
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 75 tactic of the century

Chapter 75

Hi I'm nea and I currently have, a freaking energy beam in my head!

*Boom!* *Boom!*

Listening to the continuous explosions that are generated due to the trees flying out and hitting the ground with a terrible force, but as if that wasn't enough, the cylinders surrounding the sphere fly out into the sky and then begin to charge with energy, if the bastard is going to finish us off.

"Andrey SOS here!"

Looking towards Andrey who starts to get sucked into the ground, I throw him an SOS, come on I could move through the shadows yes, but it's a small danger, I currently only have <dark control> not <dark magic> which can use all associated with the idea of darkness.

"You've got to be kidding me, <earth magic:digging>"

With his words reaching here magically or maybe his coldness does not leave even when he shouts, it seems to me that it is the second one, you know the guy has an incredible bearing, my vicinity begins to sink or it would be better to say that my body is devoured by the earth, because every time my body sinks the earth occupies that place, coming out of that after a few seconds came to a hollow place underground.

"Luckily I'm not claustrophobic."



Letting out an obviously manly scream due to the appearance of an arm from one of the sides, I leap backwards crashing into the wall and created a sword of darkness.

"Calm down it's me."


"How annoying, why are you shouting now?"

"Simply put, your disheartened speech and your current posture made me think you were a zombie."

Looking towards Andrey who now has one arm out of the wall along with his head which he spoke with, before he can answer me pieces of earth start falling from the ceiling and the area starts shaking, it seems the Regis has started its attack.

"I'm out, now let's fix this, <earth magic:earth expansion><earth magic:earth reinforcement>"

Before I know it the area we are in expands although only enough for three people to be standing at the same time, after that the walls take on a darker color and the tremors, along with the earth falls, are finished giving a sign of the superior solidity it now possesses.

"This is certainly useful, now I think it's time for a plan?"

Leaving the surprise of this display of skill on his part, she looked towards him to see if he has any halfway plausible plan.

"As I sank to the ground, I've noticed that despite attacking every possible side, this one doesn't attack underneath it."

"Obviously, he's not that stupid... Oh I get it!"

Time passed... well, not really, we will have thought of a plan in about 5 minutes, the plan was simple and for summary it would be Naruto's in the first season's exam, that is, we would go underground with Andrey's skill to the target's location and then hit him with a Kamehameha from below so we will smash him.

"If you have already understood how we will do it we can put the plan into action, by the way where is your bow, isn't that what you use to throw with all your power?"

"I lost it, well no, it was shattered by the lightning, the thing is I can still use my magic to its full power."

Responding towards him, I see how the wall on which he rests his hand begins to undulate and followed by this to open, thus creating a path through which only one person can pass wide.

"Looks like you'll have to buy a new one or maybe have one made with all the materials we have in storage, that's where your expenses come in."

With his words carrying through the tunnel with no end in sight, Andrey continues on as he tells me my options on this issue.

"Looks like that's the way it's going to have to be... HaaHaa what a slacker."

After my acceptance and subsequent sigh we continue walking for a few moments before Andrey stops, subsequently the area began to widen giving a space similar to the one we had before, then I create a kind of chimney upwards although the end was closed.

"Charge your attack and when you say removed the layer of earth facing towards the surface."

"As you say... Why the hell don't I have a staff right now? I mean, I'm a wizard, so I must not have one, yeah I guess one more thing to buy."

"Are you going to keep talking to yourself or are we going to get down to business?"

Hearing the classic voice of my good teammate, which is totally cold, I stand under the fireplace and then point with my hand up.... Yes it's super awkward I seriously need a staff, moving on from that start gathering mana from nearby and my own.

"<dark control:dark current>"

The classic ability where you gather all the mana, compress it and then fire it, ha... A Disney Classic.

Moving on from those strange thoughts I loaded all the mana into my hand, followed by that I aim it upwards while my legs can still hold on and wait for the skill to be fully ready to give the signal.


With the movement of Andrey's hand the final layer of earth is quickly moved aside, exposing the lower part of the Regis which is still afloat even without any support, knowing it was time, he aimed for a few moments and cast the magic letting my body fall dry due to exhaustion, the magic came out as a pillar of pure power with a darker black color than usual.

[Mp 0/4,136]


[Due to the expulsion of the tainted mana, the eradication of <corruption> from the host system has been achieved]

[title obtained:Purity]

"it's not for nothing that mages have the highest attack, well at least when it comes to large scale destruction."

Andrey's words sounded right next to me, or so I want to think because everything is spinning and just knowing that I'm going to have to touch a mana potion... Better to leave that problem to my future self. That aside, the only thing I can truly discern is that the pillar of magical energy has ceased and something falls from the top.

"Time to put an end to this, <anti-pagans> <cut>"

A powerful golden colored light already exclusive to Andrey's ability passes through my vicinity, it advances along the walls separately and upon reaching a certain height intercepts the now lone sphere, it was a clean cut without any kind of explosion or noise simply the light passed through it and followed by this, slashes became present on its surface.


"it's over, by the way can you get up or should I of, oh hell."

Andrey's monotone words sober me up a bit, managing to even focus my sight, of course it was also from activating the <digest> ability to absorb the darkness mana in the vicinity now with that, said and done let's return to the body of the Regis at some unknown time the cylindrical bars appeared in the vicinity of the remains and moments later embedded themselves in it to then devour all the energy in the vicinity.

"we have to get out of here!"

"umm... It's Improbable to be able to stop the explosion resulting from its self-destruction with layers of earth alone, it's time to retreat!"

"what the hell don't you go and leave me here!"

Shouting towards Andrey who is creating pillars on the sides of the ancient chimney going towards the surface, I warn him to let him know I'm still here, to which he gives a glance before a pillar of earth throws me towards him followed by this he grabs me with one arm and starts jumping between the pillars towards the surface which he reaches in a few moments.

"freedom! Or maybe not..."

"You must be joking, <earth magic:earth pillar>"

Chanting victory before time turns against me when a white light starts to expand from the lower area, this one doesn't destroy anything, but it's worse, at least for us, the floor becomes crystal, dust, Andrey's magic on his pillars, everything that light touches becomes crystal, before that reaches us Andrey creates a pillar from the ground which hits us towards a random direction.