
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 64 In the meantime

Chapter 64

2 days before the events in Nea.

Sif pov.

"So you're pleading to my sense of adventure for what are we going into a probably magical, cursed and ancient structure for?"

As I spoke I looked towards Ekaterina who still won't get off my back and still won't turn off her aura of light.

"Of course, oh great Sif!

"Stop it, that's annoying, I only like praise from the master."

Stopping his chatter before it goes long, he made it clear to him in an annoyed tone that only the master's praise has an effect on me.

"Sorry it's just that when we went to the guild I had seen that you love to stand out, even so it's not like there's any other option, since going back the way we came is not possible."

Knowing that even though his monotonous tone of voice doesn't change, it's still a true apology, I look straight ahead and think about his words for a few moments, which make him more right the more time passes.

"A... It's okay, it's not like I haven't been through strange or unfamiliar things before."

"That's the spirit! So onward Sif an adventure awaits us!"

"Or a horrible death"

Leaving those words for me to be more on guard or just prepared for whatever may come out of here, they don't work and I can tell for sure because his movements on my back have not stopped increasing even if they are unconsciously.

"Sure, sure, now come on!"

Letting out a sigh due to the fact that I don't know where the responsible person who guided us through the city of Chistaya is, I start walking down the faded tiled corridor, which seems to stretch beyond our imagination, but even after a few minutes of walking the place doesn't change at all.

"This is tiring to the eye, it never seems to change."

"you're a genius, besides it's only for your eyesight, since I'm the one who's been walking all this time."

"Oh a bird!"

"we're underground!"

Calling an end to our chatter, I keep walking forward, it was 5,10,20 minutes or maybe more let's just say it's hard to have the exact time underground.

"We won't go forward, you, you, we won't go forward you, you,"

"stop chanting already, haa... You are not light because you don't try to notice if there is some kind of curse."

Stopping in the middle of the hallway, although it's not like we moved, I stop Ekaterina who at some point started humming a rather annoying song and followed by that the million dollar idea comes to my head.

"umm... Well it looks to me like I can do it<sun magic:guiding light>"

Hearing the words above my head, small spheres of light more akin to fireflies begin to scatter all over the place, as if that was some sort of signal, human-like shadows begin to become visible on the walls before letting out a muffled scream and disappearing.

"You were right, this place was cursed."

"I had told you, but no, what matters to you guys is just the adventure."

Letting out a bit of dissatisfaction due to the fact that just what I said would happen happened, I now walk forward again and after about 5 minutes we arrive at what can be said as a large temple sunk underground.

You could say it was a temple, it was a fusion between a natural cave and a human structure, large quartz pillars hold the roof of the structure or so it seems visually, as most have cracks and there are some that are broken in half directly, the floor is made entirely of large slabs of gray stone already with enough marks of the passage of time, scattered around every corner there is a fairly prominent amount of coffins some with their lid open and others not.


"I knew there would be something good down here, now how do we get down here Sif"

"I'd really like to know where the woman is who accompanied the master and I to the guild, whatever it is hold on."

Seeing Ekaterina start hissing sideways to basically ignore me, I roll my eyes or try to because I'm a wolf seriously, I must stop looking at the memories of the master, leaving that aside, I jump down into the void and if the exit of the tunnel is about 25 meters above the cavern floor.

"<ice control:icy platforms>"

Activating the <ice control> skill which is the evolution of <ice claws>, he gendered some solid ice platforms in the air and used them as a foothold for a smooth descent to the rocky surface.

"It's really amazing what can be done with elemental magic, its uses and versatility."

"You have light magic, it's elemental, you know that, right?"

Reaching the floor of the cave now there is a more open view to the place and it shows much more power, the great pillars of about 28 meters, its great size and darkness around every corner, everything gave a feeling of dark grandeur.

"Due to certain circumstances I have lost much of the versatility of elemental magic, of course this was not without gains, for by boosting my solar element with Faith it has gained a touch of holiness and much more strength."

As I was talking about a really interesting topic, since I have never thought that one could boost "mortal" magic with Fe type energy.

"System you explain"

"no matter whether it's mana, Fe, aura, shinsu, natural energy, raw elements, everything is energy at its bases, so they can enhance abilities by the fact that these are an accumulation of energy and ideas, obviously it must make sense i.e. <sun magic> can be enhanced by Fe, since the sun is associated with holiness or divinity, whereas if you use darkness and enhance it with Fe you will most likely fail or simply not come out very beneficial"

While digesting the information of the system we moved around the place, something that is easily achieved thanks to the aura of light that surrounds Ekaterina.

"Wait a second system, why can she use light magic if her element is the sun?"

It was a very valid doubt, the system clearly marks that her element is solar.

"It's simply by association of ideas, I mean, when you think of the sun light, heat, fire comes to mind, thanks to that is that she can use light magic because many people associate the sun with all those examples, obviously if she fights against an expert light mage she's going to lose, since her element is only by association"

Finishing my absorption of the above knowledge, I fall back into contemplation because of the system.

"what is that?"

"What, what!"

Surprised by Ekaterina's sudden turn of energy I looked to where she points, in that place is a rather special coffin, obviously and it is not because it is literally in the center of the structure, it shines with a magical aura and its material is more careful than the others.

"Don't scream you almost gave me a heart attack! Whatever come on, that looks really interesting."

"sure, let's go to what is obviously a trap".