
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 53 Dwarf

Chapter 53

Walking out the glass doors of the adventurers' guild with coins after the sale, Ekaterina, Sif and I got to talking about our next destination and the winner was the production section which is where all the smithies, foundries and other such buildings are located.

"So what kind of armor do you have in mind master, will you go for full mage with a magic robe or stick with the usual adventurer model?"

Hearing that I start thinking about the benefits and losses, if I go full mage my magic attack, control and casting speed increase, since armor of a quality by good is always enchanted or bejeweled, obviously my previous gear had none of that, since it was of poor.

"I'll probably stick with a combination of both styles due to the fact that I can't rule out physical combat entirely."

Responding to Sif who continues to lean on my head, we continue walking down one of the streets and slowly things start to fill up, I guess it's about time for the adventurers to return.

"Wait there, if you're a mage how did you manage to avoid my attacks in such a confined area?"

Ekaterina speaks from my right side asking something quite strange, she said all the casters I've seen have high physical stats, although I've never seen a mage taking a few fist blows against another, maybe they have high stats, but don't know how to use them.

"I mainly used <boost> to increase my physical stats and, since I've worked as an adventurer in a physical attack position, I knew how to move."

He clutched his heart as if he had been shot with an arrow in a very exaggerated style, truth be told, what happens to these brothers sometimes they are very unexpressive and sometimes they explode in expression.

"I understand, a ghost has beaten me in physical movements... I have disappointed my class."

"that I'm not a ghost!

"you are!"

"Come on already shut up, they're looking at us like we're freaks!"

With Sif's words coming out in an exasperated tone, I come out of the trance that is fighting in words with her, I don't know what's wrong with me, the only thing I can think is that it must be because of the elemental opposites that make us react like this.

"Yes, you're back master, I have a doubt that happens in this city and I'm not talking about political things, but because the leaves of the trees don't fall".

"why would the leaves of palm trees fall off?"

After processing Sif's words which are obviously in code so as not to say that in the desert she goes bald and ignoring Ekaterina's words which are the most obvious answer, he sent a message to Sif mental version, come on I who know what's going on with this city and besides why do we have a system if you don't ask her those questions.

"You are a lazy master, don't look at me like that it's for the record."

Moving on from Sif's words and Ekaterina's doubts, since she didn't understand what the conversation was about, at last we reach the main street of the production area, in it the heat is almost palpable, even more than in other areas, from the sides you can hear the constant sound of metal being beaten and molded, as if this were not enough there are a few half-naked, burly and sweaty men running back and forth for the start of the workday.

"Nothing better than the sound of hard work and the heat of the elements, come on follow me I'll take you to my favorite blacksmith."

Upon entering this area, Ekaterina's excitement suddenly reaches the clouds, so much so that all feeling of discomfort disappears and she shoots off into an unfamiliar place.

"Come on master, there's no time to waste!"

With Sif's words we follow Ekaterina who guides us through back streets and alleys, until we reach a store secluded from the general public's view, followed by this Ekaterina knocks the door to the side and bursts in.

* Shot

Followed by a gunshot and some strange screams, Ekaterina comes out of the store again and signals for us to enter.

"Are you sure about this master, I don't want to be an accomplice to a murder and more in a new city".

"stop the exaggeration Sif"

Finishing those words I move towards the door that is off the hinges and entered the store, it was a mess, things lying everywhere from swords, spears, maces, etc. On other sides there are mannequins with armor that are also lying around and one or another armor on the floor, in addition to this mess there is an almost absolute smell of wine that completely permeates the place, the only thing that is in place is a U-shaped bar that has a door behind it.

"What's wrong with you girl, I already told you you're not coming in at noon."

Coming out from behind the bar is a burly man beyond any human I have seen in this area, the next thing that strikes me is his unkempt beard, his short stature that seems to barely reach about 1.45cm, and by the way the smell of wine is coming out of him.

"I have a guest and he needs a few things, so who better than you my personal gunsmith to help him."

"I already told you I'm not your personal gunsmith, besides I don't work for free."

As Ekaterina completely ignores the man and begins to search through the trash or equipment as seen, at that she used the system to look in more detail at this man's stats.


Hp 5,000/5,000 Mp 1,200/1,200 Gender: male

Level: (not marked as enemy)










Skills:<advanced blacksmithing> <rune inscription><enchantment> <fire control><earth control> <gigantism>.

This is the first time I've seen someone from another race, either since I've had the system or since before, I guess it's time to ask the system to see what's going on here.

This is last Wednesday's chapter, due to exams I have not been able to be up to date, hopefully next week it will be fixed.

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