
The Normal Type Champion

This is the story of Norman and how he grew in the world of Pokemon with his normal typed team... In the first chapter it will be a little slice off life in this world (our world), we will be substituting to the world of Pokemon really quickly so no worries! I deleted all old chapters and have spent multiple hours rewriting the concept of this story and feel a lot more happy about it. Let me know how you feel when they upload tomorrow. -YourGramps-

yourgramps · Anime & Comics
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some general information on pokemon power level

first off we have the Pokemon power levels.

Baby stage--->newly born Pokemon (lvl 1)

Novice rank--->trained but very weak Pokemon (lvl 1-15)

Intermediate rank--->strong beginning level trainer (15-25)

Advanced rank--->experienced Pokemon lots of Pokemon stay stuck at this level! (25-40)

Pseudo king stage--->strong Pokemon which have a lot of control over their power (40-50)

King stage--->the main defense of smaller towns like where our mc lived (50-60)

Champion stage--->main team of the stronger Pokemon trainer like gym leaders and elite four (60-70)

Emperor stage--->strongest pokemon of the strongest trainers of a league (70-85)

Legendary stage--->unknown power level and unknown how to reach no trainer at this level at the moment (85-?) similar to natural disasters.

Trainer levels

novice--->cannon fodder--->advantage=you are allowed to use league facilities

intermediate--->slightly stronger cannon fodder with one badge--->advantage=you have a 10% discount in league facilities

advanced--->three Pokemon at advanced level--->advantage=you have a 30% discount and can fly over small towns, disadvantage=you have to participate in raid defense if called upon!!!

elite--->corner stone of your team at king stage+3 Pokemon at pseudo king--->advantage= 50% discount to all league facilities + flying permission over medium sized town + gets rule over a platoon in raid

Champion--->Strongest trainers publicly known to the public with all Pokemon in champion level and some have one in emperor stage

Emperor--->The core of a region--->Multiple emperor level Pokemon--->maybe some even close to legendary level

I thought this was very hard to write so if you have any questions feel free to ask in comments!!!

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