
I broke my leg

I sighed as I looked outside my balcony. The weather here is quite cold and it's snowing right now. Wouldn't you ask why is it snowing in a hot country like India? Well there is a little beauty of snow at the North, and it's equally hot too.

Err, let's get to the point. It has never snowed in the region where I stay before but I don't know why hailstorm and snowing have become frequent now, especially this year has been a cold piece of shit. Actually I just passed ninth, and studies have been too hard lately.

If my dear readers are an Indian, then you would know about it right? You know, the double exam pressure, the NCERT papers and class attendance, tuition and many more other factors. And on top of that, THE 'RESPONSIBILITIES'. I'd rather jump from the tenth floor of my building but bear this life.

I tried leaning on the railing, but there is one thing I always carry with me, which is bad luck. So I just realised the railing was too short for me to hold me and I fell on the snowy and cold ground, and all I was wearing was a lingerie. I got up wiping my clothes and freezing when I realised, the newspaper guy just fell off his cycle.

I just shrugged and went back inside my house through my back door. Inside, I saw my brother making coffee for himself.

"wow, you got up so early. How did that happen?"

"you woke me up!" he said picking up his coffee which slipped from his grip and fell on his shirt while the cup landed on the ground and sadly broke. See! He's just as unlucky as me, after all, he's my brother. That was my favourite cup though!!!

"we'll plan when it's memorials are. Wouldn't we?"

"cups don't have memorials"

"whatever" he waved his hand at me and filled his coffee in another container. "I'm sorry for drinking your coffee. I'm just so addicted to it,"

I ignored him and went on with my questions "so how did I wake you up?"

"you fell off your bed in the morning, waking me up"

"stop lying! First of all: I sleep upstairs. Second of all: you don't even sleep under my bedroom to hear those noises. And third of all: you sleep like horses and nothing can wake you up"

"the one who sleeps like horses, is definitely you!"

"be honest Parth!! Tell me you fell off your bed too"

While having a staring contest with him, my eyes caught the corner of his lip twitch, which means...."victory is mine!" I screamed out.

He raised his hands in defence "alright, I fell off the bed...hard to admit but.... victory is yours" after saying his last words, he went back to his bed.

Maybe to sleep again??

"hey!! Genius!!" I called him before he could leave "do you know we have school in an hour?"

"yeah, so?"

"aren't you supposed to dress yourselves up?"

"no, I'm taking off today, dad wants to take me wolf hunting"

I scoffed "wolf hunting? Doesn't he know that this jerk in front of me is a big looser?"

"of course he knows. But, if I was a bigger looser then you then he wouldn't have asked me"

"whatever pig"


"watch your step"

He kept is leg on the banana peel and fell on ground which I pretty much enjoyed.

"told you" smirking I went back to my room to get ready for school.

Ugh! I hate school.


Stuffing a bread in my mouth, I ran towards my bus which had already arrived and the driver was continuously honking.

As soon as I climbed into my bus, I greeted my teachers who always occupied the first seat. I took a seat behind Dev who was sitting on the third bench.

After a few more Students had climbed into the bus, our driver started the bus and headed towards the school. "oshmi!" I heard Duo blurt my name.

"what?!" I turned around and shrieked.

He showed me the pages of his diary in which he was currently writing. I snatched the diary from his grip and read it aloud from the beginning "six students suspended for violating the school discipline and the principal has put an end to all the clubs and class parties"

I closed the diary and closed my eyes in frustration. Abolishing the clubs didn't only mean that there would be an end to party club, but it also meant that my life would turn upside down from now. Party club was the only thing which I felt I did perfectly because you know I do everything else wrong. And like I told you, I always carry bad luck with me.

I turned back towards him looking at his disappointed face, abolishing the clubs would turn his life upside down too. He loves to be a dj and he loves to call himself dj Duo for that reason.

"dont worry" I hit his head playfully "we'll convince the principal to start them again"

"aww! You are so sweet" he said.

"I know" we squeezed eachother's noses. Duo was the best person I ever met. He was always there to help me inspite of all the things I do wrong everyday. Once, he even had to complete someone's physics notes from the beginning because I messed them up.


Our bus pulled over near the school playground and everyone quickly crowded the aisle, especially the small kids. I agree that they are cute and have innocent faces, but they annoy the crap outta me.

I and Duo got up at the last after the crowd had decreased, with Koko, my bitter enemy behind me. She was smirking for a reason I didn't know. Maybe she was thinking about trying another wicked trick on me?

After Duo had climbed down from the bus, Koko pushed me right when I was about to step on the first stair. I fell on the ground with my leg twisted in some other direction. Duo ran towards me and tried to help me get up but my leg was hurting so severely that I couldn't afford to move it an inch too. The pain was so indescribable but however, I managed to bear it.

Meanwhile, I located Koko in crowd and saw her smirking as she looked at me with her wicked look.

Oh god! Why would you send her on earth.

I shifted my focus away from her and tried getting up with Duo helping me.

A little later, Neil came out of nowhere and picked me up. He was taking me to the sickbay in front of the whole crowd. The girls were glaring at me, whereas the boys were like "omg!! The hottest boy carrying the wierd nerd?? Is this a joke??"

I was about to loose all my control if it hadn't been for the school nurse, as soon as we reached the school corridor the nurse came to us with the wheelchair and took me to the sickbay from there.

I didn't turn back and look at Neil, this was a totally awkward moment for me, and I was still thinking what did he find attractive in me? Nor I looked beautiful niether was my behaviour good enough. Or maybe he was just trying to help me.