
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 30 madness

Chapter 30 madness

"Ha ha ha ha come bitches."

Swinging her now pure iron whip, the heads separate from the bodies, I don't know if it's because of the edge or the weight of that thing.

Even with Vanessa's total personality change this didn't look favorable at all, most of the melee soldiers have thrown themselves at the mansion and here only the ranged ones remain.

Swinging my sword in a diagonal slash, I split the one lunging in my direction in two and followed by this slash I turn around thrusting my sword into the heart of another, only for my sword to be embedded in their flesh and that gives time for them to approach me.

"They have already stopped being human, attack to kill in one blow, that is, crushing their skull or separating the head from the body, if you can't do this just set out to slice their body as fast as possible."

Those tips, truth be told, I don't want to know where they originate from, personal reminder, do not travel to the federation des Europe.

"Thank you for the advice"

"You're welcome~"

Followed by his words, the whip made a 360° turn wiping out everyone who came near us, it was an amazing control, it bends, turns and stabs everything just with a flick of its wrist.

"System your status"


Hp 100%/100% Mp 0/0













Description:basic ghoul created from a normal man, his lack of stats makes up for it with his amount of Vitality due to this he is perfect cannon fodder.

15 minutes later.

It was a close battle, at least until some of the melee soldiers returned, in the end I took a defensive position around Vanessa and took care of the ones that got past her mid range whip.

"It's done!"

"You're right!"

Who responds to my words is a voice that is still excited, but already under control, if it was the mage Vanessa knowing that I turn around and scan her with my eyes.

That before I didn't have the balls to look at her, well yes, oh come on a loli of about 1,50cm handling a whip that looks like she came out of a horror movie plus her maniacal smile, that was a traumatizing image.

"Vanessa! If we knew each other better I'd hug you, but nope."

"How bad did things go after you equated me with the beast cutter?"

"Bad? Oh, nothing like that, let's just say you had become more... Intense."

I'm not going to tell her that she turned into a psycho bitch that might give me nightmares, she still had her kind of beauty, that crazy wait no! A wise man once said:never stick your dicks in a crazy woman and I will follow his words.

"Intense... I like her, whatever we are moving towards the main forces because there is no time to lose, we must act before the vampires escape from Polovina."

Saying that we move towards the front lines, along the way are multitudes of small and large bonfires of corpses, ghouls, humans and vampires, all burning equally.

Already arriving at the center of the battlefield where the two armies clashed, now there stand multiple tents, carts, modern artillery, which L.36.3, mortars and even a howitzer, this is normal in these times that good governor does not have his weapons to attack other cities.

"Wow this now looks like a real army".

"sad, but necessary, now it only remains to finish with this plague of vampires in the region, by the way how good they are at controlling the undead"

Who is speaking to us is the nun Yis, by the way it seems she hasn't even mussed her hair, was the Lord of this city so weak.

"She knows"

"I know!"

Where is this conversation going, most likely they use corpses to create undead for their armies, a tactic widely used around these parts.

"OK, now you both know."

Followed by his words he threw towards me a dark colored book, its cover of a sturdy black leather, on its spine are carved violet runes and its leaves are of a moldy white color.

"What you hold in your hands is a dark tome, it will allow you the creation of undead."

Oh wow, what a detailed explanation.

"System do the honors."

[Dark tome]

[Optimal requirements:(5 intelligence)


effect:creates a certain amount of undead according to the amount of mana placed in the tome, 10mp/100mo/1000mp.

Description:a mass production tome, using dark mana and death energy, creates multiple forms of undead.

After casting it, Yis went straight to one of the tents and if it was the biggest one probably the command tent.

"Well, I guess it will be my job this to guide you through the use of the tome."

Listening to Vanessa's words we move towards the Bonfires of human bodies, ghouls and 1 or 2 vampires, on our way we meet more people carrying the same tome and going in the same direction.

"We have arrived, well, just put your mana in the tome and let him do the rest."

"what kind of explanation is that!"

While looking at Vanessa like "what the fuck kind of explanation is that", a man arrived with a cart where there are some boxes full of blue potions, avoiding my gaze. Vanessa takes off running towards the potions.

"Ha ha ha ha there is no explanation Nea, it's just magic, put mana inside the tome and it will come out of it, simple right?"

"Sure, pass some of those potions."

They were... normal, at best no taste or smell, nothing to differentiate them from normal water only with blue color.

After about 58 potions that don't feel like drinking water, since when they enter the body they go from a liquid state to an unknown one and with Vanessa looking at us like she was a freaking monster we stood in a circle next to the others.

"At 3 o'clock we activate the ability or tomos all together, we must make the most of the death energy of the place."

With a woman's words finished, I start listening to the countdown.

"1,2, y ¡3!"

Hearing the 3, I move all my mana to the tome in my hand, followed by that the dark mana in the vicinity starts to swirl due to the amount of people and pale grey energies rise from the corpses.

<raise undead>


Due to the amount of people casting a spell of the same type, the very mana in the area became visible to everyone's eyes, at that I get the mana drop, that is, my feet became like jelly and my pale skin became even paler, Oh god everything is spinning.

"Oh come on come here, seriously you've taken it so literally you've crammed all your mana into the tome."

Feeling Vanessa's words on my right side, the next thing I feel is her hug if you can call it that, as her height barely does reach my chest.

"Wasn't that what I was supposed to do? By the way, you're ugajhs."

Before I could finish my words, he caught a mana potion in my mouth.