
The Novel’s Extra’s Anomaly

Our protagonist takes a reincarnation survey and gets reincarnated/transmigrated into the world of The Novel's Extra. ========== Well, that's all that's to say about the premise of this FF tbh. I'll try to keep it mostly light-hearted and all but the world of TNE is not a flowers and rainbows type of world after all. I will get into much more detail than the Author with TNE as I found it annoying both how the novels ended but also how little detail went into the world. And when I say detail I mean trying my best to come up with an explanation as to why dungeons need a certain amount of people to conquer and such. Will also be adding more Monster from different games and such, mainly from games like Monster Hunter. If I manage to finish this FF I'm guessing it's going to end at around chapter 500 or so. But we'll see. Also no promises on how often I'll update as this is just for self-satisfaction. The main philosophy behind this FF protagonist is: "Live In Life" and by god will he. Keeping the r18 tag just to be safe;)

DreamingExtra · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 5


Chapter 5: Just A Normal Day(trust)

Alternative Title: This Is For Calling Me "A Pale Ass Bitch"


[Korea, Seoul, 21:47, 2025, January, 8]

Wandering around aimlessly through the streets of Seoul, C2 was looking for something to do. Yet there was nothing to do, he was only 17 and didn't have his Cube ID yet so he couldn't even go drink or gamble even if he wanted to, not that he would gamble, since it would not be fun to play something he knew he had a '100%' chance of winning due to his Luck and 「Golden Rule EX」.

Just 「Golden Rule EX」 would be enough to give him a 100% win chance as it doesn't allow him to lose money when money can be gained unless he invests in something that's guaranteed to flop. 「Golden Rule EX」 doesn't cover stupidity after all.

Deciding to go to the Pizza Hut near the Portal Station and get some Pizza before going on an Adventure legally this time, one which doesn't end in him blowing up something and would 100% get him put on a terrorist list(he already is lol, named as "The Crimson Demon") if done through legal means.

Walking through the door of Pizza Hut he's greeted by an employee before making his order shocking the poor employee.

"Are you sure sir?" The employee asks nervously.

"Did I stutter?"C2 responds lifting an eyebrow.

"Jus- just to confirm that was, 1x Large Meat Lover's with Stuffed Crust, 1x Large Chicken Supreme with Stuffed Crust, 2x Breadsticks, 1x Straight-cut Fries, 1x Classic Sauce Set, and 1x 2 Liter Pepsi?" The employee stutters out.

"Yep, that's right," C2 said looking around the Pizzaria.

"That'll be 76,666 Won sir." The employee says turning over the tablet to C2. Tapping the tablet with his phone C2 pays.

"Hey," C2 said startling the employee that just turned around. "Does that machine work with credit?" He said pointing to a… (digital) capsule gacha machine in the store. To which the employee nodded.

Walking over to the Machine he looks at the Price. 10,000 Won(around 7.50USD) per pull. And the thing he wanted from it. [LIMITED TIME OFFER: UUSSR+++ 2 METER TALL CHEESE-KUN! ONLY ONE PER MACHINE] It was like something primal in him had awakened when he laid his eyes on the machine. The reason? No time to think about it. He only knew one thing: He wanted, no HE NEEDED IT. He knew he was walking straight into hell but he was determined.

Opening the interface on the Machine and typing in the maximum amount he could pull at once… 100 pull or 1,000,000 Won… and got: not what he wanted. Another one, still not Cheese-kun… Another one, and another… this continued until his order arrived, and by that point, he had pulled 12,000 times, in other words, he had spent 120 Million Won or around 90,000 USD… if not for the spell on him that made people ignore him he would've already gotten a lot of weird stares.

He started eating while pulling to min-max his time. After another hour he had spent another 120 Million Won. Yet still that UUSSR+++(Ultra Ultra Super Super Rare) Cheese-kun evaded him. He started to wonder if this was his true punishment from god(it is)... Pull after pull yet it evaded him. 26,500 pulls, 28,000 pulls, 30,000 pulls, 31,000 pulls, 32,000 pulls, 33,000 pulls, 33,300 pulls, and finally on the 33,333rd pull he got it. Having spent 333 Million Won(about 250,000 USD), he got his UUSSR+++ Cheese-kun.

Walking up to the counter he showed his phone with Pizza Hut Gacha(Its real trust) open on it showing that he won the Cheese-kun. Chasing it out he now has his two-meter tall Limited Edition Cheese-kun that has a goofy little hat and a pair of sunglasses on it.

