration etching lines on her face.

"Yoo Jinhyung!" she presses, her voice rising.

As if in response to her plea, the magical energy surrounding Yoo Jinhyung explodes into a dazzling display of light. Nayun shields her eyes, squinting against the brilliance. When the light subsides, she finds Yoo Jinhyung standing amidst the aftermath, his silence unbroken but his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that sends shivers down her spine.

The pocket dimension seems to respond to the unleashed power, warping and shifting in response. Nayun can't shake the feeling that there's more at play here than meets the eye.

Yoo Jinhyung softly enters a stance, his open palms pointed at Nayun.

Yoo Jinhyung stands amidst the residual magical energy, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. The strain of maintaining his berserk magic state for an extended period is evident in the lines etched on his face. Nayun, concern etched on hers, steps closer.

"Nayun," he begins, his voice weary yet resolute, "there's something you need to understand. I'm doing this for my daughter, and that's all you need to know."

Nayun furrows her brows, her worry deepening. "Yeonha? What do you mean? What's going to happen to her?"

Yoo Jinhyung hesitates, the weight of his unspoken burden evident in his eyes. "I can't explain everything now. Just know that what I'm doing, it's for her sake."

Nayun's eyes narrow with determination. "I care about Yeonha too. Whatever concerns you has to concern me as well."

Yoo Jinhyung shakes his head, a mix of regret and determination in his gaze. "No, Nayun. It's better for you not to know. Let me bear this burden alone."

Nayun's frustration boils over, and she takes a step forward, her voice sharp. "You can't just shut me out, Yoo Jinhyung! Whatever it is, we face it together."

Yoo Jinhyung's expression hardens, his resolve unyielding. "This burden is mine to carry. It's better if only I and the others bear the guilt."

Nayun explodes in fury, her eyes ablaze. "Don't play the martyr, Jinhyung! We're a team, and we face everything together. Yeonha wouldn't want you to shoulder this alone."

Yoo Jinhyung's shoulders slump, a mix of resignation and vulnerability in his eyes. "I'm not a martyr, Nayun. Just a self-glorified, pitiful man, trying to protect what matters most to him."

The admission hangs heavy in the air, the unspoken truths and untold sacrifices casting a shadow over their strained alliance. As they prepare for the next phase of the battle, the weight of their shared destinies hangs in the balance, wrapped in the complexities of duty, and the ties that bind them together.

Nayun's determination ignites, and with a sudden burst of speed, she propels herself forward, magic surging around her like a tempest. Yoo Jinhyung's eyes widen in surprise as Nayun closes the distance with astonishing speed. Before he can fully comprehend her movement, she strikes with the force of her palm.

Yoo Jinhyung, caught off guard, instinctively raises his arms in a desperate attempt to defend himself. The impact is powerful, and he feels the force propelling him backward. The world blurs around him as Nayun's magic-infused strike sends him hurtling through the air.

He tumbles through the air, the abandoned building disappearing behind him. The wind rushes past him, ruffling his hair as he struggles to regain control. Yoo Jinhyung manages to stabilize himself mid-air, a mixture of surprise and realization etched on his face. As he is flung outside the building, he gazes back at the structure, his senses still reeling from Nayun's unexpected attack.

Yoo Jinhyung, still recovering from Nayun's powerful strike, senses a sudden surge of magical power signatures approaching from above. His eyes widen as he looks skyward, squinting against the sunlight. Above him, a multitude of swords materialize, concealed within the brightness of the day.

A rain of swords descends, each blade conjured with the raw energy of Nayun's magic power. The sheer number of floating swords creates an ominous spectacle, casting shadows over the battleground. Yoo Jinhyung, now fully aware of the impending danger, braces himself for the oncoming onslaught.

From her vantage point inside the abandoned building, Chae Nayun mutters her unique spell, her voice barely audible over the whistling wind. "Daybreaker— Starfall."

The moment the words leave her lips, the swords shimmer with an intensity that outshines the sun itself. The blades, now imbued with a radiant glow, cascade from the sky like a celestial storm. Each sword carries the weight of Nayun's magic power, and as they descend, they create a breathtaking display of light and power.

The abandoned building is briefly bathed in the radiant glow of the falling swords, their collective brilliance eclipsing the sunlight. Yoo Jinhyung, still recovering from Nayun's previous assault, watches with a mix of awe and trepidation as the magical blades plummet towards him, ready to unleash a symphony of destruction upon the battlefield.