
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 55 preparation

Chapter 55

Knock, knock, knock

With the rhythmic sound of the door being knocked, sleep began to leave me and my formerly heavy eyelids to open.

"I'm coming."

Knock, knock, knock

"I'm coming!"

Speaking louder this time, at last the incessant knocking on my door ends, followed by that I quickly get out of bed and head towards the door managing to see who has picked me up.

"I'm sorry to wake you from your sleep, but there is a situation for which your help is required."

Who speaks without even waiting for me to have fully opened the door is an elderly maid in her late 50s or early 60s, according to my facial calculations.

"My help, if it's so urgent shouldn't Andrey or Ekaterina take care of it?"

Blurting out the obvious she managed to open the door fully, letting me enter the room and as I was leaving for the bathroom room to wash my face.

"Yes, that would be the normal course of action in any situation, but this is not normal at all, as the one affected is Master Andrey and Miss Ekaterina has left after throwing him on his bed."

Finishing washing my face I pick up the towel from a nearby place and dry my face with it, obviously while doing all this I was thinking about what the maid said, then as I finish I nod towards her and told her to lead the way.

"Lead me to where Andrey is."

"follow me"

Nodding quickly she left the room and I behind her so as not to get lost, if I still don't know where I'm going in this house.

After passing through hallway after hallway and arriving at an area that I thought I was familiar with, like where you go to the room that the three of us met before we arrived at that same room, only now it's a little messy, well, very messy indeed.

"Please try to talk some sense into her or at least have some breakfast."

With the words of the maid I stay in a very special room, on the three armchairs there are mountains of folders one on top of the other with leaves falling down the sides, on the table there are a lot of open books that are marked on certain pages thanks to a red cloth, then on one side outside the center of the room there is a blackboard with many clippings, leaves, images all connected with different types of colored lines which conspiracy board.

"Andrey where are you!"

Letting out a half worried cry, as the view of the room was... Strange.


Hearing closed and muffled screams he looked closer under the table only to see two pairs of legs sticking out from there, there is only one person here, so it must be Andrey with that in mind I go over there and force him out.

"Ah, ah, thank you, I thought I would end my life with a death by suffocation with documents, Ah here it is!"

After pulling him out he takes a few breaths of air followed by that he says something stupid, since he is a superhuman, and to end this strange sequence he throws himself towards some leaves that are scattered on the ground.

"No, no, slow down with that Andrey and now tell me what's going on here."

Letting out a few words, he grabbed Andrey from one arm before lifting him off the ground, only for him to see with a bloodshot "what do you care" face.

"Calm down and don't do something rash, besides I'm not minding your business, you're just scaring people."

Calming him down quickly so he doesn't do something rash, I wait for reason to return to him, which happened fast, as after a few breaths he drops down on the couch and the blood drains from his eyes.

"I have... A Problem you might say".

"Of course, thanks to what you said, I realized it."

Blurting out those words with obvious sarcasm, I move towards one of the armchairs and by the way I don't think I have the balance he has to not fall even when sitting on a tower of folders, so I move them with magic towards the other pile that was on the third armchair.

"It was unnecessary sarcasm, although I in your situation would have done the same thing."

Seeing him let out a small laugh and not seeing the usual cold face adorn Andrey's face, I realize that the situation is quite serious.

"It seems it's something you don't want to talk about in depth and I'm no one to meddle in your life, still from your purchase of the stinger, those pictures and books, everything points to you collecting certain materials"

Hearing the first half of my words he relaxes, even though I wasn't going to get into his business, but hearing the other half a bit of tension appears on his face and yes it's very easy to read when he's not in his ice mask.

"You're right, I'm getting ready to look for certain materials in the desert, and before you ask I've already checked all over the city, whether it's legal or not."

"Well then, I'm in!"

Noticing his mouth open and how he was left with the biscuit half raised, well yes, at some point the servants brought him breakfast, offering my help, ha, ha, ha, ha obviously I do not offer it, but forced him to accept, come on this smells like epic adventure and if I do not do this why did I come to a desert where adventure is found in exploration.

"You got too far ahead of yourself, wouldn't we have to go through at least the request, negotiation and acceptance."

"nah, that would take too much and this smells like it's going to be one hell of an adventure"

Noticing his surprised face and after hearing that he was planning to ask for my help, just in a tedious and long-winded way, told him straight up what I think to all this, something is missing... Where is Sif? Meh he must be gone again.

"Well seeing as you're fully equipped, we'll get going immediately and even more so now that these maidservants might have tipped off my sister."

Seriously I throw myself on the bed armor and all, well she was a woman so it's understandable, wait that's beside the point, the thing is Andrey was already ready to go, it wasn't like he would try to ask me for help or something meh whatever.

"I have nothing to say, except that you have everything ready right? Water, food, a tent, everything!"

"Heh yeah, why would I do an expedition without being prepared by the way, wait here I'm going to get everything."

Clear person without short term memory loss and bad leadership skills, moving on from those stupid facts I head towards a full size mirror to get to see my current look while Andrey goes to gather everything needed for this trip.

Looking at myself in the mirror at last, I notice the Armor chosen by that sadistic dwarf, a reddish brown breastplate that at first glance looks like hard leather, but they are small and compact scales this breastplate extends to shoulders where there was a scale bigger than the rest, the lower part is made soft and easy to move fabric of the same kind of color, in the center of this two pieces of armor that is to say in the waist there is a piece of black cloth that extended to behind the knees, from my hands extends a cloth gloves of the same color as everything else these end at the elbows and leave my fingers uncovered, to finish everything there is a layer that starts at the shoulder pads and ends almost touching the ground is of a black color has a hood included and some runes carved inside.

"Enough with the narcissism, no?"

Hearing Andrey's voice I turn around to see him equipped with what can only be said to be a suit of the (black hand of the king DS3), only without the cap, with a longer cloak and with the reddish color that most likely is for camouflage, on the breastplate the pockets for other items are taken out and placed over the cloth an armor of what looked like metal although by his movements it didn't seem to weigh.

"don't be boring, something to be happy about".