"This was most definitely a punishment from god…" He sighs looking up into the sky only to find a singular cloud shaped like a middle finger, on this fine night that had been otherwise clear it stood out like a sore thumb. "Hahah… it most definitely was. But at least it's over now…"

{}{One Scene Change Later~}{}

[Korea, Cube, 08:00, 2025, January, 15]

Walking through the halls of Cube C2 arrived at the class he would be in for the next year.

[Novice - Veritas]

Coming from the other side he could see a rather burly figure with short brown hair and the type of face you would forget immediately after seeing it. The average among average. Kim Chundong otherwise known as Kim Hajin "The Author". Giving him a little nod C2 entered the class, and just like it was described in the novel he could see Shin Jonghak sitting in the top left of the classroom, eyes closed and his hands in his pocket with Yoo Yeonha chatting his ears off. But they were not the ones he was interested in, yet. 

No, it was the "Original" main character Kim Suho, he was sitting in the middle left of the classroom, and on his left side sat his best friend Yi Yeonghan, and to his right… no one and C2 was going to take that seat. Walking up to them with such confidence that it would've stunned anyone who saw it, but no one did as he still had the Notice-Me-Not effect on passively.

"Hello," C2 said turning off Notice-Me-Not and stretching out his hand to Kim Suho. "My name is C.C. and may I sit here?" nodding towards the seat on Kim Suho's right.

"Ah, yes of course," Suho said taking C2's hand. 

"My name is Kim Suho," he said shaking C2's hand. "And this is my friend Yi Yeonghan" Letting go of C2's hand he gestured towards Yi Yeonghan.

Smiling C2 extended his hand to Yi Yeonghan, to which Yeonghan took it. "C.C. a pleasure to meet you," C2 said. Smirking slightly Yeonghan responded, "As you heard from my friend here, I'm Yi Yeonghan, and the pleasures mine." Letting go of Yeonghan's hand he sat next to Suho.

An awkward silence then befalls the three. Clearing his throat C2 speaks up. "This silence is getting to me… so what's your favorite kind of pizza? And please don't say it's Watermelon Pizza… tried it, tastes disgusting…" To this, not only the two he's sitting with, but also the surrounding tables burst out laughing. Suho was the first to stop laughing.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just a weird opening question to someone you just met." Suho managed to say while still stifling the occasional laugh. "But if I had to say I'd go with a simple pepperoni pizza. What about you Miss C.C.?" Thinking for a bit Suho answered C2.

"I'm a guy though…" C2 muttered sitting with his knees to his chest.

"HUH!?" To this, Suho let out a confused scream. "Wait you're a guy?" but he didn't get an answer as their teacher walked in.

"ATTENTION!" Was shouted from the front of the class by their teacher.


23,111,154,747→22,777,824,747 Points on Violet Banquet


True Title: GACHA HELL

So, this is the last chapter for the next couple of days or so. I wanted to get five chapters out asp, and now that I have I want to build up my reserves. And yes, I'm leaving this on a cliffhanger and there's nothing you can do to stop me. WUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Yeah, I don't have a lot to say this time tbh, I've already complained about my day so far in the last chapter so there's nothing for me to say really.

Also, remember. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TAKES TIME! I had one smartass(you know who you are) complain that "LoOkS LiKe ThE Mc WoN't HaVe AnY ChArAcTeR dEvElOpMeNt" Oh what do you want smartass? A fully fleshed-out character in just four chapters!? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH! That's gotta be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Boo hoo look at me I can't wait for an author to flesh out a character my preschool reading comprehension can't handle it! POOR ME! 

Seriously some people just cannot comprehend that character development can take more than a chapter or two. Although I don't have an endpoint where I want to take C2's character I still have goals. AND ALSO: CHARACTERS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FLAWED, PEOPLE!

Sure C2 is carefree and immature. That's how I designed him. IS IT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND!? He's not supposed to stay like this for the entire story, he's supposed to mature and grow through hardship and experience. There's also another point I would like to make but won't because it is nowhere near the point where it affects C2 yet. He's not some "Oh I'm XXX years old mentally". Mental age is not some way to determine how "Mature" someone is. IT MEANS NOTHING! It's just some half-assed excuse Authors who can't make flawed characters use to justify why. 

AND ALSO! Yes C2 is affected at some base level by the original from Code Geass, as seen by his newfound love for Pizza and Cheese-kun. There are other things of the "Original" that will slowly affect him over time. It's there to use as a catalyst for future development. GOD DANMIT! That felt great to get out. Rant over I'll see you in a couple of days when I've stocked up some more chapters hopefully. CIAO!

PS: I post on both scriblehub and webnovel, both under the same name.
