
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 5 dreams

Chapter 5 dreams

The looting was successful all in all, many useful things were found such as.

[water vessel +3]

[bone bow +2]

[bone sword +3]

[bone arrow +10]

[wolf skin +2]

[miscellaneous clothes +10]

Those were the most important things and more so now that I find myself unarmed in this kind of place, there were horrible things, scattered around the city, from corpses lying on the street which was where the weapons came from to the poor bastards who were tied up in a chair in their houses, I don't even want to know or think about what they made them see or do.

With everything looted, I begin to prepare for the next trip. This one will be to the nearby woods where I hope to finish with all these wolves and finish the mission, Before that I have to check my new equipment.

[bone sword (one hand)]

[optimal requirements:(5 Dexterity/8 Strength )

[quality:(green=normal)] [quality:(green=normal)]

Description:a sword created from the bone of a northern creature, due to its rough processing it is relatively unreliable.

[bone bow (two-handed)]

[optimal requirements:(8 dexterity/5 strength).

[quality:(white=trash)] [quality:(white=trash)]

Description:A bow created from bones and sinew of beasts that prowl the north, due to the lack of techniques, it is primitive and crude.

"System what's that about requirements, I won't be able to use weapons."

This was really important, I don't want limitations from the system. With that question asked I start moving towards the house closest to the forest to spend the night and rest my mind.

"No, he just wants to show what attributes you need to use it to its fullest. Obviously, it is recommended that you follow these warnings when facing a relic."

That was good news, a new feature of the system. With that I go inside the last house I visited, it was very simple and it wasn't for its lack of a door, it didn't have anything particularly important, a single bed on the back wall, a simple kitchen and a bucket for that.

With everything arranged I start to take things out of the inventory such as water pots, meat, everything necessary for a simple meal and to bed.

Dark, only darkness managed to see. My hands and legs do not move and the system does not respond to my questions, in this strange situation a blinding light is created.

Again, with my senses at the ready, managed to see a city, but not any was very different from what I have managed to see in this line of work. Its wide streets, clean and tidy on its sides houses are created from bricks and its orange tile roofs, all perfectly ordered and planned to look perfect no matter from where.

Through this exquisite city move a few hundred inhabitants, they are like ants. They waste no time, they move without room for error, polite and clean, they can only be called perfect.

It's beautiful, the ultimate creation, there is no dead time, people do not make chaos, there is only order, it's hahaha it's hahaha IT'S BEAUTIFUL!


[mental corruption at 10%]

[mental corruption at 28%]

There was a sound like campaigns playing in my mind, but it doesn't matter compared to this situation. Liquids were coming out of my eyes, they were tears from seeing this perfection. In this situation that I was just admiring the city in my eyes, a multitude of lines start to appear, all of them of different colors. Red between lovers, green between families and all of them encompassed in a golden line.

Black... Black... WHY IS THERE A BLACK! An abysmal rage swallowed up all reasoning and thoughts, my eyes are drawn to a black thread floating in the wind.

[mental corruption 34%]

[mental corruption 51%]

[expulsion by force of memory]


With rapid, choppy breaths I find myself pulling myself off the bed with sweat soaking my body.

"What the fuck was that! System what was that!" with a few shouts first and then calmly asked the system what just happened.

"What you just saw were memories from the previous user. These are usually locked at the beginning to avoid certain problems that may occur."

He replied as I get up from the floor and start to wash my face with the water from the pot, as I warm up yesterday's food now I speak again.

"System memories of your previous user."

"You could say yes, but that would be a mistake, as I am version 2.0. They are the memories of the permission of destiny, its previous owner, your ancestor was a very controlling man in his last centuries, he only wanted PERFECTION and nothing else."

With the food already warm I start to eat and I notice something very strange like bad, that is, the sky is open and there is no snow storm.

"What do you mean by perfection.''

"Permission consumed him, he turned every empire that worshipped him into a region separate from the world itself and its rules, he made himself the creator of the rules just to satisfy his thirst for control. This would not please the gods who lived on that continent and were worshipped in that empire at all."

While telling a story in a sort of narrator type voice, I start sending everything to inventory as I leave the house.

"So what happens next?"

"I don't know, that thing was no longer a user since it separated that empire from the continent and was completely consumed by fate."

Looks like my ancestor was a rogue, wait it's rogue? The important thing now is to finish off those wolves and avoid the moon.

"System when will the silver moon fully come out?"

That's what I fear well, we all fear it, it's the moon that represents the silver age, an era that was catastrophic for the gods. Even now you notice the weakness of the sacred the 5 days that the other two moons are not containing it.

"According to your memories you have 5 days left in which the two moons (golden and iron) will be in their full phase, and the silver moon will begin to appear until full on day 6 which will be the time of most dark power there will be."

Then the mission will have to be done quickly, I don't want to be here alone for those 5 days of chaos.