
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 66 Pope of the year

Chapter 66 Pope of the year

Nea pov.

"So this is what the 9th floor looks like, let's just say it's too exotic for my taste."

Speaking softly towards my traveling companion Andrey looked around, floor 9 is a jungle of mushrooms about 5 meters high, the floor stopped being rock since floor 6 taking a type of terrain depending on the biome represented on that floor an example of that is currently the green grass floor, among the mushrooms there are some that are fluorescent giving a magical touch to the whole thing.

"What then do you prefer the 7th floor and its anthills?"

"don't make me remember that! I'm going to have traumas for life"

With a little full body tremor I start to remember the events of floor 7, everything was going well, come on it's obvious since the floors started to be full biomes we avoid the enemies and move on to the next one without a fight, but halfway through floor 7 we get caught by those damn....

"Ya jump out of your memories, look there they are".

Looking where he's pointing, I can only think of one thing dad mushroom! And yes anyone of average culture will know I'm talking about the fungus one fist and he killed you, daddy of the year, burst overgrown, yes the damn DS1 humanoid fungus.

"Oh, by all that's holy it's necessary for them to be right here... Yeah It's like when you kill the skeleton from the curtus catacomb and you go all broken up on the Irithyl bridge and it beats the shit out of you and sends you straight to the stake."

"Yeah, you're done raving, I'll go first."

Seeing how Andrey jumps towards daddy mushroom and his offspring, I can only grit my teeth and go after him, he said who would give instakill to a mushroom.

"<dark control:dark chains>" (-250mp).

Creating a few chains of darkness I used them to pull the mushrooms out of the vicinity of the combat between Andrey and Papa mushroom, followed by that, I draw my sword and give a slash towards mama mushroom or so I think.


A dull burst from the cut of my sword on the arm he uses to cover his body, I quickly ducked avoiding the left swing he sends in my direction and followed by that I put mana on my blade launching a quick cut thus slicing his right arm that was coming towards me.


"Eliminate him what will he call his allies!"

"<fire magic:holy flame>"


Accepting Andrey's opinion I thrust my sword towards the center of the humanoid mushroom and this time imbued neutral mana to pass its defenses, followed by that changed the nature of the mana to one of fire and burned the mushroom from within.


[exp +200]

"it's quite disturbing to hear a mushroom scream in a human voice, by the way these."


Leaving a few words of reflection I turn to Andrey and tried to ask if he's doing well, and if I try, as before I can finish my sentence I get shot out against a tree/mushroom (-200hp).

"move fast! <earth magic:well>"


Moving out of the tree/fungus quickly I see how the formerly 5 foot tall humanoid fungus is now about 3 feet tall, his fists have an intense green aura on them and yes he uses them well because if Andrey hadn't created the well on one of his feet he would have already ripped me apart.

"<bow and magic><dark control>"


Quickly recomposing my stance, I drew my bow in a display of incredible skill, then enhanced my arrow with two magics and followed that up by shooting straight towards the mushroom.


"prepare another one of those, and make it fire <Guard>"


Before even the shockwave coming from the arrow ends, the mushroom appears in front of me with its arm still intact, although if you see in more detail the fingers are still regenerating, proving that this thing has the regeneration of a hollow, but before the fist of love reaches me Andrey and his perfectly timed guard appears.

"Don't even tell me, <fire magic:igneous projectiles>(-500mp)"

Taking a leap to back up and create space between me and the mushroom who is obviously chasing me, I aim upwards and launch the arrow which upon reaching a certain height splits into 6 then magically redirects towards the mushroom giving rise to the scene of a flaming mushroom screaming in a human voice.


[exp +300]

"you were right, this certainly is disturbing, by the way what do we do with the hatchlings?"

After looking at the mushroom/living bonfire he gives me the reason about what are you things screaming in a human voice, it's something very disturbing, followed by that he looks towards the little mushrooms I have trapped with chains of darkness and asks about their fate in his classic cold voice.

"Well obviously they die."

"make it quick, I'm going to look for the key we're missing for the door to the 10th floor, it must be around here somewhere."


Finishing his words, he leaves followed by this, I approach the mushrooms, and thrust the sword directly into one's chest to later infuse magic into the blade and burn it from the inside.


[exp +20]

[exp +20]

[exp +20]

Uff, you know now I feel like a psycho... Nah joke if I had let them free those mushrooms would be in our way on the way back to the surface, well with that finished I go to Andrey who is checking the mushroom house.

"Did you find anything interesting?"

"I'd like to tell you yes, but these mushrooms are poor things, the only good thing is that I have the key."

As I finish talking and leave the mushroom house, he shows me a key made of branches, vines and a green energy comes out of it.

"Hey dissemble a little, this makes me feel bad, we killed them, we stole and you still complain about the loot".

"whatever, we set off to the 10th floor after resting here for the night".

Rolling his eyes after my attempt at humanity towards the fallen mushrooms, he proceeds to state that we are going to occupy his house... If this makes me feel bad, well, not really.

"Whatever you say, I'm going to recharge my mana."