
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 3. Wolf

Chapter 3


With my skills assigned and my equipment in order, I move towards the village for supplies of food, water and even a new cloak. Besides, the wolves go there

"System what your most useful functions are."

"Everything is useful to the user, but considering your question it's the four cores of the system. Statistics, analysis, ADH and inventory."

I guess so, as I walk through this place that never changes at last I notice a small slope, already getting closer, I managed to see the remains of the village. 4 houses are completely burned, the old fence is thrown down and the rest of the houses have broken doors and remains of fights.

I take the map out of my eyes and start to go down, already in the vicinity I found the only inn in the village. A completely wooden house with two floors, a simple thatched roof and no windows due to the heavy storms that hit this area.

Creating a ball of light magic, it doesn't even count of skills, as everyone can create it thanks to everyone having mana.(-1mp)

I start walking into the building, inside was the typical reception room with four overturned long tables, an already destroyed and looted bar, plus a couple of corpses belonging to the two elderly innkeepers.

Moving through all the trash lying around, food on the floor and blood stains I approach the bar to loot what I can, well it wasn't much, but at least something is.

[Bottle of low quality wine +2]

[Water vessel +1]

[Dried meat +3]

With that in my inventory, I head for the door leading to the back room. It's a bigger mess in here, as they keep the weather warm with mana stones, causing all the natural food to rot before it arrives.

How do they have natural stuff in this place? Simple, the land of hysteria is absolutely rich, vegetables and fruits grew all over the place before the so called kingdoms existed and beat each other to a pulp.

"ha..." letting out a sigh at the fond memories coming over hysteria from my heritage.

I make my way to the chamber where the hunted is stored, opening the heavy door used to keep out the heat of the kitchen. An aberrant sight presents itself in front of my eyes, inside the room are the bodies of frozen 6 to 10 year old children and if it is any clue the door has small scratches on it as if they were fingernails.

This was not new, in these days where kingdoms fight each other the population is the most important thing, older than 10 serve as slaves and under 6 can be indoctrinated. In between those 2 there is only death, only girls are saved from this law, but their fate is much worse.

"Shit!", with a slam of the door I close the cold room, it seems that the inherited memories have affected me more than it seemed.

With a hint of hatred for this era filled with cruelty and wars, I leave the back room starting my journey upstairs.

Upstairs there are only different rooms for rent. The doors are ripped off, there are traces of blood here and there, well this was totally expected, so I set off on my looting trip just to get this.

[Vessel of purified water +2]

[Throwing knife +4]

[Reserve bread +6]

That was it, the water I got from bathing someone, they stopped him before he could bathe, the knives are useless against the thick skin of the beasts and the bread is like a gift from heaven, hard yes, but edible too.

With all this done, I head downstairs again, and on my way out I take a last look at the bar.

Once outside, I start walking towards the next house. This one is further away, since it was the formal village, you know that travelers were not very welcome.

Already arrived in the vicinity of a house, I am struck by the stupidity of my choice to turn off the map. Out of the shadows jumps a wolf about three feet tall and two feet long, its dirty white fur outlining its emaciated appearance from lack of food.

Showing an absurd reaction, I roll across the snow, managing to dodge the wolf. This one hits the wooden house head on shattering the fragile wall, pulling out my trusty bow I tighten the string and apply some mana on the arrow.(-5mp)


With the air being scratched, the arrow impacted right into the forehead of the canine marked its end, or so I thought, out of the house it went as if nothing.

"System what's going on here, open your status".


Hp 70/100% Mp 20/20



Race:Snow Wolf (reinforced)









Oh, come on a wolf has faith and I don't, however on his way out, he raised his head and tried to howl. Quickly pulling out another arrow and placing it in the bow, he shot straight for the throat.(-8mp).

"a... Aghh!"

As I rolled from the pain in my throat, he threw me onto him with my sword in hand. With a horizontal cut to his jugular, I ended his life.

It was easy, too easy for my liking and it's not because of my new class.

"Your hesitancy is noticeable, this lack of intelligence and coordination among peers. It has been created due to contamination by the relic, they still maintain their basic instincts."


[Wolves killed 1/13]