
The Novel’s Extra’s Anomaly

Our protagonist takes a reincarnation survey and gets reincarnated/transmigrated into the world of The Novel's Extra. ========== Well, that's all that's to say about the premise of this FF tbh. I'll try to keep it mostly light-hearted and all but the world of TNE is not a flowers and rainbows type of world after all. I will get into much more detail than the Author with TNE as I found it annoying both how the novels ended but also how little detail went into the world. And when I say detail I mean trying my best to come up with an explanation as to why dungeons need a certain amount of people to conquer and such. Will also be adding more Monster from different games and such, mainly from games like Monster Hunter. If I manage to finish this FF I'm guessing it's going to end at around chapter 500 or so. But we'll see. Also no promises on how often I'll update as this is just for self-satisfaction. The main philosophy behind this FF protagonist is: "Live In Life" and by god will he. Keeping the r18 tag just to be safe;)

DreamingExtra · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

C.C's Updating Status + some other stuff(Spoilers Obviously)


This chapter will be updated with every chapter I post. I will however keep two versions this one you're reading and one with his starting stats and stuff.


[Cesar Claudius, aka 'C.C']


*Variable Stats

(Natural Increases Labeled as ↑0.001)

[Strength - 8.003→9.32]↑1.317

[Stamina - 8.234→9.246]↑1.012

[Speed - 14.037→14.669]↑0.632

[Perception - 21.973(14.673+7.3)]↑0

[Viatality - 12.51→14.23](+4 When stomach is full)↑1.72

[Magic Power - 27.332(21.732+3.2+2.4)]↑0


[Intelligence - 10/10]

[Perseverance - 6.89/10](+2 when in battle)

[Luck - 8.543/10]

[Charm - 8.965/10]



[High Rank][Null][Grade 8][Proficiency: 36%→50%]


Allows the use of all kinds of Alchemy Spells.

*Transmutation spells cannot be permanent

*Increases Magic Power by 3.2

—Element Magecraft

Allows the use of Element Magecraft.

*Elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Metal, Wood, Lightning, Ice, Light, Dark

*Increases Magic Power by 2.4

—Magic Perception

Allows for an even greater level of Magic Perception than most Magic Speciliced Gifts.

*Increases Perception by 7.3

「Golden Rule EX」[Static]

[High Rank][Spirit]

—Golden Rule(Wealth)

You're destined for boundless riches.

*Increases Luck by 0.4

—Golden Rule(Body)

Your body will not age once you reach your peak.

*Increases Charm by 1

「Imperial Privilege EX」[Static]


—Imperial Privilege

Twice every 24 Hours you can temporarily acquire two Gifts or Arts.

*You get a migraine that increases in strength depending on the Rank of the Gift or Art

*The migraine lasts longer depending on the Rank as well

*The Rank cannot surpass the Rank of Imperial Privilege

「Code ?? ???????????」[Static][10%](NEW!)


—I Am ????????

You're the ?????? of the Code.

*You ???? from all ???????? no matter what.

*You ?????? ???.


[High][???][Grade ???][Proficiency ???]


▷Noble Phantasm:

「Imperial Privilegium: Mundus Meus est, Ego Regulas Fac」


—Imperial Privilegium: Orbis Aureus Meus est, Ego Regulam Fac[Anti-Sin]

Come dye the world in gold, O valiant artist.

*Upon activation you will pull everyone within a 250-meter radius into your world.

*Once inside no one can leave without your permission unless they massively outclass you in strength.

*Inside you get a 500% boost in all Variable Stats.

*Gift 「Imperial Privilege EX」is greatly enhanced inside.

*The side effects of the Gift 「Imperial Privilege EX」 are null when inside Noble Phantasm.

*Activation Aria:

"I've borne witness to countless strife,

Beheld untold horrors in this life.

Brothers-in-arms clash, spilling each other's blood,

Endless battles of man, like an unyielding flood."

"Evil lurks in creatures, both great and small,

Rich or poor, healthy or sick, we all fall.

Regardless of class, humanity can't escape,

Committing atrocities, a darkened landscape."

"For what? To survive 'just' another day?

Now, I herald a new age's sway.

By my name, by my privilege true,

Manifest, make this world gold anew."


"Within this Golden World, All Sins shall fall."

—Imperial Privilegium: Mundus corruptus meus est, Nego regulam Dei[Anti-Virtue]

Come dye this world in the dreary black, let all that is gold turn black.

*Upon activation you will pull everyone within a 250-meter radius into your world.

*Once inside no one can leave without your permission unless they massively outclass you in strength.

*Inside you get a 1000% boost in all Variable Stats.

*Temporarily gain Gift 「Seven Crowns Of Evil」.

*You slowly lose your sanity inside.

*Activation Aria:

"I've orchestrated countless strife,

Unleashed untold horrors in this life.

Brothers-in-arms entangled, spilling virtue's blood,

Endless battles of man, drowning in a malevolent flood."

