
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

Confession III

"I am sorry, but I am not interested in dating… moreover dating younger girls…"

What the fuck? Where is that even coming from?

Chae Nayun is heartbroken, and at the same time is feeling ridiculous. Hearing Hajin say something like this is the epitome of comedy. "Duh? I am five years older than you!" She is a regressor, for god's sake! She is mentally 25 years old! And Hajin? Isn't he like 17 years old?

Wait... Does that mean Nayun is targeting a younger boy? No. She reduces the disturbing thoughts in her head into an afterthought. What age? Age does not mean anything to a regressor!

That aside, she must not lose focus on what is she here for.

She comes here with the resolution to confess her regression origins to Hajin, and maybe through this secret, Hajin can also share his secrets. Nayun is using this opportunity that Hyon Hyung creates for her not so that they can recruit Hajin to this Devil's Crusade, but to learn more about Hajin. It is Nayun's selfish goal.

It is selfish. And that is okay. Because Nayun knows that with Hajin's character, after learning the existence of a possible Devil within Cube, he will be more than willing to join their quest.

Chae Nayun's certainty comes from the now inexistent past. If there is one thing that is consistent in the world except death and time, then that will be a person's soul. She firmly believes in this. Their character may twist and their thoughts may differ from the different timelines, but never will their soul ever change. It is the essence that makes a person's individuality.

"Sigh…" Nayun sighs, trying her best not to snicker. "Me too, Kim Hajin… I am not interested in dating… moreover dating younger boys…" She makes a comeback, with mirth.

Chae Nayun leans forward, exuding a charm unique to her. Her brown hair sways at her small movement, revealing the still-developing cleavage. "Do you know what I am interested though? It is you, Kim Hajin that I am interested…" Her words are not as contradictory as one might think. Regardless of age, her interest in Hajin has always been the same.

Hajin dully replies. "Miss Chae Nayun, please show decency. You really have nothing to show for…" He glances with subtlety at Nayun's chest which doesn't have much to it. "Grow a bit more, and I might think about it."

"…" Chae Nayun leans backward, her ears are a little bit red. "I am sorry, that is inappropriate… But hey, I just want to learn more about you… But I already know so much about you, I am finding it hard to get close to you."

"Miss Chae Nayun. Please stop being cryptic, Hyon said that you will change my mind or something. Is there something going on that I don't know?" Hajin is getting tired of the nonsensical change in dialogues.

"Hmmm… Let's go for a walk."


The two of them walk in an empty park side by side. Cadets are still busy lamenting over their test scores as various surprise exams are going left and right, and they have no time to squander on playing around.

Kim Hajin warily watches his smartwatch, while the invisible laptop rests on his backpack. The same double daggers from Hyon are on the backpack.

"Hajin… Will you believe me if I tell you I regressed?"

[A change in setting has been detected.]

[Chae Nayun— she regressed in search of a happy ending.]

Kim Hajin's silence provokes Nayun to talk more.

"It is before I fought the Tower of Miracles. You said something to me. I said at the time 'I'm going, see you again'. Do you know what you said back? Have a happy life, you said… Ugh… I hate this. I will continue hating and loving you, Kim Hajin…"

[A change in setting has been detected.]

[Chae Nayun— she painfully loves you.]

"Kim Hajin. Because of you, I don't have to see my big brother becoming a Devil. So thank you. Because of you, I don't have to lose my grandfather. I thanked you for everything back then, but I don't think I will be able to do the same now.

[A change in setting has been detected.]

[Chae Jinyoon— has become the host of a Devil's Seed.]

"I am sorry. I damned this world by regressing. Please help me. No. Please help this world."

The selfishness, self-blame, and seething self-hate burn her like the flames of the sun. She is like Icarus who only wishes to embrace the glory of its light, only to find out such a thing is too much for her.

However, there is no time for regrets.

[A change in setting has been detected.]

[Chae Nayun— her regression is causing tumultuous changes.]

