
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 77 Slow Times

Chapter 77

Beneath the clear, bright skies that do not change despite the passage of time or the seasons lie two spots in the hot desert, these two spots can easily pass for one if seen from afar.

Sif pov.

"Are you sure we're moving in the right direction?"

"If you don't trust my big sister instincts, believe in the relic, that at least you can do right?"

Thinking about her words I can only say... Fuck the damn relic! How the hell do we always end up in trouble when following the light, this is inevitable, we almost always end up in the lair of some beast, from desert worms, chocobos, rock golem and even a sand stingray.

"Lovingly enough told you, but this hasn't worked out the last 7 times, we always end up badly."

"but the beam of light never changes direction, so are we getting closer or is your love not strong enough to survive these adversities?"

Who does this bitch think she is to doubt me... Oh right yandares plus I had already promised not to make fun of my distant relatives Meh who cares about those bastards.

"Those words sounded like a certain volume of umineko no naku koro ni to me."

"what are you talking about?"

Haa... Sometimes I think that seeing the memories of the master was a mistake, nothing more painful than seeing a good reference go long, so much wasted culture haa... What a pain.

"Nothing, nothing, now it looks like that's a city you see from above."

Moving on from Ekaterina's question who speaks with a very puzzled voice, she changed the subject to the destroyed city that rises in front of us.

"Oh, that's one of the places I saw in Andrey's photos, documents and books."

"I just hope there is nothing dangerous to be found, if there is going to be."

Listening to Ekaterina's excited words, I placed more force on my paws, increasing the speed of movement and moving closer and closer to the city, anything to stop being the one in charge!.

Nea pov.


Feeling something hit my face I open one eye seeing that Andrey has just returned and what has hit me is a bow which was obviously thrown by him.

"You could have done with more love, you know."

"I had tried is that you wouldn't open one eye."

He just lied to my face, obviously he has recently entered the room and would never fall that deep into mana absorption... Well I can't confirm it and more so now that I have healed from the <corruption>.

"sure and that's why you use the easiest way to lift someone up".

"actually yes, it's an easy and simple way, plus it always works, you know like when you pass out and get a few slaps"

Who the hell gets up to slaps, said that thing about slaps when you pass out was just a myth, no one does it or so I want to believe, stopping myself from complaining in my mind, I grabbed the bow and analyze it.

[crystal bow:(two-handed)]

[Optimal requirements:(strength 10)(dex 18)]



Description:bow created from crystal extracted from forest trees, its body is extremely light and its ability to conduct mana is extraordinary, although a serious weakness is its lack of durability.

"where did you get this thing?"

"It was the only thing the village blacksmith had, it seems that crystal weapons are very useful thanks to their production speed, besides it seems to me that you would rather look for a weapon that fits you well on your own."

"nothing personal, but sometimes I think you're insensitive and sometimes you're pretty good with people."

Finishing admiring the crystal bow, which is literally what it sounds like, I speak to Andrey who moves his eyes to the side before leaving the room, oh come on, is it perhaps a tsunade.

"Hey wait for me!"

Jumping out of bed with the bow in tow I move towards the door without the need to do any preparation, come on I was passed out fully equipped.

After a few minutes of quick movements finally arrived at the general dining room where Andrey waits, seeing me arrive he walks out the door quickly without directing any words towards me.

"Oh come on, it's unnecessary for you to blush at my words, ugahh, don't look at me like that, I'm a heterogeneous man too, it was just a joke."

"Ahh... I really don't know how your words can continue to affect my mind, whatever it's time to get back to work."

As our useless chatter continues, we move quickly towards the bridge that leads to the other side of the river, now that I think about it carefully, I never asked how we got here... well Andrey must have brought me.

A few moments after arriving back in the crystal forest we set off towards the F class area, if we have learned nothing from this near fatal experience, passing between the 2 to 3 meter trees that radiate a completely natural light and the grasses that have a light bluish color, at last we leave the area where all the E rank adventurers were.

"This time we will walk through the areas more populated with adventurers, we may lose the chance to claim a fruit, but we will gain a certain amount of safety."

"huhh? What happened to you, maybe a little scare with that Regis and you're already backtracking, where's your sense of adventure!"

"ugh not you too, it's simply for more safety when it comes to confrontations and maybe there aren't as many F grade adventurers around, then there will still be fights"

Hearing my sentence about adventures I give myself a look as if I had seen a ghost, although it disperses in a few moments to give way to a logical and complete explanation about the pros of this strategy, well anyway he is the one in charge of this experience so he decides.

"As you say you are the captain of this ship, now to where capi".

"don't even think about calling me that".

Feeling his piercing gaze on my body leaving no room for debate, I simply nod as he raised his hands in defeat.

After being satisfied with my actions he turns around and starts looking sideways as if observing the vicinity, followed by this he pointed towards a particular spot and started another search for the blessed fruit.