

charles_echeta · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I have always been too invisible to everyone, especially girls, so I have never thought of having a girlfriend. I don't bother myself about that kind of thing. I don't see myself having a girlfriend right now because it isn't worth it.

Even when a girl shows interest in me, I do everything possible to make her lose interest(even it means me using my powers).

For example: Back wen i was in junior school, there was a girl, Summer, that approached me one time and said she had a huge crush on me and she wanted me to be her boyfriend. I was surprised because I didn't stand out socially, never showed myself in class and sports was the worst thing I could do, yet she said all this.

I told her there was no way I could be her boyfriend. Personally, she is alright I just didn't see myself dating because I felt it would be weird. I didn't even understand the conditions to have feelings and have a girlfriend.

The moment I turned her down she started crying, it was so embarrassing and everyone started looking at me with cold stares. I felt like disappearing, then I remembered " Hey I have powers". So I simply wiped everyone's memory of today. I also wiped Summer's memory of me so that this incident wouldn't repeat itself ever again. After I did this I kept my head low(so low I felt like I didn't even exist). It worked though, nobody ever told me they liked me again.


Today is our Physical Checkup. This is done on the first semester of every new level. As year one students this is our first one. Year three and two already did theirs last week and the week before that. It is a mandatory process so everyone must do it.

It was scheduled to begin 08:00am so by 07:30 we were already gathered at the school's field getting ready and doing stretches. By 08:00 sharp, our PE teacher had gotten to the field to prep us with details on how the checkup is to take place.

" Hello everyone. Mr name is Mr Johnny Test and I am your PE teacher. I'm also the one to conduct the physical checkup. We will do series of physical tests to see how fit you are and the results will help us know how we can develop you in the future. So without any further a do, we will start with the ball throw. This is an electric ball that measures the distance its been thrown. This is how I will know how long you can throw. I will follow the attendance record to call you, please once you are called just do your thing while I'll record and call the next person. So let's begin.

He starts calling us one by one and we start throwing the ball. The ball actually measures the distance covered which is super dope. Big shout out to technology, we are really doing things in this world. OK back to the ball throwing.

Times like this I have to be very careful not to expose my powers. I have super strength and superspeed. The last time I threw a ball it went to space. SPACE!!! I bet if that was an electric ball it would say infinity. I wouldn't want to make that mistake here. So what I do is suppress my powers to the level of an average kid. "Mitch Reynolds, its your turn". I walk towards my teacher and collect the ball from him.

So far the highest the ball have been thrown is 128 metres and that was by Bilski, the most athletic guy in our class. He is 6'4 monster that can do almost anything(this guy would be the result of captain america and Black widow having a kid).

With the ball in my hand I take a form and throw the ball as far as I could( or should I say I pretended to). When I went to pick the ball I checked the ball for the distance it covered, it was 65m(just what I was aiming for). I gave it to my teacher to record it. I took off my block ring to read everyone's mind for their reaction.

" He got 65. That's super low"...Alright, his distance is a bit lower mine. Now I won't be the lowest". That was all I was hearing from some of them, the rest didn't even care( also what I was aiming at). That was how other tests were going. I under perform and no one cares, also I maintain an average rating.

It was time for the 100m run. Most of them finished 12seconds. The runners were hitting 8seconds. The wussies were hitting 20-30 seconds. Our sport god, Bilski finished in 5.7seconds. Things were going well for him, plus he is hot so he got most of their attention.

Finally, we were to round up with the gymnastics test. That was when the hottest girl in our class, Annabel, wanted to show off her flexibility. She is also a cheerleader and the captain of the gymnastics team so she got this in the bag. While she was "PERFORMING", the guys were ogling at her and the girls were cheering her on.

"Yes my dear slaves, marvel at my awesomeness. Be wowed and impressed at the beautiful queen that leaves everyone speechless". That was her thought as she was busy with the swings. Damn! This girl be fooling herself. I felt weird reading her thoughts because she thinks weird.

While swinging around, she looks towards me where I was standing and sees that I wasn't watching her and jumps down from the swing. While she was being applauded, she just left her admirers and approaches me.

"Huh, this weirdo wasn't watching me, he wasn't ogling at me like the other guys were. Is he gay? Or is he blind? Hmmm....let me get closer to see his reaction. I'll just pretend to pick the towels beside him. Maybe he would react if I get too close to him".

"Hi..... It seems all this workout has gotten me so sweaty. Can you help me with a towel?" Annabel says to me pointing to the basket full of towel. " Now, let's see how composed he can keep himself when I play mind games with him".

Like I said, she thinks weird. I don't understand what she is aiming for. I have no interest in her so why is she trying hard to get my reaction. She even called me a weirdo. ME!!!!!. Even if I look like one it doesn't mean that I am one. This girl is a FIEND!!

I pass the towel to her and she takes it from me and starts cleaning herself in front of me. "Oh my! My sweater is drenched with sweat. Looks like I'll have to take it off. She starts to take off her sweater seductively. " Now, start blushing and acting weird and look at me with your unclean, perverted desires oozing from you, show me your hideous form you weirdo".

"Yup, she is weird, I got to go" I say to myself and leave. "Huh, he didn't say anything. He didn't even react to what I was doing. Normally, any guy that saw me do that would blush and start talking funny and stammering, but he didn't say anything. He just left. Now worries, I'll get him next time.

We were done for the day and we all left for home. On my way to the gate I see her standing there. It looks like she was waiting for me to try something weird again to get my attention. Nahhh! I don't have time for this. I teleport home immediately. I have never seen such a weird girl in my life.