
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

125. Extracurriculars V

The steel door opens. I greet Rachel. "Hello."

The latter remains quiet. I sense her emotions to be in a state of half panic and guilt through my <Empathetic Imitation>. I don't know what to say. She must be at that period of the month.

I hand her a VR helmet. This is the recalibrated version. It appears that Cube could easily modify it as long as she has the corresponding item to study. Working on this VR tech is easier than I imagine.

"Please receive this. We cannot use the Little Blue Tower as much as we like, because of SP consumption. There is also the mental fatigue. This VR can in theory replicate the life action that we can use to train. Essentially, it simulates our combat effectiveness. It only trains the mind though. Still, this is good training material. I also installed the current win-draw-lost ratio which I am keeping a record of. It is an experimental data I accumulated from past simulations by referring to each member's data. You can see it in the VR Hall of Fame. I recently updated it. If you want to try to change the rankings, you could challenge the Hall of Fame. There are also many other options. With Cube's processing power, you could even set up a small war."

I am like a salesman selling his goods, but there is nothing to be shy about it. Rachel reluctantly accepts the VR tech. "Work hard," I in good nature tell her, while I walk away to distribute the VR to the others.

I guess I should leave the VR helmets at Nayun's, Suho's, and Hajin's rooms since they are outside. Ugh… That leaves me with Jonghak.


Rachel carries the VR helmet inside her [Under Cube] accommodations. She wants to dig a hole and hide. She cannot believe it. Hyon is actually working all along. It appears Hyon Hyung has a good reason for wanting the VR tech from the Reading Club.

"I am not even able to apologize…" She disappointedly murmurs. She feels for her smartwatch. It appears Yeonha turned off the call.

Feeling terrible for herself, she starts the VR helmet and enters its virtual space. She wants to distract herself. Finally, she arrives at the Hall of Fame.

Suho— 80% win rate; 2% draw rate; 18% loss rate

Hajin— 64% win rate; 21% draw rate; 15% loss rate

Nayun— 72% win rate; 19% draw rate; 9% loss rate

Rachel— 72% win rate; 1% draw rate; 27% loss rate

Hyung— 1% win rate; 99% draw rate; 0% loss rate

Jonghak— 3% win rate; 33% draw rate; 64% lost rate

Rachel feels her mood getting better from learning her score.

But as an ambitious and aspiring hero, she wants something better. Her eyes land on Hajin's score. She has already surpassed his win rate. She decides that this time, she will beat his loss rate and have a loss rate below 15%!

Kim Hajin has become Rachel's role model! And she sure will improve by following his example. But then, Rachel's eyes land on Hyon Hyung's score. She feels being cheated, or maybe Hyon is actually messing around. 1% win rate; 99% draw rate; 0% lost rate. No matter how she looks at it. Hyon Hyung's scores sound too ludicrously impossible.

Pissed by the set of numbers in front of her, she challenges Hyon Hyung's data within the VR realm.

"I am undefeatable!" Hyon Hyung's projection boasts with a face asking for a beating.

Rarely does Rachel get annoyed, but Hyon Hyung somehow always manages to annoy her. Rachel summons a rapier she can use and engages Hyon Hyung in a battle of life and death.

"You cannot catch me!" Hyon Hyung's projection runs away while throwing daggers at Rachel.

Rachel is super pissed. The spar ends in a draw with neither of them dying. The clock runs out and announces the draw. Rachel is embarrassed and more pissed than she already is.

Hyon Hyung's projection is swearing, taunting, and teasing her while he runs away. It really is asking for a beating! Rachel feels she is being targeted! What Rachel doesn't know is that all of the projected data in the VR realm also simulate real-life speech patterns and habits.

Rachel challenges Hyon Hyung's projection a second time.


After sending the VR helmets to Suho's, Nayun's, and Hajin's room, I then head to Jonghak's room.

I arrive at Jonghak's room and requests permission for me to enter. I wait for some time until Jonghak opens the door and simply looks at me.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Here," I give him the VR tech and move on to my sales pitch. "This is a technology that can help you train…" Before I can finish the Jonghak-specific script I have in mind, Jonghak grabs the VR helmet and returns to his room.

