
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 13 last day 2

Chapter 13 last day 2

I would like to say that this could not be worse, but I would be lying.

From the newly raised troops, spheres of at least 2 meters start flying, these were thrown by the 5 meter trolls and it was where the wolf corpses were, all compressed.

Boom! Boom!

With dull thuds and then a number of scattered bones, the spheres began to fall on the city and the walls if the shots on this are a start.

"Captain multiple hits on the city, we follow the plan or send more men over there."

At this moment of disarray, a soldier appears asking about whether to follow the plan or not, interesting thing it seems they have a backup plan.

"The plan stands, the adventurers along with the soldiers keeping order in the city will take over."

With that said he begins to look to the sides and relay orders for defense, which is difficult as the blizzard has reached the city.

"Looks like this got overcomplicated if not acted upon at least a little."

Finishing saying those words to himself, he unsheathed his sword possessing less aura with a deep breath, small pebbles the size of sand began to appear in the surrounding wind, their silver color proving their identity.

"system what is this happening?"

As I ask about this change in the vicinity, I again aim my bow now at something much more challenging, namely the leader.

"This you feel is intent, anyone who can be called strong manages to create this easily."

The arrow hit his shield directly, then what had happened before happened, multiple spikes rising from the ground impaling those near him.

"Oh shit."

Taking a quick turn to the right, managed to see that those close to my position didn't fare so well, the arrow boy was tarnished into a pillar of solid ice along with three others.

"Sif, are you okay?"

"Yes, but if you want you can let me know when you do something like that."

Rising up from the cold ice floor, yes because the damn wall is solid ice, I start to see that those poor guys are not the only ones impaled, as every second more join them, at that he managed to notice that the white sand now forms a dome over the city and started to spread out towards the wall.

"Now, following my explanation, intention is a phenomenon that is created when a strong person has very intense thought or ideas, these spread out into the world giving rise to these isolated phenomena."

"Intention is also the cause of the creation of new creatures or relics, for this you need an extremely strong person like an envoy or many people, as many as there are in the central continent."

Interesting information as I am about to die, at that there start to be shouts from all sides of the walls, not of chaos but of orders coming.

<imbue fire><area damage> <continuity>.

With those chants, from the cannons multiple flaming shots were launched, you are upon impacting the now snowfield below they expanded and continued to burn thanks to the mana in the air.

"I don't want to say anything, but you don't have to charge the leader to stop this situation."

"Relax, this is completely under control, think of it as practice to separate the chaff from the wheat and keep the cream of the crop for ourselves."

I guess this was coming, whatever I'm just here for the experience, I'm not stupid enough to say this is wrong, at that I reposition myself with the bow.

"System to all this, undead also give experience, I mean, if I've already killed them and they come back to life, I can kill them again for the experience."

"Yes, they are different types of beings in their core when they are alive than when they are dead, the only difference is if you revive them thus giving 0 experience."

Well, I guess I can't expect more than that, with that out of my mind I make a plan, I've already damaged the leader... Well, I hit him, so there's exp for damage, the thing is now I must use the last 3 arrows with the biggest benefits in mind, you have to champ the big groups and hit them right where it hurts.


Let's go where these priests come from, already with my bow in hand, I run into these priests giving blessings in the area, over the weapons.


Already with the bow loaded, he let the arrow go out in full group of enemies, easy thing to do, since there are the dead and the living, all piled up.

[Lvl +1]

Seriously a single level, this just won't do, with those thoughts I grabbed the shoulder of the gunner on my right.

"You can help me here."

"sure, what do you need"

Oh, what a good man not like a certain wolf who I say needs to be stronger and goes off to kill those who sneak into the wall.

"I need you to apply area damage and continuity."

Sif's point of view.

I had left the master alone there, well yes come on he is already big and knows how to take care of himself, the thing is that since the master told me about the system, he himself has unlocked this.


Hp 200/200 Mp 1000/1000


Level:1 0/100










Abilities:<ice claw><camouflage>.

Description:a relic born from the worship of the northern wolves, its high intelligence is a sign of the vast amount of knowledge that its long eras of worship have brought it.

Chan, Chan!!!, yes I have unlocked the system and also its voice, thing that surprised me the first time, come on suddenly someone speaks in your mind and thinks you are crazy.

"System, well... He just killed and won levels right?"

As I ask again about its functions, my hunt for those who managed to climb the wall begins, taking a more efficient form of about 2 meters and my camouflage, now I go after them.

"Yes, all the same just kill and level up, this is available, since you are connected to their soul."

"In heart and soul you mean."

Oh went silent, with that finished begins my hunt on the walls on the left, in these places there is not so much order let's say, every now and then spiders about 2 meters climb the wall and take with them an unfortunate soldier.

"Shoot, shoot!"

Well they are doing poorly the truth, from the wall you notice an already dead troll climbing from this one, the first prey it must be said.


Placing its already rotten hand on the ice that makes up the wall, the creature tried to climb if it tried, since my ice claw hit it right where it rests.

Boom! Boom!

Without waiting for any signal, the cannons fired directly at it, resulting in an explosion of black blood and already rotting organs all over the place.

[+500 exp]

[amount of exp due to damage caused]



Nothing better than a job well done and rewarded, at that managed to see that the soldiers started to point towards me.

"I'm a relic, lower your weapons."

"Sir do we let her go or not?"

My word is worthless or what, you should worship me you ungrateful bastards.

"According to Madame Sofia, she is the relic of a friend."

What friend, that thieving cat how dare she say he is her friend, heh heh heh heh I won't tell her bitch because that would be attacking some friend's descendants, wait I already said they are all slaves, Oh well how awkward.

"Then I'm off then, you're welcome by the way."

"He... Thank you?"

I don't know if he said thank you because I saved him, or just because of what he thought I said, you're welcome for his confirmation, whatever it is I won't save him anymore.

With that little unforeseen already out, begins my complete way around the walls, that was easy to throw some here to others there, in that I climb two more levels, well is that only the trolls and spiders manage to climb the walls, they give a lot of exp.

In that long trip around the wall, in the back part, that is to say, in the opposite part of where the master is, I have found something beyond what I expected.

It was tall and not something like 3 or 4 meters, that thing was about 10, its head remains on the wall, its skull resembling an elk with two pairs of horns, its body black and long leaving its ribs visible thanks to the skin paid to the bone, its fingers were elongated and thin.

"what is that?"


Hp 100/100% Mp 0/20












Abilities:<cannibalism><madness> <wish amplifier>.

Description:a wendigo who has devoured multiple corrupted beings, this has resulted in zero intelligence, his Agility and Dexterity have been diminished by his large size, unusual for wendigo.

"I'm going to need some upgrades."

With that said, I stand back as the soldiers on the wall fire at him, others are already under his effect and have started doing nasty things.


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