
The Novel’s Extra’s Anomaly

Our protagonist takes a reincarnation survey and gets reincarnated/transmigrated into the world of The Novel's Extra. ========== Well, that's all that's to say about the premise of this FF tbh. I'll try to keep it mostly light-hearted and all but the world of TNE is not a flowers and rainbows type of world after all. I will get into much more detail than the Author with TNE as I found it annoying both how the novels ended but also how little detail went into the world. And when I say detail I mean trying my best to come up with an explanation as to why dungeons need a certain amount of people to conquer and such. Will also be adding more Monster from different games and such, mainly from games like Monster Hunter. If I manage to finish this FF I'm guessing it's going to end at around chapter 500 or so. But we'll see. Also no promises on how often I'll update as this is just for self-satisfaction. The main philosophy behind this FF protagonist is: "Live In Life" and by god will he. Keeping the r18 tag just to be safe;)

DreamingExtra · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 2


Chapter 2: "EXPLOSION!!!!!"


[Norway, Jostedalsbreen Nationalpark, 14:37, 2024, December, 18]

Walking up a snowy mountain a figure with a spear resting on their shoulder.

"Man, I should have gone with a different dungeon…" The figure sighs but keeps moving forward. He was going towards a Dungeon he had found via Heaven's Feel called, 「Ice Palace Under The Mountain」which was a dungeon where Ice Elves, Ice Sirens, and Yetis existed. Arriving in front of a cave he made his way inside it. Upon entering the cave he found himself inside a massive coliseum made of ice.

[You have arrived at Survival-type Dungeon 「Ice Palace Under The Mountain」Number of Waves remaining: 3/3. Enemies remaining: 1/1 Ice Elf Commander, 50/50 Ice Elf Archers, 100/100 Ice Elf Knights, 25/25 Ice Siren Mages, 25/25 Lesser Yetis.]

"Well, I came here to chew ass and kick gum and I'm all out of ass. No wait wrong order. You know what? Never mind…" He says while spitting out a piece of gum. Out of the other gate of the coliseum came the Monsters.

"Here me Human Warrior surrender now or face your demise! I swear in the name of Her Majesty Oleksandra El Cloudis Von Einzvern The Queen Of The Frozen Empire Ickernlamia that you will be given fair treatment should you surrender!" Shouted the Commander at the front of the monsters at him.

"Go fuck yourself Lancelot wannabe," C.C. said to the Commander.

"THEN PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD!" The enraged Commander shouted ordering his troops to attack C.C.

"Oh, blackness shrouded in light…" C.C. chanted as he pointed his crimson spear at the monsters. 

"Frenzied blaze clad in night…" A Magic Circle then appears at the tip of the crimson spear and starts expanding in size. 

"In the name of the crimson demons, let the collapse of thine origin manifest." The Magic Circle then expands fully and is half the size of the coliseum, the monsters witnessing this start panicking.

"Summon before me the root of thy power hidden within the lands of the kingdom of demise!" The circle starts spinning as the Magic Power density increases within it.

[Boss Monster Oleksandra El Cloudis Von Einzvern The Queen Of The Frozen Empire Ickernlamia appears.] This notification rings out in the dungeon.

"WAIT HUMAN WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS!!!" A half-dressed queen(?) suddenly appears and shouts.

"I refuse." He said with a menacing smirk on his face. 

Inhaling as much air as possible C.C. shouts at the top of his lungs. "EXPLOSION!!!!!"

Then a loud explosion rings like an atomic bomb had just been set off, and everything within the dungeon save for where C.C. had been standing was annihilated. "WUWAHAHAHAH! I can understand why the Crazy Explosion Girl likes to use this spell so much!" C.C. laughs maniacally at the top of his lungs.

[Survival-type Dungeon 「Ice Palace Under The Mountain」has been cleared. Issuing rewards. Number of participants: 1. Time taken: 24 seconds. Clear Rank: MAX. Reward: 2x Gacha Items(Ice-Attribute)]

"OH FUCK! IS THIS MY PUNISHMENT GOD!? YOU PALE ASS BITCH!?" He shouts and points a finger at the sky(?) as he falls to his knees, and two yellow boxes labeled [UR Item Box: Ice Attribute Edition] appear before him each with a Rainbow Key inserted in them.

"Okay, Cesar you can do this…" He mutters to himself while putting his hands together in a prayer motion.

"I am the bone of my salt… Black Keys are my body… Sodium is my blood… I have created over a thousand rolls… Unknown to luck… Not known to gacha… Have withstood pain to create many sq… Yet, these hands will never hold an ssr… So, as I pray… UNLIMITED SALT WORKS!!!" C.C. prayed as he turned the keys on the boxes with both hands and out of them came a Bow and a Cloak.

「Bow Blessed By Skadi」


—Hoarfrost Arrow

Instead of using normal arrows, this bow makes them with Magic Power.

*All arrows shot will be Holy/Ice Attributed.

*Costs Magic Power to use.

*The cost is reduced in snowy areas.

—The Hunt In The Snow

When Hunting in snowy areas you leave no traces of your steps.

*You walk on top of the snow.

*Can be used in other places but Magic Power cost is increased.

"´Let's go! A good pull!" He semi-shouts as he looks at a stringless White Bow with a blue accent in his right hand.

「Morana's Winter Cloak」


—The Storm Rages On

You will not be affected by the cold even when not moving.

*Cost no Magic Power.

*Works best in mountainous areas.

—The Snow Is My Blanket

Snow is your friend and strength.

*Makes you practically invisible when in snow-covered areas.

