
The Not So Boring Academy Life

[Hey guys im damn sorry but i've gotta pause this writing shit for school now, not sure when i'll be back maybe never but hey if your reading this thanks. That's all from me hope to be back soon]

N00813Writer · Urban
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6 Chs

Chp 1 : Akihiro Aito

[A/N: I restarted this novel with a new title and a different start. I also simplified the system as i found it uncomfortable to use. Pls tell me your opinion on this new change. Anyways, pls enjoy the newest version of my uhh second book??]


<3rd POV>

Somewhere in Tokyo...

A teenager could be seen walking on a desolated street, with his right hand stuffed in his pocket and a grocery bag in the other. An audible sigh could be heard from him.

Akihiro Aito, the teenager, sighs, it had been an uneventful month for him, even after reincarnating, he still lived a dull a** life, with the exception of taking care of his little sister, nothing and i mean nothing else had happen.

In the month he reincarnated, Akihiro had accepted his new identity and had integrated himself into the previous Akihiro's daily life. Now he is a senior student that goes to Tokyo Prefecture High School. Apart from that, he is living with his little sister in the house they had inherited from their decesed parents and vast amount of inheritance money.




A couple of minutes later, Akihiro walks towards a 2 story house. Outside a house next to his, an old lady could be seen removing clothes from its rack.

Akihiro greets the old lady warmly, "Good evening Karisme-Obasaan!".

This old lady had been taking care of him and his little sister every since they came here after being orphaned. Even the new Akihiro felt immense gratitude towards this old lady when he had gotten the memories of the previous Akihiro!

You see, in his previous life he was also an orphan but he was not as lucky as compared to this 2 siblings. Buillied the moment he had entered the orphange, his life was a literal living hell, that fuc* of a director did not even cared for the orphans and only feed them scarps. There were multiple times that there were not enough food for the children that they went hungry at night, heck he only had meals 3 times a week due to the fact that his bullies had beaten him up and snatched his meals when they felt unsatisfied.

Even though all this had happened, he strived to make things better for himself so he studied programming, subject that he had oddly liked and excelled at and took multiple odd jobs to earn money for himself, eventually by the time he reached 20 years old, he had secured a job in a minor tech firm as a junior programmer.

Unfortunately for him that damn truck had hit him on his first day of work. Haiz, life can be unfair right? By the time he had realised what happend, he found himself lying on an unfimilar bed, staring at an unfamiliar cellingi as Akihiro. Why you should had seen the bewildered look in his eyes as it darted around room, he was more confused then a cat playing with a laser pointer, hahaha!!

Anyways, where was i again? Ah i got it, now back to the story dear readers...

The old lady, better knowned as Karisme Oba to other people, turned around and smiled at Akihiro before saying, "Hello Akihiro-san, back from the convenience store i see."

Akihiro smiled back at the kind old lady and said, "Yes, i just got back from the convenience store down the road. Oh, before i forget, i bought you something too!"

The old lady looked at Akihiro in shock before smiling kindly, "Oh you shouldn't have Akihiro-kun."

Akihiro shakes his head while taking out a straw hat before replying, "It's okay Obasaan, you had been taking care of me and Rin for a very long time, it's only right i give you something In return. Look i got you a straw hat as you are always outside tending to the gardens or hanging clothes!", Akihiro pushes a straw hat into her arms and quickly runs into his house before she could react.

The old lady stares at the door before shaking her head and picks up the clothes basket along with the straw hat while saying to herself, "That boy always so thoughtful towards others, hahhh its a shame his parents died, living him and his sister to fend for themselves. Haiz, That pitful, pitful boy."

Meanwhile, a petite little girl holding a picture of a handsome boy and a little girl lies on a bed pouting, "Baka onii-san! Whats taking him so long to come back?"

At that moment she heard the door open and close beneath her room as a familiar voice calls out from bellow, "Rin! I'm back from the convenience store!"

Widening her eyes in shock, she hurriedly puts the picture back onto its cabinet , adjust her hair, clothes and the bed before rushing out of the room.




At the very same time, Akihiro closes the front door and locks it before calling her sister to come down,"Rin! I'm back from the convenience store!"

As Akihiro removes his shoe and neatly places it down before stepping into the living room, a thud could be heard above him, followed by soft footsteps. Walking towards the kitchen, Akihiro places the grocery bag on the counter. Then, "Onii-san! Your home!!" a voice causes Akihiro to turn around only to be hugged by a petite girl not older than 12.

Smiling, Akihiro pats the girls head and said, "Rin, dont hug me so suddenly, your going to scare me".

Letting go of Akihiro, Rin Aito pouts cutely before repeatedly hiting his chest with her tiny hands, "Hmph, baka onii-chan, its your fault for being late" each word coming out with every hit from her hands.

Akihiro smilies at his sister desperate attempt to hurt him before replying teasingly , "Hey,hey, its not my fault that someone has big appetite."

"Hmph, w-well it's not my fault that your cooking is nice."Rin replied with her hands placed on her waist, pouting, a small blush forming on her head, with a turn she ran back upstairs.

Akihiro stares at the escaping girl, chuckling as he shakes his head. He turns back and continues unloading and packing the contents of the grocery bag into the fridge and cabinet.

Pulling out his phone, Akihiro realises that it is 5:37 in the evening and starts preparing their dinner.

About 30 minutes later, an aromatic fragrance could be smelt from the kitchen wafting around the house. Akihiro places the Japanese Curry on the dining table while calling his sister to come down, "Rin! Dinner is ready.", not long after, Rin runs down the stairs and jumps onto the chair, drool already coming out from the side of her mouth. Akihiro shakes his head, to this day he still could not comprehend how this small girl could have such a good appetite.

Sighing, Akihiro pulls out a chair, sits on it and claps his hand together and says, "itadakimasu!", Opon hearing this, Rin quickly picks up a spoon and dives into the meal. Smiling at his cute sister, Akihiro also picks up a spoon and starts eating.




Now, Akihiro is lying in his room while going through his phone. Lokking at time, Akihiro turns off his phone with a long tired sigh, places it onto a cabinet with a potrait picture of him and Rin before turning of the lights. Lying on his bed, Akihiro reminiscence about the things that had happen in the course of one month before closing his eyes. Akihiro's eyes twitched slightly, "Why does it smell like Rin?" he thought, drifting of slowly into sleep.




At the dead of night, a soft but noticeable ding woke Akihiro up from his sleep. Rubbing his eyes, he pushes himself up and onto a sitting position. Looking around dazedly his eyes fell onto a floating screen in front of him.


[System calibration complete]

[You have awakening the Skill System!]

<-Message from the creator of Skill System>

[Rejoice, as you have been chosen to be the host of the Skill System! ]

[As a reward for awakening the Skill System, you have been gifted: 'Edetic Memory']

[Information on how to use the Skill System will be forced into your brain, so be prepared.]

[Well thats all dear host, make use of the Skill System and enjoy your new life!]

<-Message end->


Akihiro stares at the golden sceen infront of him with wide eyes, his fatigued replaced by confusion, before he could process what had happend, a burst of pain erupts from the deepest part of his brain making him pass out onto the bed.




Far away in a place surrounded by dense fog, a towering figure with it's eyes closed can be seen seated on a throne made out of uncomprehensible materials. The place silent and still. All of a sudden its eyes shot open showing an endless void. The figure grins, slaping the throne's armrest before exclaiming, "My creation has finally found its host!"




[A/N: Chapters might be short depending on my creativity and mood, I will try to work out a timetable for this writing project. THANK YOU FOR READING!!]