
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 81 combat 1

Chapter 81

Now free from the confines of the earth dome we managed to take in everything around us, the sand in the vicinity was marked by deep craters due to the recent explosions, pieces of the dome plus stalagmites were scattered all over the place, but most important are the four people around us.

The first man and the closest is certainly a front line fighter, he carries a one handed mace and a shield, this added to his height of 2 meters of a choking sensation, the other is a young man of average height with a cloth outfit and two scimitars at his waist, the two farthest away are the ones who opened fire first one is the classic fantasy mage and the other is a rather feminine archer.

"If I ask why they are attacking us, will they answer?"

Letting the dust from the explosion disappear I shout towards the group around us, they stare at us for a few moments as they create an encirclement around us, well it looks like we won't be talking.

"<dark control:dark fog>"(-250mp).

Seeing that this is not going anywhere I release an area damage magic, thanks to your own magic not being able to hurt you and the millimeter control system helping me to keep my magic from hurting Andrey this was the best way, followed by the activation of my magic a large amount of dark mana comes out from my body and in a few moments everything in the vicinity of 150 meters is plagued by this darkness.

"Holy shit! It's poisonous, do something Arc!"

"I'm on it capi! <wind cyclone>"

With the shout of the man who looks like the leader and is now confirmed, the archer uses wind magic to try to disperse the dark fog, but this does not work, as it is not real fog, but mana dispersed in a wide space, noticing that it is useless two sources of light appear in the darkness one is red and the other orange.

"They have auras these two, Nea I'll take care of them, keep the casters out of combat <life line>"

"ha ha ha ha easy to say, <dark control:darkness shield>"(-250mp).

Activating one of his abilities he shoots out towards the colored dots, when I try to respond to his words, coal black tentacles the thickness of an adult arm attack from all directions causing him to go on the defense.

"Heh heh heh heh, who knew you were a dark element mage, also that only makes it better for my plans."

The one appearing from the mist is the magic caster and around him about 20 of these tentacles writhe as if they were living things, seeing this as an opportunity I quickly analyze it.


Hp 700/700 Mp 5.000/5.000


Level: 4

Race:Possession Doll









Abilities:<darkness tentacles> <overdrive> <darkness hawacha> <soulrap> <soul infusion> <+++>.

Description:puppet controlled by a necromancer's soul fragment, due to its fragile body, the user cannot manifest all his power on it, such as certain skills or statistics.

"Now that we are meeting head-on couldn't you at least say why we are being attacked?"

While examining his condition, which is certainly peculiar, that's putting it mildly, he tried to establish small talk to buy time while I think.

"Only second rate villains talk during a fight, <dark tentacles>"

Pausing for a few moments as if thinking about my words, he suddenly changed his face completely before attacking with a group of tentacles that merge with each other, making them as thick as a tree trunk.

"Oh, this will be difficult and more so with this one stuck in."

Rolling on the ground, thus avoiding the powerful tentacles that are too slow, but still can't be ignored, he tried to attack with fire magic towards this necromancer, but this is interrupted by an arrow stuck in my knee.(-100hp)

Andrey pov.


With the sound of our swords clashing and switching between attack or defense I see how the leader gets here, having to stop my attack and rethink my strategy.

"Ivan are you alright?"

"This is tough capi plus his sword technique leaves nothing to be desired, still he hasn't used his aura yet."

Listening to this cannon fodder talk I start to notice that my stats didn't go up as much as before, luckily I know how to magnify this technique I just have to increase my strength with <reinforcement> and my skill will do the rest.

"I guess you guys will be the ones who were watching us in the crystal forest? I don't need you to answer, I simply want to know if there will be any more unforeseen events."

"at least let me answer!

"Calm down Ivan it's a psychological strategy."

Asking about a topic that has been haunting me I get no answers, but their expressions say it all, although I don't know what that guy is complaining about, following the strategy of the best defense is a good attack I launched myself towards them with a speed 2 times faster than mine thanks to the stats of <reinforcement> and <life line>, arriving in front of the man with the shield I created a stone glove and I give him a full blow sending him flying followed by that and before he can react I activate my <slash> skill towards the young man with the scimitars wanting to split him in two.

"Cap! <aura blast!>"


Before my sword can cleave it in two from a downward attack, it activates an aura ability, causing me to have to back up and raise a rock wall to stop the giant sledgehammer that smashed into my direction.


Being thrown backwards for a few meters due to the shockwave of the attack, without letting me recover my position, the young man attacks me from the air like a bird of prey driving my foot forcibly into the sand, I stop my advance while borrowing the kinetic force and give a quite impossible spin even with my old stats managing to hit with my foot his stomach and sending him to the other side.

"tsh, he's learning to use his stats, <aura overdrive>"

Taking my eyes off the sand explosion that happened where the young man crashed, he looked towards the other opponent who now has bulging muscles, the color of his aura stopped radiating out of his body, but still keeps a thin layer on his skin and also his weapon widens a few centimeters making it look like a halberd only with a sledgehammer.

"You're next."

"you cocky kid, come here!"

Sorry about the time, terraria is very addictive.

Th3_C4tcreators' thoughts