*You will be able to see clearly in a snowstorm with your hood up.

"Ayyyy! Another good one. I'll be using this!" He says looking at the pure white cloak in his other hand. Then lays the bow down and puts on the cloak. "Oya." He says looking at his phone that he once again found(created).

[Element/Independent-type Longinus Sacred Gear: Incinerate Anthem has been sold for 1,276,347,184 Points. A 35% fee has been taken. Deposited 829,926,180 into account.]

[Creation-type Common Sacred Gear: Blade Blacksmith has been sold for 634,274,197 Points. A 35% fee has been taken. Deposited 

412,779,639 Points into account.]

[Defense/Counter-type Common Sacred Gear: Mirror Alice has been sold for 489,921,432 Points. A 35% fee has been taken. Deposited 318,448,928 Points into account.]

[You now have 1,561,154,747 Points in your account.]

[You have 99+ new DM requests.]

"Oya, I really am popular aren't I?" He snickered while looking through the DM requests. Accepting two in particular.

[You've accepted user "LadyU"'s DM request.]

[You've accepted user "Yasha"'s DM request.]

[User LadyU has sent you a message.]

[User Magician_First has entered the chat.]

[LadyU: Would you be willing to sell me more of those "Sacred Gears" you have?]

[Magician_First: Depends. Common, Artificial, Virtra, New Longinus, or Original Longinus? Because I won't sell any Longinus Original or New right now… I also won't sell any Time/Space-types.]

[LadyU: Would it be possible for you to provide me with a list of the Sacred Gears you would sell Magician_First-nim?]

[Magician_First: Yeah, here ya go: Sacred_Gears_For_Sale.txt. Oh, right, I'm sure I don't need to say this, but just to be sure: Don't share this on the Forum.]

[LadyU: Thank you, Magician_First-nim. I will get back to you after I've read through the list. Needless to say, I won't be sharing this. Thank you again for your time Magician_First-nim.]

[Magician_First: Eh, no problem, I'll be available most of the time so message me whenever.]

[Magician_First: Btw if you can figure out what this poem(?) means within the next week I'll give you a 10% discount on all the Sacred Gears you buy. Hell, I'll even let you buy one Longinus. New or Original.

"At The Beginning, The First Changed All."

"Next, The Second Recognized Many."

"In Answer, The Third Showed The Future."

"Tethered, The Fourth Concealed Itself."

"And The Final Fifth Has Long Since Lost Its Significance."

Someone once said, "Had it only ended at the Third..."

Good Luck ☆⌒(≧▽​° )]

[User Magician_First has exited the chat.]

"Now then let's see what Boss wants. Properly the same." Muttered C.C. sitting on a throne made of ice he just made.

[User Magician_First has entered the chat.]

[Magician_First: Yahallo(°▽°)/]

[User Yasha has entered the chat.]

[Yasha: Hello. I want to inqiure about the Screed Gears you've sold and if you have more.]

[Yasha: inquire* sacred*]

[Magician_First: I have more yes. Here's a list of the ones I'm willing to sell: Sacred_Gears_For_Sale.txt]

[Yasha: I see. Tahnk you very much. I'll get back to you soon.]

[Yasha: thank*]

[User Yasha has exited the chat.]

[Magician_First: No problem.]

[User Magician_First has exited the chat.]

"Welp, that was fruitful. I got in contact with two very important characters in TNE and properly made them repeat customers." Standing up and erasing the throne he made his way out of the cave(not anymore). 

"Well, time to get back to the hotel…" He said while stretching.


*Variable Stats

(Natural Increases Labeled as ↑0.001)

[Strength - 7.564→8.003]↑0.439

[Stamina - 7.693→8.234]↑0.541

[Speed - 13.423→14.037]↑0.614

[Perception - 21.973(12.314→14.673+7.3)]↑2.359

[Viatality - 11.32→12.51](+4 When stomach is full)↑1.19

[Magic Power - 27.332(17.432→21.732+3.2+2.4)]↑4.3



[High Rank][Null][Grade 10→8][Proficiency 0%→36%]


Allows the use of all kinds of Alchemy Spells.

*Transmutation spells cannot be permanent

*Increases Magic Power by 2→3.2

—Element Magecraft

Allows the use of Element Magecraft.

*Elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Metal, Wood, Lightning, Ice, Light, Dark

*Increases Magic Power by 1.2→2.4

—Magic Perception

Allows for an even greater level of Magic Perception than most Magic Speciliced Gifts.

*Increases Perception by 7→7.3


「Magic Manipulation」[Growth]

[Mid-Intermediate Rank][Null][Grade 10→9][Proficiency 0%→15%]

—Magic Manipulation Technique.

This is a technique that's been passed down since King Solomon's time.

*Better Magic Manipulation efficiency



I'll have to say I think I handled this chapter well. Especially with the chats at the end. Also, I'll be putting at the end of some chapters what has been updated in C.C.'s status when I think it's necessary. Now then let us all pray for C.C.'s rolls in the future so they may be evermore fruitful.

My shitty foreshadowing about how I'm going to wreck C.C.'s with some bad roles because he called me a and I quote: "Pale Ass Bitch". For does of you not in the know: LadyU→Yoo Yeonha, and Yasha→Yi Byul aka Boss

However, I have to say Boshy's name is properly one of the saddest in TNE as Yi Byul means farewell, goodbye, parting, etc. I also did my best to convey her character in the chats like she was in the novel when texting.

Now go listen to "Writing On The Wall" By Will Stetson. CIAO! See ya next chapter!