"Don't disturb me," He adds.

I am speechless. I override the door through my [AI System] so that Jonghak won't be able to shut the door in my face.

"We need to talk," I don't mind his attitude or his rudeness, but we really need to talk. Yeonha has requested me to do this, and I should at least keep my word. "Jonghak, I don't care about your mood, or what you are thinking, but please talk to Yeonha."

"I don't want to talk," He rudely remarks, and heads deeper inside his room.

I guess, there is no helping it. I let go of my control of the two-inch-thick sliding door from my [AI System], letting the door close by itself. I leave for Yeonha. I have not given her the VR helmet yet.

I am thinking of whether I should give it to her or not. In the end, I decided to give it to her. There is no way the Devil's Seed can use this VR helm to contact its Djinn minions from the outside anyway.

For safe measure, I put a bomb to the VR helm I am giving Yeonha. If the Devil's Seed does something funny to the VR helm, it will explode. Evandel should be fine, she is strong, and she has the Death Knight with her.

I enter Yeonha's containment area. Only I have access permission to this place. I hope that Yeonha can also be visited by the others, and that is why I want her to have this. "Hello~!"

Yeonha doesn't look at me, as she remains focused on her own laptop. I see statistical line graphs going up and down. I understand that it is about the stock market.

"Evandel! Did you grow taller?"

"Yes! One centimeter!" Evandel proudly boasts.

"Wow, Evandel is so good! She is growing!" I pat her head affectionately. I am so smart I brought two VR helmets. One with Yeonha's size, and one for Evandel. "Here, it is a gift. With this, you can visit your noonas and oppas!"

"Really?" Evandel curiously fiddles with the VR helm.

I start sweating. Evandel's VR helm doesn't have a bomb, but what if she starts fiddling with Yeonha's, then the little girl might be obliterated. On second thoughts, that seems impossible. Evandel after all from her readings of magic power is about at peak intermediate rank, about my level.

"Yeonha, this is for you."

"Place it there."

I do as she commands. I leave Yeonha to her stocks, while I play with Evandel. I also teach her how to use the VR helm. It should be fine for Evandel as I also have encoded an anti-addiction system for the VR helm.

Only now do I notice, that Evandel's features resemble Yeonha a lot. "Hey, Yeonha… Am I imagining it, or doesn't Evandel resemble you a lot?"

Yeonha looks at me and then looks at Evandel. "She does."

My smartwatch buzzes, and from it, I read Yeonha's e-mailed research on Evandel's evolution. It claims that Evandel is psychically inheriting Yeonha's data meaning her genes, temperament, and even personality through hypothetically either observation or co-habitation.

It is an interesting research topic. I focus on Evandel and then compare her to Yeonha's serious side profile. "You are so cute, Evandel!" I pinch the little girl's cheeks playfully.

After playing with Evandel for several more hours, I leave for Hajin. He recently has returned from the various competitions he is forced to participate in.

"How are you, Hajin?"

"Fine," Hajin drinks a can of coke, while he peruses on his smartwatch.

We are inside Hajin's exclusive lab. There are all kinds of items lying around. Hajin is grinding his [Dazzling Dexterity Art] so that he unlocks the 'craftsman' option fast.

"So, who goes first?" Hajin asks. It seems he also has something to say to me.

"Mine isn't too urgent, how about you?"

Hajin finishes his can of black carbonated drink and projects a small screen from his smartwatch.

[To: Kim Hajin

From: Chameleon Troupe

You are qualified.]

Now, this is too out of expectation. I don't recall this being Chameleon Troupe's style. "Maybe it is spam." That possibility is more likely for me.

"I don't think so." Hajin's words are reasonable as after all, the Chameleon Troupe has not appeared for some time. Currently, they are very obscure, so few would know their name.

"What do we do?" I ask our leader's input.

"We discuss. Gather the other members."

"Yes, sir!" I playfully do a mock salute.