"Evil thrives in creatures, both great and small,

Rich or poor, healthy or sick, we all crawl.

Regardless of class, humanity's descent into the abyss,

Committing atrocities, a landscape of wickedness."

"For what? To extinguish 'just' another day?

Now, I herald the dominion of eternal dismay.

By my name, by my privilege so profane,

Manifest, let this world succumb to the bane."


"Within this Tarnished World, virtue shall fade to black."

▷True Magic(3/5)

「First True Magic - Denial Of Nothingness」[Static]


—From Nothing, Something Came

You can create anything from nothing.

*You can create anything from Divine and below

*Doesn't cost any Magic Power

—Something Returned To Nothing

You can return anything to nothing.

*You can destroy anything from Divine and below

*Doesn't cost any Magic Power

「Third True Magic - Heaven's Feel」[Static]


—I Was, I Am, And I Will Be, Therefore I Know

You can watch the Past, Current, and Future.

*Note that the Future is always subject to change

*Requires massive Mental Capacity to use(Requirement can be reduced by watching a smaller area)

—I Drink From The Chalice

Take a drink from the Chalice and recover your Magic Power.

*Once every 5 minutes you recover all your Magic Power

「Fourth True Magic - Veil Of Concealment」[Static]



People will not notice you even if you were to run around naked.

*You will still be shown on cameras(pervert)

—I Was Not Here

People will not remember you were there.

*The opposite effect can also be used


「Magic Manipulation」[Growth]

[Mid-Intermediate Rank][Null][Grade 9][Proficiency 15%→42%]

—Magic Manipulation Technique.

This is a technique that's been passed down since King Solomon's time.

*Better Magic Manipulation efficiency

「Battle Singing」[Static]


—Still~♪ Not~♪ Dead~♪

While singing in battle your stats increase temporally.

*Speed Increases by 2 temporally.

*Vitality Increases by 3.4 temporally.

*Enemies become more agitated the more you sing.


「Battle Continuation Physique」[Static]


—Shan't Falter

While in battle you will not fall from mere Flesh Wounds and will be able to continue to fight as if you're in perfect condition.

*You don't feel pain while in this state

*Unless your head is ripped off you won't fall till you're unconscious or the fight ends

*All the Pain and Exhaustion hits as soon as this effect ends

*Temporally increases Invariable Stat Perseverance by 2

*All Physical(Strength, Speed, Stamina) Variable Stats slowly increase when fighting, this effect is only temporary but with a little luck a small percentage of the increase is retained permanently

—A Hearty Meal

All Warriors need a full stomach to fight.

*When your stomach is full all regeneration is boosted, being able to regenerate even limbs

*Increases Variable Stat Vitality by 4 when the stomach is full


「The Root」


—You have a permanent connection to The Root.

—You're connection to The Root allows you to use Three of the Five True Magics.

—Because you have a connection to The Root you're Invariable Stat "Intelligence" cannot go below 10/10.

*Can't be reduced unless the connection to The Root is severed

*You can speak every language in existence

First True Magic - Denial Of Nothingness, "At The Beginning, The First Changed All." (Usable)

Second True Magic - Parallel World Operation, "Next, The Second Recognized Many." (Unusable)

Third True Magic - Heaven's Feel, "In Answer, The Third Showed The Future." (Usable)

Fourth True Magic - Veil Of Concealment, "Tethered, The Fourth Concealed Itself." (Usable)

Fifth True Magic - Law Of Causality, "And The Final Fifth Has Long Since Lost Its Significance." (Unusable)

1 Point On Violet Banquet = 1 Won(Violet Banquet has a 35%fee when trading)

23,111,154,747→22,777,824,747 Points on Violet Banquet

Item Ranks:
























Hero Ranks:

Low-Low: Grade 10-1

Mid-Low: Grade 10-1

High-Low: Grade 10-1

Low-Intermediate: Grade 10-1

Mid-Intermediate: Grade 10-1

High-Intermediate: Grade 10-1

Low-High: Grade 10-1

Mid-High: Grade 10-1

High-High: Grade 10-1


Dungeon Ranks:

Low-Low: - 1,000-4,999 MPU

Mid-Low - 5,000-19,999 MPU

High-Low - 20,000-49,999 MPU

Low-Intermediate - 50,000-99,999 MPU

Mid-Intermediate - 100,000-199,999 MPU

High-Intermediate - 200,000-449,999 MPU

Low-High - 450,000-699,999 MPU

Mid-High - 700,000-949,999 MPU

High-High - 950,000-999,999 MPU

Tower - 1,000,000+ MPU

Who has what Sacred Gears:

Essence Of The Strait: Incinerate Anthem, Entire Vritra-Series, Sword Birth, Sturdy Saint, Twilight Healing, and Twice Critical

Chameleon Troupe: Mirror Alice and Blade Blacksmith