
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 62 end of the battle

Chapter 62

<dark control:mass of directed darkness>(-250mp)

Finding myself in the sky, since I have jumped to avoid the magical attack of the mage knight, I created multiple spheres of dark energy around my body and if I have named it, since it helps visualization and he quick release, leaving that aside I throw them towards the swordsman knight.

*Boom!* *Boom!*

While gravity does its work and I begin to descend towards the ground, I notice how my spheres are stopped by a dome of earth that rises around the swamp where the swordsman knight was, leaving without effect my attack.

"I guess I'll have to finish you off first, <reinforcement><mana creation>.


Creating a small platform thanks to <mana creation> used it to give me a straight line boost towards where the mage knight was hiding and meanwhile I equip my sword.

"Yeah, maybe that wasn't a good idea."

*Boom!* *Boom!* (-300hp).

Even being the same type of creatures, the mage is smarter and this is confirmed by the two large solid stone walls I crashed into.

"Are you okay, do you want me to come support you?"

Turning on my body, managing to avoid the earthen pikes rising from the ground, he looked towards Andrey who seemed to have taken care of the spear knight and was now in pursuit of the archer knight.

"I'm fine, it was a mere mishap<dark control:hail of darkness>"


Finishing rolling on the ground, I gender a sphere of darkness in my free hand and threw it towards the sky causing it to absorb the dark mana in the vicinity which plus the mana from the sphere itself manage to generate about 50 small spheres that plummet down, seeing such a scene I can only say Dragon meteor!!!.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Seeing the explosions created by all the spheres, I focus on the mage knight, which has made a dome of earth around him, leaving the swordsman unprotected and at the same time sealing his vision of the battlefield, which was a great opportunity for me.

"<Boost>" AGI+10(-200mp).

Shooting out towards the dome which he reached in a few seconds thanks to the two +10 Agility boosts I have put on myself in this battle, I embed my sword towards it managing to make a piercing and after that used my sword as a means to cast the next spell.

"You know how you kill pests... You fumigate them! <dark control:dark fog>" (-250mp).

Leaving the sword pinned so that no residue of the ability manages to escape, I wait for it to take effect.

[exp +400]

[exp +250

Two death notices coming to my retina, I turn my head towards the swamp and find only a glowing gem floating above it.

"It was time, still it seemed that mage had more intelligence than the rest."

Drawing my sword and walking away from the place, as this dome is about to collapse, my sight moves to the side where Andrey is giving some sarcastic applause until he starts to speak coldly again in a few moments.

"If it's for me don't stop."

"nah you were simply a bad opponent against him, then it's time to rest."

Avoiding my gaze he blurts out an excuse and they start doing the whole camp while I go to pick up the gems that these two gentlemen have dropped.

"That clapping thing aside, how did you manage to defeat the spear knight so quickly?"

Asking why the truth is something I want to know, I grabbed the mage's gem, which is underneath all the debris.

"Seeing that it was a mounted spearman I moved to the edge of the platform and when he made a charge I jumped to the side letting it fall towards the chasm."

Noting his sincerity, though it's not like Andrey is a liar or anything, I can only slap my forehead and ask the heavens if these creatures are subnormal or made.

"That's called strategy."

"like a good adventurer you have to learn to take advantage of the terrain or so the manual says."

Finishing collecting the gems I walk towards the camp already setting up, as I listen to Andrey talk about something called the adventurer's manual.

"From the look on your face I can tell you've never read it, wait is he serious this shit is a must read if you want to be an adventurer."

"ha ha ha ha I seem to have run out of mana then I'm going to reload".

Leaving an Andrey with his mask of coolness half broken, I move near the fire and start doing the same thing as last time.

Sif pov.

Looking around the cave thanks to Miss Bright Dot shouting at the top of her lungs "attack me, I'm a moving target" I move carefully because it's a rather uneven path and it's headed, which ramp down, one slip and I can't stop until I get to the lower area.

"We are saved... Damn Phalanx almost killed me with a heart attack".

"What a heart attack that thing was going to devour us, didn't you hear its roars?"

Slowly going down the slope and without losing my grip thanks to my claws that are used to climb ice, I answer Ekaterina who thinks that this thing was going to kill us simply from a heart attack.

"Oh, no, Phalanx is peaceful and eats neither plants nor meat, it's simply so powerful that it can live off consuming magical energy from the air."

"then why did we run from it!"

Blurting out the question in a half aggrieved voice, since I was the one who ran the whole way, I wait for Ekaterina who has already regained her cool, but more social speaking, of course let's just say that living after a giant dragon-snake ran you pretty close to people.

"He's a pacifist, more his hatchlings not so much, they are still young, so they need meat or a source of magical energy and we perfectly meet those two requirements."

Digesting that answer we finally got to the bottom of the slope, in that place there is a straight path to some unknown place, only this one is extremely different from the cave we have been in so far, its walls are made of stone and every now and then there are some dirty quartz pillars embedded in it, the floor is made of stone tiles although some are broken and others with sand showing that this place is quite old.

"Oh, don't tell me we came out of the frying pan into the embers."

"Come on where's your inner adventurer, and it's not like we can go back to the surface now either."

Dear master, even away from you I find myself attached to an adventurous airhead, I hope if this comes to you by some miracle I want you to know I said it with love.