Chae Nayun walks ahead so much faster, leaving Hajin who is walking by her side. Nayun does not dare show her crying face. With not a whimper, she wipes out the tears that start pouring from her eyes without consent. When she looks back, she shows Hajin her pure smile without a blemish of tears.

"I know I am being shameless by saying this… But I love you… I just want to say it one last time, I guess… I simply love you without hating you. I cannot say that in the past timeline, but I can do it now."

She stretches out her hand and places something on Hajin's palm. It is a necklace that Hajin has no idea what is it about. "W-what is this?" He asks.

And Nayun answers. "You gave it to me as a gift. I don't know how it came with me with my regression. I am returning it to you now." She turns her back on Hajin and moves on. She walks away not even looking back.

Kim Hajin stays rooted to his place, grasping the necklace.

[A change in setting has been detected.]

[Chae Nayun— has moved on.]

Tears pour down on Hajin's face. He doesn't know why, but it hurts. He gazes at the necklace on his palm, thinking of the meaning of his being here. The Co-Author suddenly abandons him to this world, without a direction for him to go. He just wants to go home…

But now what?

The hurting in his heart. The tears streaming from his cheeks. All of this feels too personal for him to just let it be. He moves the necklace and places it on his neck, he feels the solid metallic touch nary a memory he can remember of having seen this even once. Yet, he can feel it. This is a fragment of his heart.

[A change in setting has been detected.]

[Kim Hajin— has become a character.]


I watch the drama unfold while I am under the effects of my Gift. I am such a bad guy to stalk them like this. And I only feel worse as everything truly unfolds.

For me, it hurts too as I know what the words Nayun speaks of. They are in complete parallel to the novel, of the last time she has a conversation with Kim Hajin in the past timeline.

This is distasteful, but I have a job to do.

I reveal myself from my hiding place, from under the shades of the tree, I ask Hajin with my usual playful tone. "So does that convince you? I really need those daggers. You know, to save the world? We will be glad too if you lend us a hand."

Kim Hajin's back is facing me. He wipes out his tears and turns to me. He doesn't say a word, as clearly, he is still deliberating on what to say. I wait for him.

"Huuu~" He exhales a mouthful of air and addresses me. "Tell me everything."

And so I did. I tell him everything. The investigation of the Hero Association. My conversation with Yoo Sihyuk. At this moment, Hajin is very vulnerable, but so am I… Thus, I decide to reveal everything to him whatever he asks of me.

Kim Hajin is still closed and defended as he only asks me questions and doesn't shed light on his circumstances. I leave him be. He has that much right and freedom.

"So who exactly are you?" He asks me bluntly. He is not hostile, just curious.

At this point, Hajin must come to realize that his [Observation and Reading] Gift is not perfect. It doesn't make him omniscient which is evident in how he perceives Chae Nayun.

"I am a clairvoyant," I tell the same lie I am selling Nayun and Suho. "That is what I told Suho and Nayun." But I have no designs to lie to Hajin. "I am like you…" I reveal to him with no falsehood.

"…" I don't know what to take about Hajin's silence.

I continue. "I am reading about this novel, its title is 'The Novel's Extra', and you are its protagonist. Kim Hajin, you are inside a novel… you are a character inside a novel…"

A tense silence ensues between us. I fear that Hajin might self-destruct just like the villains who learn of this truth. But I want to take my chances. There is no need to rely on luck for this, as whatever choices Hajin makes, I will go with him all the way through.

Kim Hajin simply smiles. "Then so are you… you are a character too in a novel if that is the case. But does it really matter?" He turns his face away from me and looks above the vast blue sky.

I find it a surprise at his rather sentimental answer. Where is the existential crisis? Not that it is what I am looking for… "Does it not bother you? You are a character from a novel." I ask him.

Kim Hajin plaintively answers. "I don't know what to do anymore. Do I want to go home? Do I stay? It looks like my other self has made his choice. I am still deciding on mine…"

He gazes back at me and removes his eyes from the clouds above. "For now, I decide to stay."

Definitely one of my favorite chapters.

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