
The Normal Type Champion

This is the story of Norman and how he grew in the world of Pokemon with his normal typed team... In the first chapter it will be a little slice off life in this world (our world), we will be substituting to the world of Pokemon really quickly so no worries! I deleted all old chapters and have spent multiple hours rewriting the concept of this story and feel a lot more happy about it. Let me know how you feel when they upload tomorrow. -YourGramps-

yourgramps · Anime & Comics
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Waking up in my sofa...NO IN THE POKEMON WORLD

Wauw what a good nap that was, which I had truant instead of slaking so I could slack off whenever I wish to do so. Oh wow imagine if the ability we imagine as truant is just a large hoax to be able to be lazy from the slaking line. Well I would love to study about that if I ever got the chance, that would be so much more interesting compared to studying for a biology major and doing some zoo work on the side.

I guess I should probably wake up, it is getting way to late and it is Pokemon marathon on nickelodeon, maybe I can catch the last few episodes if I hurry up...Wait I don't remember going to bed last night? Sooo why am in a bed with this weird nightgown?

'Ah Norman Maple': finally awake I see said a person in a doctor's outfit. 'I am sorry sir but what happened, where am I and how did I get here?!', I responded with clear confusion in my voice. And now that I think about it why did he call me Norman Maple, is this some anime intended joke with my name? Normally I am all for those kind of jokes but I am kind of stressed at the moment. The doctor looked worryingly in my direction and whispered some words while scribbling in his papers before responding to me that I am in the Hoenn Regional hospital as my town got raided by Pokemon.

Everything after that was kind of a haze to me as I was getting hit by a lot of memories, all of which most certainly weren't my own. No they were the real Norman Maple's memories, at least up until he was seven years old. I remembered now we lived in a little town, my parents were breeders for professor Birch. Their farm was quit far from the town and they bread the Hoenn starters along with a vast variety of normal type Pokemon.

And then the horrors of the Pokemon raid hit me like a brick, so much blood and dead Pokemon everywhere. The town people were fighting of the raid until unexpectedly a king level Fearow along with his flock joined the fray and just started slaughtering all the town people's Pokemon. I or Norman got hit by the aftereffect of a stray hyper beam and passed out right there. I think he probably died and I took over. The real question is why am I here? Did I die? But I was healthy I had no physical problems as I was quit sportive despite my laziness. No it had to be something else come on think Norman, you were sitting in the couch eating instant noodles and watching Pokemon. Did you choke on noodles like some stupid protagonist? No no definitely not...

Oh no I didn't turn of the gas that is why started feeling so tired at 8 o'clock. Damn that is stupid and there were so many warnings on the news about CO-poisoning too. Well guess I didn't have that much to live for anyway...my mother and father both died due to a crazy bomber. My little sister got raped and killed herself after. At least in this live I have parents, it is really weird I am feeling the feelings of the old Norman, both of them so I guess our souls mixed or something.

Anyway enough thinking I guess I should start planning for the future and figuring out where my parents are at. What kind of team do I want? Do I go by the route of the gym leader with his Slakings and Vigoroths? No no this world is too dangerous for that i need a more flexible team although I will stick with normal typed Pokemon as I know them best and my parents know a lot about them too as they bread with them.

An hour or so later I had most of my team planned out, and the doctor walked in so i asked him weather he could contact my parents. The doctor told me they were underway and would get here any moment now.

As the doctor finished saying those words two people came rushing in their faces filled with worry. I recognized them instantly, they were my very own mother and father. Their names are Duke and Maria, apparently my father was a very strong trainer before he met my mother and had me as a baby. He stopped immediately and settled down, this doesn't mean he stopped training no not in the least. He is an absolute powerhouse, he has a team of normal type Pokemon with a Snorlax as his cornerstone.

My mother rushed up to me and absolutely smothered me with her hug. She is an absolute beauty with long brown hair, brown eyes and an absolutely perfect body. She cried as she told me she was so sorry for leaving me there undefended and that they would never leave me alone again. Dad confirmed that as he said we would move near the farm so my parents their Pokemon could protect me at all times.

I promised my parent I was fine and had little to no pain anymore and that we wouldn't have to move, but they were adamant on the matter. My mother later told me there was nothing left of our little town and I was one of the few survivors. The doctor came back in twenty minutes later and told us I had to stay for another week. A week of doing nothing but lazing around in a bed maybe thinking a little more deeply on which Pokemon I would try to find. Sounds nice to me in my last life I could laze on the couch doing nothing for even longer than that just playing around with my competitive team in my head, but I guess the merging got me a little more active.

During the week my parent visited every single day, it was very clear they love me a whole lot. One day when they visited they wanted to talk about the raid and I told them I felt really weak as those Pokemon walked all over our town. I could do absolutely nothing but run, and fear for my life. My mother was worried hearing everything I said, so I thought I could emotionally blackmail her into letting me train and learn all about Pokemon.

'Mom', I said nervously. 'Yes honey what is the matter you can ask me anything you know that right', she said. 'Can I learn about Pokemon and start raising my own Pokemon so I do not feel weak anymore?', I said. My father instantly agreed and began naming all kinds of Pokemon ranging from Snorlax to Drampa and all other kind of dangerous Pokemon, not noticing the darkening look on my moms face, he even proposed getting me a slaking. At that moment my mom absolutely lost it and smacked him on the head and told him he would be sleeping on the couch for the rest of the month.

While my father was sulking and not understanding what he did wrong, my mother turned to me with a stern face and said: 'You think you are ready to train a Pokemon? You are seven years old and although you study a lot you only ever learned anything about the Slakoth line. Therefore I have decided I will let you raise a Slakoth as they are absolutely not aggressive and pretty easy to raise if you do not provoke them. As I was about to start thanking her she only made the deal better when she said that I would have to study about making Pokemon food and help in making the Pokemon food for all Pokemon on the farm and learn how to train a Pokemon properly from my dad to my absolute delight.

I know a lot of chatter this chapter but we will soon start seeing some action.

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